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Estáte of Merchant H. Goodrich. STwTt3 OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY OF ►p WashtenaV, ss. Ata sessiou of the PÍobate Court tor the Oounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the Citv of Ana Arbor, on Tuesday. the l4th day of January andntaeL0"6 thousand eight hundred Present, J.Wilkrd Babbitt, Judire of Proln the matter of the estáte of Merchant H Goodrich, deGeasod. Noah W. ütieever one of the executirs of ths last wiil and testament of said decrased, hiivine tenuercd lus resignation as such extcutor cointg ïüto court and represen s that he is do prepared to render his final account as such executor Thereupon it is ordered, tüat Tuesuay, the 4tk day of lebruary, next, at ten o'clock in the fornoon, be assigneu for examining and allowing surh account, anii that the next ot kin of said wants and all other persons interested iü said estat, are rtquired to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the City of Aun Arbor, in said coun'y. and show cause, if any there be, whv the said accouotshouldnotbeallowed. And it 'is further ordered, that said executor give notiee to the persons interested in said state, of the pendency of said account, and ci.e htaiiiig thereof, bv uausmg a copy of this order to be publishedin the Ann Ariior Argus, k newspaperprnued and circuLatirg in' said eounty two successivt weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLAKD BABBITT, [A trnecopy] Judge of Probate, W. G. Dotï, Probate .Register. Tea Club OrdersWe will present either a 100 piece Enslish Dinner Set, or a 12 Piece English Bedroom Set, to ladies gettiiiK ui a club. We guaranbee our 'leas and Baking Powdei' to give enttre satisfaotion. This Jsan excellent opportunity for ladies to obtain a beautif ui üinner 3et or Bedroom Set f ree. We make this offer to iutrortuoe our Teas and Baking Powder to bhe readers of this paper. For ïull particulars, write or cali on A. Breseh, Importer of Teas, 613 eummit St., Toledo, O. Keferences, Jü Toledo. TO FARMERS The Ann Arbor Milling Co. has just ünished building one of the most complete feed milis in Michigan and will :iow be ready for custom work of all inds, including the grinding of cora ntLe ear. ann Akbor Milling Co. wn NÜF9UW5 mmm, Popular or High Class Music ï'urnlshed for yy PARTIES, BALI.S, m WEDDIÏfGS, Af SOCIETY MEETINGS. Harp Muslc a Specialty. Private Patrons ISolioited. Highest Referencc CAMILLO NAPOLITANO, 3WilcoxSt., - DETROIT, MICH. 2 Pin Magazines] FOR THE HOME. FRANK LESLiE'S Popular' MONTHLY; Contatns each JVSonth : Original Water Color Frontisplece ; !2' Quai-to iges oí Reading Matter; 100 New and tligh-ciass lïlastrations; More I.lterery Matter enri r'lnstrn tions thau any otiier Mafar.ine in America. , 2ö ct. ; 1 3 a Vear. Frank Lesüe's Pieasatit Hours FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. A Bríght, T,'lio'ioso)( Juvenlle Monthlv. Fully i'lufürniel. TIio bc: I w ík ra for yuuiig peoplc í ' - ii. tí) ■ ís ; J.1 a year. km Ariior Arps Undoubteiliy tiioBssf Club Offsis' L3T Send (ó Frank LesUe'a Publiñhing Hqmtt &Y- i for New llïnstrtüe.d Premium Lis?, Frre.


Ann Arbor Argus
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