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J "Royal," a cream of $ tartar powder of $ L superior purity and strength. S My tests show the Royal L j $ $ ening power and a most 4 ïj mendable preparation. It is a $ 't cream of tartar powder of the í J highest purity, containing no v t alum, lime, ammonia, or any J wholesome material. fy R. C. KEDZIE, ? 5 Professor Chemistry, Michigan j "ï tural College, Late State Analyst. i For a number of years past I ? have from time to time analyzed 1 J the Royal Baking Powder and f have uniformly found it to be ? j high in leavening pover, and % 'I composed of pure ingredients. f H. A. WEBER, ï Ohio State Analyst. J? í After examining samples of Í ï the leading brands of baking k (J powder I have arrived at the j? A conclusión that the Royal is k perior in purity, leavening power J and keeping qualities. It is a í cream of tartar powder, en ti rely free from alum, lime, ammonia, jL and all deleterious ingredients. $ L GEORGE S. COX, fi j& Wisconsin State Chemist. i j jft I have submitted the Royal k S Baking Powder to careful J a ical tests, and find it to be S fectly free from any substance S jft in any way deleterious or Jft J rious. h. A. HUSTON, Indiana State Chemist. 4 "$ I have analyzed all the prin$ cipal brands of baking powder w " sold in this State. Royal has !the highest leavening power, w and is composed of pure and T wholesome ingredients. No 1? other gave results so satisfactory . $ FLOYD DAVIS, I Iowa State Chemist. Il ' f ï I have made a large number ï Í of analyses of Royal Baking Y ï Powder, and have found it to L 5 be an absolutely pure cream of j? i tartar powder, entirely free from jj J ammonia and all adulterations J and impurities. In leavening ï power it is of the very highest. & CHARLES W. DREW, Late Chemist Minn. Food ' a and Dairy Commission. o L I have analyzed samples of Q the Royal Baking Powder and é, $ find it invariably composed of P wholesome ingredients and tirely free of adulteration or 6 S purities of any sort. A. W. PALMER, % Professor Chemistry t University of Illinois. ï j HOYAL ÏAK1N0 POWDER CO-, 108 WALL 8T., NEW-YORK. jÊL


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