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Eider Stone. of Milán, had faith ia the human race when he hnng up a bundred feet ot' wire olothes-line the other nigbt. He hasn't now for a thief oame iu the night and bore away tbe line and theelder's Sunday changa oL shirt. Ester & Sons buy 250 Ibs. of milk daily at Milán. The concern is making flve-year oontracts witii farmers for milk and the prosperity that will follow will soon be expressing itsolf in new red barns, windrnills and seats in the state legislatura. The sednctive snow-ball carne very aear cansiDg a Milán school-boy to lose the sight of an eye. Milán is sonnding the slogan for a new school house. Rev. Yager, of Saline, has fever and yager. Saline chnrch goers are bothered with young men who go to church Snnday night to raise adisturbauce. Wanants have been issueri and arrests may follow. Chas. Hastingg, of Milan township, yesterday brougbt to this market a oouple of live pigs which were considered something extraordinary. Tbey were aged 8 months and two days, and together tipped the beam of 665 lbs. Frank Roatch had purchased them for J. F. Slayton. - Dundee Reporter. Heury Miller, a Germán farmer residing near Dundee, loaded r.p with Toledo tanglefoot and started for home. He feil asleep in bis wagon and iu crossing the Ann Arbor railroad trar;k near home, he was met by the soutb bonnd passenger train. The meeting, as usual, resulted in a victory for the train and Miller was piek! np tmconsoious bnfc with no bones broken. [He will recover by and by, of course. How's tbis for a mixed up geuder? "Manchester hive of maccabees swarmed last week and visited Brooklyn and Clinton hives and the ladies say they had a splendid time. Those fraternal visits are pleasant. " - Manchester Enterprise. What do you suppose is the name of the young ladies' club sailing nnder thenon-de-plnme W.D.Y.S. ? - Pinckney Dispatch. We oan make a gness. What Do You Sigh? Pinckney is agitating a base ball club since the thaw. Whitmore Lake has a new blaoksmith. South Lyons stores were touched by the light fingered gentry the]other night. They left the postoffice and depot, the only things the villagers would have liked to have them take. A progressive pedro party club bas been organized among the married people at Dexter. Tho single girls still play hearts and the unmarried sinners poker. Mrs. Litchfield, was badly braised in a runaway at Dexter, rocently. Arrangements are completed this week for the remodeling of the building formerly cccupied by C. S. Gregory & Son's, bank, and when completed it will be occupied by Thos. S. James with a new and complete stock of hardware and farm implements. Il; is expected that the store will be opened for the early spring trade. - Dexter Leader. Jacob Trautmein, a Dexter cabinet maker, has just turned out a bandsome piece of work in the way of a solid oak chair, upholstered and mounted with masonic emblems, which isto be presented to the local lodge for the use of the worshipful master. A wornan's character bas been likened to a postage stamp - one blaok mark ruins it. Man's like a treasary note;no matter how many stains it still passes at par. When a woman falls froin grace her character is usually ruined forever, while ou tbe other band a man may straighten up and be received into the best society again. Why ia it thus? - Eatou Rapids Horald. Tbe only tbing that is off in the above is about tbe men. In plenty of cases tliey are received whetbflr they straighten up or not. - Cbelsea Standazd. La grippe is still doing business among Milan 's fasbionable people. Rev. J. P. Hutchinson, of Milan, wrote a poetn recently, '"Whereisthe Flag of England?" wbioh had so muoh merit that the Cbictigo Recird aocepted and printer! it. Joseph Cone, of Milan, las invented a washinc uiacl;iiio that allows the lady of the houseliold to thump the piano while tbe wasbing poes tlnough the machina and baugs itself up on the line. The Moüioe Dernocrat says, "To the Washieuaw üewspapurs: - Stop jiu tiug a 'n' m Gen. ypjldmg'n u:;me. Do'u' hear?" And ihou ïnriher down itsays: "Eïery pers m thit k:oks a uauanria ppel froui the s dew.ilk is a büefactur, " s ivs rhñ WashwiiHw Times. The Tiues editor seeras to be dccii eily 'rtowu' ou bauauua eei.-i. " 'N' what's the matter wjtli tiiar '-'baniiaua?" There was a ''slip up" iu speiliDg suro. Kmuiett Fuickerbooker, a youug man uear Gras-i Lke, was uoticed to be beadiug over a síiw buuk in au unu?nal positioy whiie ac wovk. Od goiug to him i neigbbor fonnd that Ij was insenüiblf. He was carried iato (hu houso and nied rood afteiwards. Rheumatism uf the hearr. They caine vory üearspiidiug for 'he nndertaker ror (Stiu. Doir at Glass Lake th( other day wbeu Dnr weur through the ice. As it was tbey scut for the doctor aud Dorr chauged his clothes as cjniokly as a politiciau iiau wnetimee chauge his ïniud. All hail Dr. Hale. ofGrass Lake! He sprinkles ashes iu front of his house when the ice is a more formidable enemy of mrnkind than bauaua peels. Isjthis not soatteriug seeds of kinduess? The Milan Leader says "L. A. Tator visited Detroit Wednesday. " His brother, P. O. Tator, stayed home. Bellville has an opera honse and Ypsilanti hasn't. Insolt was added to iujury this week when the Belleville opera honse manager hired an Ypsihiuti decorator to paint the drop cuitain for the Belleville playhouse. Ypsilanti people have Ihin week been wondering over a "What is it?" exhibited at the office of John Wortiey. This peculiar "What is it?" was not a convert to Capt. Allen 's tariff vcews out of the ordinarv as sunh a thing might be - but a monitrosity with the body of a fisb, the winga and feet of a fowl and the heao. and face of a monkey. It was eaught with a hook and line off the coast of Florida by a person who sent it to an Ypsilauti friend.


Ann Arbor Argus
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