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ANNUAL STATEMENT. For the year ending December31. A. D. 1895, of the condition and affairs of the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company, located at Ann Arbor Oity Mich., org-anized under the laws of the State of Michigan, and doing business in the County of Washtenaw, in said State. EMERY E. LELAND, President WM K. CHILÜS, Seorctary. Postofflce address of Sec'y Ann Arbor, Mich., MEMBERSHIPS. 1. Number of members Dec. 81, of prevlous year 2,890 2. Number of members added during the present year 220 3. Total 3,119 4. Deduet number of members withdrawn during the year, and polieies eaneeled by ■ reason of sale or otherwise. 125 5. Number of members now belonging to company 2,994 6. Netincrease. 95 BISKS. 1. Amount of property at risk Deo. 31, of prevlous year $ 5,276,880.00 2. Amountof risks added during present year - . 296,475,00 8. Total 5,573,355,00 4. Deduet risks eanceled, withdrawn orterminated 288,735.00 5. Net amount now at risk by Company 5,284,620. 00 6. Net increase 7,740 00 RESOURCES. 1. Cash on hand $ 150.60 2. Assessuients of past yoar uncollected 247.40 3. Nature and amount of ail other resources, the capital stock of the company upon which to make 5,284,620.00 4. Total available resources $5,285,018.00 IilABILTTIBS. 1. For losses due andpayable 3..$ 1,492.73 2. For losses not matured, $20.00; resisted, $40.00; estimated.. 60.00 3. Due or to become due for borrowed money 3.155.00 4. Nature and amount of all other claims printinir, stampedenvelopes ordered.etc 100.00 5. Total liabilities $ 4,8 7.73 RECEIPTS. 3, Cash eollected on assessmentS levied the year ï 11,893.98 2. Cash eollected on assessmentS levied in prior years 24.43 3. Cash from increased or decreased insurance 531,14 4. Cash income from all other sources, borrowed money, cempany's notes 9.105.00 5. Total cash receipts $ 21,554.55 6. Add cash balance at close preceding year 138.67 7. Total receipts $ 21,693.22 UISBÜRSKMENTS 1. Losses actually paid during the year iol' which 482.38 oecurred in prior year) $ 32,035.30 2. Salaries and fees paid offleers and directora (Schedule. A)._ 1,118.20 3. All other dlsbursemeuts, (Schedule JB; including borrowed money and interest „Paid 8,389.12 4. Cash on hand, Dec. 31, 1895. 150.60 5. Total expenses actually pata during: the year, including cash on hand Dec. 31, 1895.-$ 21,693.22 SCBKDULE A. Name of Offlcer or Director to whom paid: Amt. 1. Wm. IC. Childs, salary $ 60000 2. E E. Leiand, director 129 00 3. -Wm. Cimpbell. " 18j 00 4. John F. Spafard " 5800 5. Wm. E. Stoelung " 11950 6. Edwin Ball, " 11200 7. R.C. Raeve, auditor 490 8. .1. W. Wing, " 4 go 9. F.B.Braun, " 400 Total Scheduie A $ 1118 20 SCHEDULE B. Items of '-All ntlier Expenses." Amt. Paid 18 notes borrowed money $ 7,85000 " Intereston " " 240 13 " Office rent 5300 " Postage account _. 9767 " Printing and stationary ac, x count 4085 Incidental account 625 " All other expenses 2600 " Assespments refunded 10 " Commission and exchange 75 12 Total ScheduleB. $ 8,38912 MISCELLANEOUS QÜESTIONS. 1. How many assessmentS have been made duringr the year? Ans., One. Whatis the amount of all assessmer.ts made the yeai? Ans., $12,141.38. 3. Whiit is the rate percent, of such aspessments on the property insured? Ans., $2.30 per $1,0(10, 4. What amount of lesses are allowed to accumulate bef ore an asseesmont is levied? Ans , Losses of one year. 5. T ops the company in making: an assessment, provide therein for any surplus fund over the actual losses aecrued? Ans , Yes. If 80, how much? Ans., The estimated expenses of the year. 6. What prnportion of damage or actual loss sustained on real property does Ihe company pay? Ans,, Two-thirris. 7. What proportion of damage or actual loss sustained on personal property does the company pay? Ans., Two-thirds. State of Michigan, i ■ County of Washtenaw, f bbI, Wm. K Childs, secretary of said company, do depose and sa , that I have prepared the forogoing statement, and know thecontents thereof, and have g-ood reason to believe, and do know, said statement ta be true. Wm. K. Childs, . Secretary. Sworu and subscribed before me, at Ann Arbor, in said State and County, this 2d day of January, A. D. 1896. John E. Travis, Notary Public, Washtenaw County, Mich. KOAL ORDER YODR COAL OP :mz. staeblee. Ofkice: 11 W . Washington st,.. 'Phone No. 8 Yahds; M. C. R. R., 'Phone No. 51. WANTED HICKOBY TIMBER. I will pay $12.00 per cord, cash, for strictly first quality, second growth Hickory Butts, suitable for Axe Handles, delivered at my shop. G. W. DICKINSON YPSILA.NTI, MICH.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News