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House Tariff Bill

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Senate Will Pass the Measure as Received.




Hawaiian Annexation Question Comes Up in the House with the Suggestion That the Island Be Made a New State—Meeting of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations—New Revenue Cutters for the Great Lakes—Capital Cullings.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 9.—Wolcott of Colorado, who has been absent in Europe for some months, was present in the senate Wednesday and took the prescribed oath. He was very warmly received by his associates on both sides of the chamber. Hale from the committee on naval affairs reported back favorably a bill authorizing the secretary of the navy to increase the number of enlisted men in the navy. He directed attention to the important of the bill and gave notice that he would call it up at an early day. Butler offered two amendments to the free coinage substitute for the house bond bill. The first prohibited the sale of interest-bearing bonds without the express consent of congress and the second made it mandatory on the secretary of the treasury to redeem greenbacks and treasury notes in solver as long as the market price of 412 1/2 grains of silver was lower than that of 29 1/2 grains of gold.

Moved for Early Adjournment.

At the conclusion of the morning hour Sherman moved that the senate adjourn. He explained that an early adjournment would facilitate the work of the senate (it being understood that the Republicans desired to hold a caucus) Steward requested Sherman to withdraw his motion in order to give him an opportunity to make some remarks on the financial question, but the Ohio senator declined to yield. Accordingly at 12:50 the senate adjourned. Immediately after adjournment the Republican senators went into caucus on the tariff bill. It was the general impression that the only method open to the Republicans was to pass the bill as it came from the house and that such would be the action of the caucus.

The Republican caucus, after a very stormy session, agreed to instruct the finance committee that the tariff bill be reported without amendment and passed in that form.

Annexation of Hawaii. 

The subject of the annexation of the Hawaiian island was broached in the house Wednesday by Spalding of Michigan in the form of a resolution. The resolution provided that the Sandwich islands be created into a new state to be called the state of Hawaii with a republican form of government, to be adopted by the people, through deputies in convention, with the consent of the existing government. Conditions were imposed that questions of boundary or complications with other governments be transmitted to the president to be laid before congress for its final action before Jan. 1, 1898; that all property pertaining to the public defense be ceded to the United States, but the state retain all other property and the United States be liable for none of its debts.

Resolution Referred.

The resolution proposed as an alternative that Hawaii may be admitted as a state by treaties between the two governments, with one representative in congress and proposes an appropriation of $100,000 for making the treaties. The resolution was read by unanimous consent and referred to the committee on foreign affairs. Upon his request Harrison of Alabama was relieved from service on the election committee No. 2 because his seat is contested and Bailey of Texas was appointed in his stead. Henderson of Iowa state that the committee on rules would not be able to report until Thursday and at 12:45 the house adjourned. 


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