r R. WILLIAMS, AttorneT at La? and Pension Ci&ia Attornev MIUAN, MICH. Conveyanoing and Collections. Michigan (Tenjwl " The Niágara Fells Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. TaMng Effect Nov. 24, 1895. GOING EAST. Detroit Night Ex '...5 40 a. m. Atlantic Express '..7 30 " Grand Rapids Ex 11 d5 Mail and Expresa 3 50 p. m. N. Y. & Boston Sp'l 5 00 Fast Eastern ...10 13 GOING WEST. Gd. EapidsFa't N'pa'r 2 53 a. m. Boston, N. Y. & Ch 7 30 Mail&Express 8 38 North Shore'Limited 9 25 Fast Western Ex 2 00p.m. G. 1!. & Kal. Ex 5 55 Chicago Night Ex 10 28 Pacific Express 12 15 O.W. BUGGLE8 H. W. HAYEB, G. P. T. AKont Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor. FDgg mmï. a. ruppzrt'S rilË FACE fiLEACH SSVk MME. A. RUPPE'Tr fiö says: " 1 i.upreciate tbc faot 'iW that there are m:my thmi'MjSsi sandsofladlesinthoUnited mBSsSI &ta.testli.-itw(ulüliket try Wiï myWorld-BcuownedFACE M Bleach: but have been $J kept frora doing so on acaA eountoí pric(-,whichisí2.0í Stó per bottïeór öbottlestakeu ÏMfët togethor, 5.00. In order that all of these may have an opportunity, I will give O' toevery caller, absoluttl free. a sample bottle, an.i fí(.C 27Ínordertosupplythoseout - - of eity.orinanypartof the world.lwillsend itsafely packedin plainwrapper all charges prepaid, f or 25 cents, sil ver or stamp." In everyoaspGf 4Yeekle, pimples. moth, sallowness, placKheads.acne, eczema, oiliness. roughness, or any discoloration or diseasoof tiieskin, and wrinkles (not caused by facial expression) Facb Bleach removes absoiutely. ït does not -cover up, ascosmetics do, but is acure. Address MA1AMK A,. K"ÜPPKKT,(Dept.O.) No.6 Eapt(4th St., NEW YORK CITY. . - , .Send for a Cfll n IC73 mtion of TH1S ULU ID0 KFAMousflTn üflnC! red U.l.b.üUbb MHhichwigid FOB BREEÜIRS PUfiPBSES wmwê 2806 "?" IN '894 '■WFii'St applicant from each localh ?miiir ity can have a pair on time fcncy a" L B. Silver Co., Cleveland, O. rClílphestcr" Ene:llh Diamond Brantf. # ülNYROYAL PILLS y? - Original and Only Genuine. JK - safe, alvvitvs rellattle. ladies ask fv á' í( OLSA Druiïirist for' s EnQlisli fíid JVKX íi4Q&.'"''lrr"! '" Kcd end 6"li mcuMiaVÜW n --t Kr:'lci1 ïilk b!"" lih' ■ Tafce VS' iW Rtinoolhcr Kcfusc dangr.rtms snhititif V -7 sytrtkMand1mUitiom. AtDmitgnn, oracnd4e. i , W in siamés for pnrticilliini. ti'Stimonllils and ■ V El "Relief for I.ndii," Itltcr. l.v return -X f Muil. 10,000 TestijnoniBl. Name Paper. r"OhlihcAtcrt;hiiiuicul;o.,llttHoiiS(1uiiO, Sold by all Lovial Drueslsta. Fliilodu., l'u. Pensions! If you want a Pension, or re-rating, or an nuestion anwred in Pension or Patent ase wrlte J. L. 8TAKKWEATHKK, Attornoy Borneo, Mioh, Mr. Starkwoaiher soourad ovr ten per ent of all original Pension ailowed in Miahigan for the month oí AiM, UU0; 60 allovred.Detrolt frea Proa.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News