Say It Means War
Germany to Declare the Independence of the Transvaal.
LONDON, Jan. 9.—Dispatches received in this city since midnight from Berlin reiterate in terms which almost compel belief that it is Germany's intention to declare the independence of the Transvaal republic. London papers, just issued, credit the announcement, and they interpret it to mean war. There is great activity in marine circles, and several warships are to be put in commission at once.
It was reported here Wednesday afternoon that Dr. Jameson had been sentence by the judges at Pretoria to be shot. A similar report was circulated on Saturday last. A dispatch received here from Krugersdorp, Transvaal, says that Dr. Jameson, while in the market place, had a narrow escape from death at the hands of the infuriated Boers and that he was saved by the commandant, who declared he would shoot the first man who leveled a rifle at the Englishman.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus