Ease, Elegance, Economy
lftj.. eAll are mbined in our SIIOKS. You Ipi Sfy'"'.'-. can saXe molleï 'n buying UI your foot M 3ÍJM wearoïus. Hundredsof people in Ann % -j ;.53 Avbor and visinity kuovv this to be a W % 3 ac 'ÜV acMa experience. " ; W Sample oí our prices: $■ '% Sa Ladies' Good Rubbers 22c. ƒ 'M II Gilt Edged Shoe Polish.. 08c. Jp .T m Gents' Fine Dress Shoes, 97c. 'W %. Men 's Feit Boots 32c. J0 sÊ? ' % Men's Rubber Boots... $2 00 J0:: :&? 'ia -A-1' other goods in proportion. No . Jp' '. .fef y matter what others may offer, we can ywiS and will do better. WM. G. REINHARDT ■■"fey JáM-g-a- -- 42 South Main S treet.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News