E. F. Mills 8 Co. 20 MAIN ST. Japanese asid Bazaar Goois -AT- 1-4 OFF to close the small balance of the stock. E. I MILLS i CO. URY COODS, )on o ■■ ■ 01 x carpets, 120 S. Mam Street CLOAKS, j NOW ( i We are altnost giving away MÏLLÏNERY AND FANCY GOODS. ] Cali and see the line of ] ii med Hats wearesellingforSl 00. i Untrimmed Hats 19c worth 75c to ' $1.00. Walking Ilats and á ors 49c worth $1.00 to $1.75. i j ing a lot of Yani at half price, ' also a lot of stamped Liueus ) third off regular price. i Mí. i is. 5. i IsÉish 70 S. Main St., Aim Arl)or, - Mich. i P. S. - Too busy to quote priees this time. J TUrkisK Toolh Pasta An Excellent Dentifrice. Only 15c AT i l ÏWÏWI lüi STOEI 17 E. Washingion St., Coruer Fourth Ave,
Ann Arbor Argus
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