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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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IDISEASED MEN CUFED TlínilCñNQ ?onriK men, middlo aged men and old men can look back at H nUU0"'lil'O their boj ho' id days or early marnood with a 8ieh of remorse. M The ignorance of early yonth, or l:ter on a tnisspoiit life as "one of the boys" ha sown _ thoseds for fwure Baffiiring. SEUF ABUSE is a terrible sin againsr natnre and jj will bring a rich harvest . Bloou .;nd Private Ui eïs-s fsnp ihe very life und vitality I of the vLctim. Oor NUW lIETHÜi) TKEAi MENT wiü positively cnre all the foHowM] ing diseasee: Dj VARICOCELE, EMISSiONS, N&RVOUS OEBILITY, SYfVlUS, STRICTÜRE, G EET. SEMJN3AL WEAK NESS, PÏMPLES, LO T MANH0OD, U'NATURAL K DISCHARGES, KIDMEY AdD BLADDER DISEASES. & f IQP ynij 0 NERVOUnnd dt-spoTident; weak nr debilitfitpd; tired morn-rgs; do RftC I u 11 í anilvtiin -li!e Mr=; nïeniory ioor; aeiiy fivtiued; excitable aiid ïrrin table; eyefl ennken, toü and birrred; piinpie on face; drean6 and iJpht lossea; restft lees; hasgard look ing; wak back, bone pains; ba:r loose; r.locre; eoie throal; TaricotL cele; depositin nrine gnri dri))s at rooi; chstrnMfnl; wnnt of coufiiienee; lacfc of B energyand6trent!tl1-WE' OAN CLfRE YOU OR ASK NO RAY. CURES GUARANTEED OR Nlü PAY-CONFIDEMTIAL S (CWATPUCn LDfiaí! TUS rD.VJiC A Warnütü trom Uving. "At Rf' dfíAsliatÜ rnUS'l SlJll UnAir. 1;, Uearae.! a bad habit. Triod fonr JK doctorfc and nerve tojiiv s by the í-core vithonfe benoíitliennrisiofifi aiid (.rninsiucreafted. % I beíme a nervous wroi;k, A 'r;er.d wh had tiet n oured by í)r. Kennedy & Kergan ($ (of a eimilar d'Bease, advised me 5o try thfra. I dii] bo und in two mouths was pobíiítO1 ly cnied. This was eigl.t yeaie ago. 1 am now married and liave two healthy oiiüdf ren."- G. W. LEv'íiy, bag'naw, mj t UUDIPnOC! C t Unen "Varieooelemafle Ufe miserable. I was weak'and w% ■II IHMiyUutLC. lUni.tJ. nervons, eye tnnkeu, ba-hfal in society, hair thin, g, I noambition. 'J'iie 'Goideu Monitor' opened my ejes. The Npw Motiod ïreatrnent of tn, Wf Drs. Kennedy aad Kergan oorod me in a few weck.- I. L. PK'f JiKSÜN, Ionia, I CMK'CSnU? PüDCn EMERSON relates hi experiecce. "1 lived on Q K} C!"i lOO! Luid Ij U HL Ui ;-. farm. At schooll iearned au early habit. which O ! weakened me phyfiically, BeJ:i;aily and raentiiliy. Family (nctors said 1 was going # I# into kdeclii'O' Cconötimpti(m.) Kiualiy 'Tbe Geiden Monitor,' editi by Irs. Kennedy fg IK & Kergan, feil ihto my hnnda. 1 learned tbe l'ROTH and the CAUSE. 8elf-aboBe W o 'iari sapped my vitality. I took tl e New Metl.od Treatmeut and whs enred. My VKf friende think I was cured of coüsumpiion. I liave sent them many piitien'p, ail of W lljl whom were cured. Their New iethod Treatmenc fcuppliey vigor, vitality and 25 K manhood. " X mm CVDUSiiT f i 3 O C r 5 ''This terrible blood direase was in my system for e-ght 12 JHiHll.'-S llliili.i'' years. IIn(J tak. n mercury for two yearn. bnt the diseuie zS, retntned. Eyes red, pimples tmd blotches on the skin, olers in the month and on S 1 tongue, bone pains, falling oat of hair, wpakness, etc. My brothor, who had been cnred of Gleet nd Stri -tnre by Dr?. Kennedy, and Lergan, recommended them. g S They cared me in a few wweke, and 1 thank tiod 1 consniteii them. Nu retara of tiui %3 diseaseineLxysare,"- W. P. M., Jackson. I % ___ 17 YEAhS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURfcD. NO RISK. f (RCArïR! Arejou a victimi1 Have yon loat hope? Are yon contemplntinK e IiCrtL-!. marriage? Ha yonr b'ood been diseased? Have yon any weakness? M kOor New MethodTreatment wil! cnre yon. What it han done for othors it will do for you. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has 'nated yoa. write for an honest Hf (opinión Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE.- "The Golden Monitor" 2 (illnstrated), on Diseases of Mcn.lnclose postage, 2 cents. öeaJed. -NO NAMES USEO WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIS ■ VATË. Nomedklnesent C. O. D. No ñames on boxes o - envel"■■ % odes. hverytfilng conf den tial. Question list and cost of n 9 Treatment FREE. _____ t DRS.KENNEDY & KERGANiid0ét8rso!tKt


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