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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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E DISEASED MEN CURED K' TUnitCSMnC yonng men, middle npred men and old men can look back at S nyUuMli' O tkoir d days r early manhood with a sich of remorse. g i The ignorance of early youth, or l:,ter on a misspent lile nn "one of tbs boys" has sown ■ 5 thoBrfedHforfn'ureenfferiBs. EELF ABUSE ie a rcrrible sin aainsc nature and jm ff) will bring a rich liarves; . Blo. ,u and Private Ui east-ssapthe very life and vitaiity I m of the victim. Our N ' W MIS 1' HOU TKEA . MËiST wiil positively care all the followW O ing diseases: Q VARlCQCELE, EMISS.ONS, NERVOUS DEBIUTY, SYr ILSS, STRICTÜRE, G EET, 8EIVHMAL WEAK K NESS, PIMPLES. LO T MAMHQOD, UNNATURAL K & DISCHARGES, KIDNEY AND BLAuDER DbEASES. & KR nr Vnil Q NKUVOU ï and deepondent; wenk orflobiiitntpd: tirpdmorn drs; no 5 Hnt lUU ' ambition- life ess; memory poo ; asilsffitigned; excitable and ïrriom t table: eyes slinken, red and bliirred; pimpie-on face; dreHmé and mtilit oscr; restW% U lfss; haxKard looking; w.k back, boue piüns; hair l'x-e; nicers: soro üiroat; varicoV Q cele; depo-it ia urine and drnins at noul; riistrrmtfnJ: want of i-fnfiiwnce; laok of Q tl energyundstiength-WH CAN CURB YOU OR ASK NO PAY. S CURES GUARAMTEED OR N ü PAY -CONFIDE.NiTIAL S K SNATCHED FROM THE GÍUV; ftTSsSaisSfi&i'í&a! K & doctors and nervR torin s by the t-cure vrithont benent; aniiwiO! o ai. o i rains inoreased. 1 be'-ame a ne.-voiis wreek. A fnend wh" had lio u onred by i;rs. Kennedy & Kergan Q r of asimilar d'seïvse, adyisert me totty them. I di i so and in two raouthswas posi'ivetg H lycnred. Tnis eight. years ago. lam now iijarriod and havo two he..lthy childf ■■ ren."- 0. W. LBiVlö, .-ag riaw, g" D' lfi Olffir'CI C fliQCn "VaricclemadoJifè miserable. I was weak and fa YA'IuUuLI. L '-■ U Í1 f J ■ nervous, eyes t-nnken, bauhfnl iu ■oiety, hair thin, J b no anibition. The 'Golden Monitor' oponed my e.ves. The New Metí od ïreatmont of f Drs. Kennedy and Kergan ccred me in a few week;-,.- I. L. PETËK8O8, louia, O CRÍ I " CinW rüDCn J. P. EMliliHON relates experience. "I 1 i ved on O W LllllöulUilO UU IlLUi afcirm. At school 1 le.arned an early babit. which V weakened me physically, sexnally and mentidiy. Family doctors auid i was soing Kinto 'dec.lij.e' Cconsamyiion.) t'inaliy 'ïhe üJden Monitor.' editfd by ['ra. Kennedy tg & Kergn, feil iuto my hands. 1 learned tbe J'RUIH nnd tiie CAUHE. Üelf-abnse f' &liaii sapped mj vitaiity. 1 took ti e Kew Jlethod Treatmeüt .and was cared. My friends think I waa curwJ of couaumption. I liave feni thera uiany put i tui 'h, all of flf , whom were carad. ïheir New üiettiod Treutmeut 6upplies vigor, viiality and ij M manhood." J n cVDUtll'" PüOCrt 'Tlii terrible blood tüsease was in my syptom for e'ght "=■ ' oll ILl uUflCU' years. Had tak n nvrniry for twu yeaie. bnt thedieease m Bretnrneu. l'-yes red, [implea and blotches on the eki, ulcera in the month aud on H? tongae, bone pííiih, laliing out if hair, wi-akuafs, etc. My brother, who had bei'n I cnred of Gleet ind stri taro by Dr.-. Kennedy and Kergan, rec.iiinenried them. RThey cured me in a Lew w.bkb, a'id 1 thank fcrod 1 cnnsultod them No return of the jjJ d.sease in six ye.u-s."- W. P. M., Jackson. I i 7 YEAnö 'N DtTROIT, 200,000 CURcD. NO RISK. QCTAr%CTD! Areyoa a victim.' Have you lost hope? Are yon oontemplating l Ik fitnLC.n marriage? Has yonr b ood Deen -íiseased? llave yon any weakness? H '' Our New Method Treatraent wiL cure yon. What it ha done for ntheirn it will do for m W you. CONSULTATION FREE. No maiter who has rr ated yon. writ for an honest e "" opinión Free of ('harge. Charles reosonable. 800KS FREE.- 'The bolden Monitor" mg ■S filinstrated). on Diseases ot Men.lnclote p.tage, 2 centó. öealed. Ili l W-NONAMbS UáEü WlfHüUT WRI I'TEN CONSENT. PRIS IS VATE. di inesenr C O. D. Nonames on boxes or envelg 1% ooes tverytnlnsr conftdential. Question list and cost of I IJ Treatment FRËE. g I DRS.KENNEDYaERGAN.SE


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