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Mrs. Dr. Pierce, of McKee sport, Pa., Who has been with her mother Mrs. Mc Donald, of South University aveuae, for the last eight weeks, returned home reoently. Mrs. MoDonald, who has been very ill, is much improved in health. Chas. H. Kline was in Buffalo, N. Y., this week. Angnst Blessing, of Detroit, was a guest of Ann Arbor friends over Sanday. Mr. and Mrs. James Qninlan and Mr. and Mrs. John Keouy spent a few days this week with Mrs. Quinlan's parents, sonth of Ypsïlanti. R. S. Greenwood and wife have goue to Mexico for a month's tour. O. M. Martiir spent Sunday in Toledo. Miss Florence Springer, of Detroit, ■was a guest this week of Miss Mary Gross. E. S. Armstrong, of Chelsca, was in the city Tnesday . Mrs. Carrie Cushman, of Dexter, was in Ann Arbor Wednesday. Mrs. M. Bell, of Paokard Street, is entertaining Mrs. C. D. Clark, of Windsor, Ont. J. W. Goodspeed, of Grand Rapids, was in the city for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Robison left for New York Tnesday night for a brief sojourn. Mrs. William Howard Wait, wbo bas been spending several months with her Bister Mrs. S. C. Beakes, left for her home in New York, Monday evenicg. Titus F. Hutzel and J. F. Sobuh atr tended the State Steara-fltters' assooiatioE meeting at Saginaw yesterday and today. Mr. W. D. Adarns is visiting Jackson frieuds. iírs. W. G. Doty went to Jackson yesterday to spend a few days with frieuds. Mrs. S. W. Clarkson aud son Willis leave next week for Kansas and the Eocky Monntains to be absent some time. Master Jobnnie Marz entertained tea of bis little frieuds last Satnrday, the occasion beiug his sixih birthday. Samuel Krause, of Grand Rapids, is in the city, visiting his sister, Mrs. George Haller. Miss Maude K. Smith js a guest of Jackson relativos. ' Miss Lydia Weitbrecht was at Howell the first of the week to bid good-bye to her cousins, the Misses Louisa and Emiua Weitbreeht, who have gone to Tneson, Ariz.