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Our Nation's Capital

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Washington, Jan. 16.- Shennan seeured the floor sliortly after the session of tbe senate bogan Wednosday and pre■ented an adverse report on the bilí prokibiting citizens of the United States from accepting any titlos, decoratious, eto., from foroign uatlous. Shernian said there ppeared to be no need for the proposed legislivtion and dm consideration of the MU was indeflnitcly postponed. Hs reportad favorably a joint resolution approprlatlng Í75,(XX) for the expense of the commlssiou engaged in fizing the boundary ■between Alaska and Brltish America along the line of the 1418 1 meridlan of west lougituile There was some objectáoii to theitnmediate consideration of the mensure, but on Sherman's statement that the commissir.ii now at work would fcaye to suípo,d owiratiom unless the apöpri:ttion wiis givon the resol ution wa passed. Mills rhon took the floor in support of hia ifsolution coucernlng gllver, ixjRds, eto. DoiiHfs ín the Houms. In the house che speaker announced the uppointincnr of Allen of Utah to the comjnittoe on public lands in the place of Ourtis of K.msiii, resignod. On raotion of Bowers ot' California a bilí was passed authoriziiig the suoretary of the interior onder rogulations to be lixed by hiin, to parmit the usa of right of way upon public lands for the purpose of generating electric power. George B. MoClellan was declared elected from the Xwelfth district of New York. A froe home bill, making actual residence on railroad land grants TMinecessary wliere the lands have been ionced and improvcd, was passed. A bill granting an Aiuorioan register to the steamer Mia-mv was also passed. Then, n motion of VV. A. Stone of Pennsylyania, the house went into committee of the whole on tho pension appropriation bill.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News