tüeoretary Wade now has abont 2,880 stndents enrolled. The 3,000 mark will hardly be reaohed. The athletio board has engaged Remenyi, the celebrated violiuist, fora benefit concert, to be giveu Feb. 4. Gen. R. A. Alger, of Detroit, has cousented to preside at the coming jnteroollegiate debate betweea Michigan aud the nniversity of Chicago. Announcement is made of the engagement of Miss Nell Kempf, daughter of Hon. and Mrs. Kempf, to Elmer Harry Close, of Toledo, formerly a student in the university. Tbrough a mistake in a date in the announcement, college in the medical department did not begin until Wednesday instead of Tuesday.a typographical error making an eight for a seven in the date. Baseball Manager Siiields has arranged fonr games with Chicago. Two Will be played on Chicago's grouuds on May 9 and 13. A third will be played here May 20 or 21, aud the f nnrth will be the Decoration Day game at Detroit. The Glee and Banjo Clubs oleared $400 on their Christmas trip. Manager Fred Waldron is responsible in a great measure for the successful trip. At Ft. Wayne, Ind., the boys had the largest huuse that visited the opera house this season and they were given a reception in the afternoon and banquet and ball in the evening. Dr. Win. A. Campbell, of the U. of M. , has been at Bay City endeavoring to show the poor commissioner there that paupers' remains shonld be eent to themedioal school here. The Bay City commissioner has been in the habit of giving paupers decent burial aud the state law says he mustn't, but instead send them here to be dissected.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News