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A poíd wave gave r.iilan a cali Sunday aod Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guy entertaited gnesis from New York aud Tecumteh the üit of the week. Mr. aod Mr?. Mell Barues and son cf Tt-rums h wero n.e guosts of Mr. and Mrs ï B vrties over Suuday. Prof. oud Mih. Gao. Deunison, of Dun:ine, whtr the guests of Mr. acd Mrs H. W. Haok over Sunday. Mr. Piestou Rouse, of Saline, was 'lm guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ronse Saturday. Fruf and Mrs. C. M. Fuller. of Moorov He, spent Sanday eveuiug with Attnmey and Mis G. R. Williams. Prof. and Mrs Carrkik wül put little Ri'd R ding H icd oauiuta on the boardb a a i.ext scho. 1 uutertuiumeuc in tin uear inturc. Mrs H. .1. Z'iu;nertnau has retumed frora hm New York sojourn. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dextei' of County streef (mtcrtaiued gueSts Priday. Mr. and Mrs. Dexfcer, of Ypsilanti, have moved into their house ou Dsxter street. Mr Ohas. Robison who bas beeii ili fur several weeks is uow convalescent. Rev. Chas. Case, of Claytou, gave his oíd friends a cali the last of the week. The F. and A. M. will indulge in a valentiue social bauquet and dance the 14th of Feb. The M. E societv are taJkiug of giving a Washington Birtbday entertainment the 23 óf Feb. Rev. H. Shier will cootiune revival meetings during the week. The W. C. T. U. ladies will meet with M'P. Shier this week Thursday at the M. 13. parsonage. The Chautauqua Circle will meet at Mrs. G. R. Wiü'ams' residenw on County St., Saturday afternoon of this week. Mrs. L. G. Eddy, of Detroit, is visitmg: Milán friends. Misses Gertie and Cora Hohbs, (f Hooreville, were the guesrs of the Misses Iva and Nina Lockwood from Friday until Sunday. Mesdauaes Kelt-( y,Lock wood,Hinkle nd Bddy were tbe guests of Mrs. C Hobbs Frid: y. La grippe colda have taken posses3iou of the Milan oitizuns and pocket haudkerchiefs are in good demand. Dr. and Mr. E. F. Py'p have returned from their Detroit yisit. R. Lewis is putting in a nèw weJl on lis place on Hurd street. Tbe I. O. O. F. ball was a pleasant affair Fiiday evening.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News