Gent's Patent Leather, Cloth Top, Kazor Toe, Lace and Button, formerly $7.00, now $5.50 and $5.75. Gent's Patent Leather, Seal Top, Razor Toe, Lace, formerly $7.0#, now $5.75. Gent's Patent Leather, Cloth Top Congress, formerly $0.00, now $5.00. Geut's Patent Leather, Kangavoo Top, all Toes, Lace, formerly $6.00, now $5.25. Gent's Patent Leather, Kangaroo Top, all Toes, Lace, formerly $5.00, now $3.75. Gent's Freneh Enamel, Razor Toe, Lace, formerly $6.00, now $5.10. Gent's American Enamel, Square Toe, Lace, foroierly $5.00, now $3.75. Gent's French Calf, Extensión Solé, Razor Toe, Lace, formerly $ñ.OO ntw$4.25. Gent's Winter Tan, Heavy Sole, Razor Toe, Lace, formerly $5.00, now $t 10. Gent's Calf, Invisible Cork CJole, all Toes, Lace, formerly $4.50, now $3.7ö. All $4.00, $3.50, $3.00, $2.50, $2.00 and $1.50 Shoes at a Great Reduction. Ladies'Dongola, Lace, Paris toe, formerly - $5.00, now $3.98 " " Button, Razor and Square toe, formerly 5.00, now 3.98 " " Lace, cloth top, Tokio toe, formerly 5.00, now 4.3S ' " Button, Razor toe, welt sole, formerly 4.50, now 3.65 " " Square toe, welt sole, formerly 4.00, now 3.00 " " Lace, Razor toe, cloth top, formerly 3.50, now 2.98 " " Button, Square toe, formerly 3 50, now 2 98 " " Button, Razor toe, welt sole,formerly 3.00, now 2 50 " " Lace, Square toe, welt sole, formerly 3.00, now 2.50 " " Lace and Button, all toes, formerly 2.50, now 1.98 Cux Calf, Lace, Razor toe, formerly 3.50, now 2.98 EVeriJ Shoa ai)cfr Slipper ii) Etferi) peparti)iei)t al a Great Ieduciioi)All Misses' and Children's Shoes, Lace and Button, at Reduced Prices. Boy's and Youtlrs, Calf, Lace, Opera toe, rly $2.50 and $2.00, now $2.13 and $1.70 Boy's and Youth's, Calf, Lace, Razor toe, Formerly $2.00 and $1.75, now $1.7 i " and SI. 40 i Boy's and Youth's Seal Lace. Opera toe, Formerly $2.25 and $2.00, now $1.92 and $1.70 Boy's and Youth's Veal Calf, Lace, Opera toe, Formerly $1.75 and $1.50, now $1.49 and $1 28 Boy;s and Youth's Veal Calf, Lace, Opera toe, Formerly $1.50 and $1.25, now $1.28 and $1.07 Boy's and Youth's Veal Calf, Lace, High top, Formerly $1.75 and $1.50, now 99 cents. ÏLipj3EBLS. Gentlemens' Rubbers and Arctics -f R5cto$1.18 Ladies' Rubbers and Aretics - - - - - - 35c to 85c Misses' and Childrens' Rubbers - 20c. 25c and 32e Boy's and Youth's Rubbers ----- 35c, 40c and 4óc Remember, these Prices are only for Cash. No Goods Charged. JACOBS & AL LM AND Washington Block, Washington Street, - Ann Arbor, Mich. Don't fail tö see öur 144 Gent's Shoe. Jc J ji_ __l_ ka Want Money? oraHome? Wan jT"TeH flOeiZICj Work? ora Farm? Want to open " a store in a growing town? Want Ui" ______ to raise live stock? Want to know MeatS, Saiisages, OysterS and how to tuy improvcd farms in a Market GrOOds. VOII well settled rejrion witliout paying cash? Partirulars and publiPorter House and Sirloin Steaks a Specialty catioDs sent free by F. I. WHIT WASHINGTON MARKET. j NEY, St. Paul, Minn.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News