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Chinamen Beheaded

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San FBAHCI3CO, Jan. 33 - J. O. Oawalcl oí Chicago, whu arrlvud m tha atoamer Coptic from tha oriënt, was iui oye-witjioBs of Ui execution oí th flva msn eharged v?ith hsving been ringleaderj in the ïimssttc.rü of missioaariss at Ku Chnng. The exeeution ocourred si ?oo Chow in the prosence of a vast nuinbar of Chineas. Onl y twenty four Caucasiana witnessed the death soene. "At W o'elook th prisouer wero bronght npon the ground in woodan eagos," said Mi. Oswald. "Eaoh of t.nom was oonveyed to ths tont, whare wa rere sitting, aad t thani wh road tho death warrant, after hit Identit.r bad been established. The manJarinetta rsul ths warrant, gtuck un arrow through ít, and pinned the paper to th of th pciüoner's coat. CrlniM af the ÏIn Kpcited. "After thi thn doumed man wero lad to the srrounds vrhora thoy wre to dio. fflva patches of turf had beon out, and in oach iadentioa a man knelt. Whon all was in readinesa the eourt of mandarina, accompanied by the British naral contingent and the foraign consular ofSoiitls, emerged írom tho %cnt and took up a pogition in front of the oanras. Tlien, amid an ímpressive silonoe, ths crimos of the condemned men were rocited to the crowd and the penalty wns proolaimed. Two soldiers, gplondid exampios of physioal development, acted ag exooutioners. They stood behiud the uva men, eaoh prisoner having hi hoatl on a hlock. At a given word the oxeoutioners advanced. Not the least siga of fear was visible on the face of ths wrctohed Chinese whose heads were soon to fail. The work of the executioners waa very rapidly oerformod. Heads Placed in Buckcts. "Wíth one stroke of the ax the head was seyered from the body and in jusS three seoondg the act was oonsummated. The blood poured f rots the neck of ono man f or one and a half minutes after the fatal blow had been dealt. The heads of the flve ringleaders wsre placed in buokats, which were cut so as to give a full view of their ghastly confcents. Thoy were taken to Kn Cheng, tha scène of the massacre of ten Christian girls, and were there hung on trees, where they are probably still hanging. To remove ono of the heada means immediate doath to the ofEender. The execution has had a great moral effect on the Chinese, and I think it will be a long time before there wili be murderous interferenca with the missionaries. The ruission where the massacre ocourred is still closed, but it is said that it will be reopened in the spring."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News