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íain has no show with Dr. Miles' Pain Puls. Al aglsts sell Dr. MUös' Nerve Piasters. BUGKLEN'S ÁRNICA SALVE. Tbe Bent Salve in the world for Cuta, Brutses, Sores,, Salt Kbeum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chnpped Hands, Chiiblñln.i),Corns,anl all Skin Bruptions aud posifively purés Piles .or no pay required. It is íuarauteed to jtive perfect satisfactiou, or money refunded. Prlce, 25 ecnts per box. For sale by The Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co., ynn Arbov, and Geo. J. Haussler. M ancliester. The World's Fair Tests showed no baklng powder so pure or so great in leav ening power as the RoyaL The Oíd Fonudry. A rtide picture, a name and a memory that is all I Yet bo long as earnest piety eudures among men the influcnce of that name and the associations it recalls shall be preoious. Thefirst prea-ving place opened by the Methodists, it ■was situated in Moorfields, near Londo'a. It had been used as a place for casting oannon and had long been in a dilapidated condition. John Wesley leased it f rom the govemruent and preached his fir&t sermón in it Nov. 11, 1739. It was repaired and formally opened the following year. Here the first Methodist society was crganized, with 70 members. When fltted up, the building contained a dweiling honse, tookroom, school, dispensary, chapel for morning worship at 5 o'clock and ruain chapel furnished with mo-vable benches. Here Wesh 7 lived for 40 years when in London and nntil he removed in 1779 to City Road ohapel. All druggists guarantee Dr. Miles' Pain PlLLStoatop Headache. "One cent a dose." Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. Estáte of dames Clements. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY ol Wasbtenaw, as. Ata sessionof tb e Probati Court for theüounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate UfHce in the city of Ana Ar hor, 01 Friday, the Ï4tb dny of .Tanuary. in the year onr tbousand eight hnndmi and ninetv-aix. Prewnt, J. Willaiü Babbitt, Judue of Probate. Ir the matter ot the eetati' o James Clements, deceased. On readirg and rtie petition duly veiifiedof Wiliiam L. ( innenis nrayinE tbal a oenain instrument now on nlein this conrt. pu-purting tu be o oop] i I tve last ■will and tettainem of saio deeeased mav he admitted io probate and that administra. tion ofsftid i-Sta e raay be granted to biniself and Henri Clt-meuts the excouiors in paid lngt will nauieii or lo someother suitable peison. ThorenpoD itis ordered, thul Montiay,tbe 24th dav of Ft'brvjary, uext, at tew o'clocti in tho forenoón he assiuned for tle bearing of said polition, and that the devisees, legatcis and beirs at bvw ol said deeeased, and all other persoiiü iniercsfed in fa'd estáte are required to appcar at a session of pau' lo'irt, theu to bo holden at the Probate Offiee in the city ot Ann Arbor, in said eounty, and sho nause, j! any therebe. wby the prayer of the petitioner should not bo gran'ed. And il i fiirth-r oidert-athat said peiitioner give notiae to the persons interested in said estáte of the pendency of eaid petition aud tliö hearing therenf, by causins n cop of tliis order to he publishod in the Ann Ar bob Ahgus, a newspaper piintedand irculatingin said eounty, three succesüive weeks previous to naid üay of hearing. J. WILLAKD BABBITT, [A true copy.] Jadge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty. Probate Register Real Estáte tor Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY of Washtenaw- ss. lu the matter of the estáte of Cecilia A. Underhill, deoeased. Noticc is hereby given that in pureuance of an order granted to the undersigned administvator of the estáte of said estáte by the Hon. Judse oí Probate for the County of Wiishteuaw, om the 12tli day of November A. D. 189.), theie will re sokl at public vendue, to the highest bidder, a front door of the Post office in I lieoity of Ypsilanti in the Coumy of Washtenaw, in said state, on the ilOtn day oï February, A D, 1SÖ6, at. ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbranct's by mortgage or otherwise exlstlng at ibe time oí' thedea'hof said deceased) the described real ej-tate, to-wit : Thatcertain pieceor parcel of land sitúate in the townshlp of Ypsilanti, county of w ashtenaw and State of Michigan, viz: Oommencinti in the center of the highway at the ii'rtheast corner of the south-west quarter of section nuinber three, running thence south one deiirree east alonar the north and south quarter liue ol suid section ten chains andseventy links, to the north east corner of landowDed Viy J. H. Marvin; thence eouth elghty-nine dfgrees and thirty-six minutes, west along the north line of said Marvln's land and the north line of land owned by J. Horner, ten chains; thence north one degree west ten chain9 and slxty-one links to the center of the hiifhway on the east and west quarter 1 ine of said section ; thence north eitrhty-eiiïht dezrees nnd thirty-slx minutes east alontr the c-nterof dald hijthway ten chains td thu placn of beülnnintr, ten aores of land, raoreor lesa. Datad Deoember M, 1R9 OHAHLBSB SA MON. AdminUtrator.


Ann Arbor Argus
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