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Mr. Birkett has rented one of bis houses to a family froru Aun Arbor. The phonograpn concert at the G-allagher school house Tuesday uight was a good one and largely attended. Mr. Deckert, an old and respected resident of this village, died at bis home Friday after a loug illness. The funeral was held on Sunday. The Maccabees attended in a body. Hussel O. Reeves was out of town on business Wednesday. The farmers of this vicinity and our town poeple are busy harvesting their ice for the summer. Wm. Croofoot and wife, of Marión, were in town Tuesday. Jesse Parsons and children are moving f rom the James farm to Webster to Lve wifch bis mother. Mr. Burch bas gone to Salem tospeud the winter. Míes Keiler is the guest of her cousins. Mr. Baruey, of Ann Arbor, spent Saturday witb his many frienda. The dance at Merritt Ward's in Webster last Friday night was largely attended. All report a good time. Messrs. Gregory and Irwin made a trip to Chelsea the last of the week. Mr. Lee was a Pinckney visitor on Saturday. Frank Mowers, of Pinckney. was in town Thursday oalling on friends. Wm. Curlett and wife entertained friends from Pinckney Wednesdav. Mrs. Wm. Voorhis and son have returned home after a three weeks' stay with her mother in Williamston. Miss Cook will spend the winter in Chelsea and attend school at that place. Casper fcSykes, of Pinckney, was on our streets one day last week. Mr. Chambers, of Ovid, is here on a visit. Deputy Staffan, of Chelsea, was here on business Saturday. .. . There will be a social at Frank Carpenter's Thursday avening, February 6, for the benefit of school district No. 3, Dexter township. All attend and hav a good time. Admission ten een te. William Darrow and wife, of Pinckney, were guests of his sister in this village on Thnrsday. Burt Hooker, of Pettysville, spent the Sabbath in this vicnity. The social at Mr. Jedele's Wednesdaj evening was a success. Hiram Pierce, wife and son, of Portland, are here for a few days' visit. Mr. Page, of Chelsea, called hore Monday. Messrs. Thompson aud Wyman were ont of town on business Monday. Adam Deckert of Owoíso, was called here to attend his father's funeral on Sunday. Arthur Arnold is on the sick list. Miss Eva Hill spent Sucday with her parents near Portage Lake. Mr. and Ms. Amos Linderman are rejoicing over the advent of a daughter born to them last week.