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Y. M. C. A. Report

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ne executive coinrolttee oí the Young Men's Christtan Assocrtation as fust fcsued its anntlal statement. This statement shows not only what the money received by the as.-oeiation has been use dfor, but also the estímate for the coming year, and the (vork accomplished during the year pased. The receipts from various sources, raduding $152.93 on hand at the beginning of the year, was $1,560.06. The disbursemeuts $1,47-. Tí), ejv ng a balance ou hand o.' $87.27 oa Jan. lst, '96. The principal items in tire disburseaccount, were ior reiu aud heat $252.08 ; the general secietary $366.82; jan.tor $104: igfct $126.86 ; preparing- rooms lor occupancy $200. tíO ; minishing rooms $84.73 ; paced in the bank to credit of building lund, $135.25. The estima tes . h ■ coming year, over and above receipts, amounis to $1,049. This sum the good peop e of Van Arboi-, who are interested in the special work this asociation is doing will be asked to contribute. The susi&ining ïnemtership the past year, that is thowe who have contributed $5 and over, number 102. The active inernbei'slup is 139 makng a totat Oi 241, an increase of 111 during the year 1895. The total attentiance at the rooms during the evening-s ha been 13.4(38 and tlie attendance at Sunday moeting'8 4,142. Thei-e were 28 youug men permaently won over to the right way of thinking and living during the year, and many more started in the saino direc:tKn. Is no! i.hat une iiem of work worth many times what the asiociation has cost either the individual or col.ective contiibuto.s ? Waat soele'.y dan show a botter ïecord ? The occupations of the active meniberehip is of interest also. It is ïound that 27 are clerks, 25 medíanles, 18 laborera, 17 resident high schooi studente, 16 merchauts, 12 printers or binders, 7 each pro-esional men and college students, 4 ïarmere, and 3 each manufacturera aud railroad men. The occupations are certa Ji'y suiiiciently vaiied. The night classes are atteuded as oUows : c as&es in arithmetic and penmanhi) each 14. bookkeeping 19, business )a"v and English. each 13, Gorman 11, mechan'cal drawing 8,. business correspondence 6. making a total of 98. This is also a record to be proud of. The youug men atteiuling these night classes are so engaged that they can not attend a day school, and here is an avenue lor tliem to become enlightened and educated citizens. If not fiHing the highest ranks, perhaps, yet climbing up so that Ufe will be more to them and to their friends and families. So that they will become a power ior good in the community. The Y. M. C. A. Jb doing a noble work. There is no question about It. And the peopte oí Ann Arbor will, we believe, take that view and Increase the nieans of usefu'nets of the Assoctation. Every dollar expended by this associatiou is weü spent. No money i wasted or fooiad away, but it all goes to help the spread of knowledge anxong the mass93. to exícnd Ch"í-t n' n.fl'enees, and issist the cause of right living, pure' thinking, upright dealing, and the jrotherhood of man. Your hand, extended in a helpful, ïenerous way, is needed. Wïthhold [t not.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News