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Late Local Brevities

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The Finnegan blook Imilding is beirg fltted up for the Hay-Todd branch factory. John E. Travis and Wm. Biggs were elected Wednesday eveuiug trustees of the Congregational churcb for three years. Mrs. Rnth Gregory, wife of Hon. J. V. N. Gregory, died at her home in Dexter Wednesday evening, af ter a long illness. The Wornan's Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. will hold its regular monthly business meeting in the Y. M. C. A. rooms Monday, January 13th, at three p. m. The stockbulders of the Michigan Furniture Co. had a meeting Friday night. The industry declared two 3 per cent dividends last year and put a large saín in the reserve fund. The Ann Arbor Agricultural Co. elected the following offlcers Tnesday morning: President, Evart H. Scott; vice president, Frederick Schniid ; secretary and treasurer, John Finnegan ; superintendent, Eli W. Moore. Prof. Alberto Jonas, of the Conservatory of Music, has been ofïered a position to tour with Emil Sauret, the famous violinist. He will not accept. Ihis is the third fine offer to travel Prof. Jonas has had within a few months. The board of public works had an animated meeting Wednesday nigut, duriog which it is olaimed Mr. Bullis called the oity clerk a "puppy." This and a few other things occurred to mar the seremty of the occasion. Court Ann Arbor, No. 1554, I. O. F., will hold a rnbeting Monday, Jan. 20, to initiate a class of ten candidatea. State Organizer A. A. Weeks, of Grand Rapids, and H. C. R. Lee Joslyn, of Bay City, are expected to be present on the occasion. The oity expenditures for the month of December were as follows from the variousfunds:Contiugentfnnd, $1,052. - 65; street, $561.07; sewer, $370.21 ; bridge, cnlvert and crosswalk, $261.54; pólice, $265; fire, 662.25 ; water $2.985 ; poor, $336,37; total, $6,442.09. It now appears that ttin büls thonghc to have been entirely for snow scraping inclnded other services besides that and the council talk would have been saved if the street oommissionprs.whose business it is to be at council meetings, had been at the meeting Monday nighfc. Phineas A. Wilson, of Saline, claims that wbile in this city last fall he feil into the coal hole in front of the Cook house and was badly hurt. He notified conncil Monday night that the darnage to bis persou and bodily comfort amonnted to $1,000 and that he desiied a speedy settlement. A young man who is well known in the city, was fined $10 the first of the week for writing on the margin of a newspaper sent through the mails at seoond class rate. The postmaster where the paper was sent made the discovery. It behooves the general public to be careful about this postoffice rule, tuo often ignored. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" will be presen ted at the opera house Monday and Tuesday evenings, with Taesday matinee. The dramatization of Robert Louis Stevenson's really great novel was first brought out by Richard Mansfield and ever since nis stfccess in it the play has had a loyal support wherever it is acted. Remiirkable discovery - it is stated that a Republican has been fonnd in DicKinson county, ü. P., who does Dot aspire to the Repnblican gubernatorial nomination. He is a Frenchman and cannot speak English whioh very likely accounts for the peculiar fact narrated. He should at once be placed in a glass case and kept for dime museum purposes. Jiinmie Blithman, the juvenile safe robber, is again at liberty. He was sent to the reform school recently for the Harkins' hardware store robbery but the authorities there claim that he was confined there before until the age limit had expired. So it behooves Ann Arbor people to look well after the pnblic buildings lest .Timmie tucks a few into his pocket. Mrs. Sarah Burton, wife of Rev. Nathan S. Burton, died at her home in this city Wednesday morning. Mrs. Burton carne to this city from Boston two years ago, having formerly Hved here when her busband was pastor of the Baptist church. Mrs. W. W. Beman, of this city, Prof. Ernest Bnrton, of Chicago University, Charles R. Burton, a Chicago lawyer, and Prof. H. F. Burton, of Rochester (N. Y. ) university, comprise the daughters and sons left to mourn a mother's loss. Christina K., wife of Anton Schaeberle, of 32 W. Second street, died at the family residence, on Saturday afternoon, aged 77 years. The fatal disease was heart failure and the doceased was ill but 48 hours. Mrs. Schaeberle carne to this city from company with herhusbaud, in 1854. Since thdt time she been a highly esteerned woman in the comrnunity, rearíng a family of two sons and one daughter. Sufficient monument to her life is the high place the sons of her rearina; have taken in the world, one, Fred, being a professor at Sauta Anna, Cal., and ;be other, Martin, being well known in au astronomical association as professor in the oelebreted Lick observatory, California. The daughter, Miss Mary, resides at home. The greatest event of the season will )e the Great % off Sample Sale of 3hoes at the Chicago cut prioe shoe louse. 10 N. Main street.