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Mílo Clark, rosiding south of Saline, died Thursday of last week very suddenly. Milan wants two new teachers and thinks it should have thom to accommodate its 800 pnpils. John Stapish, a Cbelsea lad, broke one of the bones in his right hand and sprained several fingers while coasting. Aeathetic Grass Lake i3 to have a bean oanniug factory. Miss Einma Boynton, of Grass Lake, has been awarded $500 damages agaiust an Illinois railway, npon which her hnsband was killed. Theo. Swartbout's residence at Chelsea was destroyed by fire Snnday night dnring the absence of the family at church. Rev. Bastian Smits, of Yptilanti, iaforraed his congregation Snnday that he hadreceived an unanimonseall to occupy the Congregational church pulpit at Benton Harbor. By an ouaniinous vote the congregation dtcided to exercise thernselves to the f ullest in getting him to reinain if possible. The Wabash road tells the Whittaker people that. they rnnst ante up $100 for the uew shed they cali a depot or traiiis will not be stopped there in the future. Ira Remington, who bnilt the Baptist chuoh at Grass Lake, and otber of its best buildings, is very low at his home at Grand Rapids. Chelsea investors flnd canse for selfcongratulation in the fact that they did not put enongh faith in the Granita State Provident Association to put any money in it. A drunkeu man laid down on the track at Cbelsea recently and was enjoying a dead slnmber wlien his sagacious dog, who has been leading a strictly températe life, barked uutil a passerby robbed the man's widow of a canse for a damage snit against the Central. It is said that there is a married oouple living not a thousand miles froui Chelsea who have not spoken a word to each other in over tweive years. AH communication between each other is carried on through the children of the family. It is also said that there are some men in town who wish that they could be served the sanie way. - Chelsea Standard. J. W. Stoddard, of Milan, mourns the loss of a portion of his hand, whioh oame in too close contact to the hammer of a well machine. They have a snre sign of spring at Milan, for the first thaw has brought forth ernptions on the backs of the school children audlengMjy poems from their pens on the winds from the south and the girl with the sun kissed cnrls of blue. The Sun says that the common council of Stookbridge is like a tallow dip lighted and hid under a bushel. They never let the pulbic know what they have done when they have held a seance. A eompauy with $20,000 capital stock has been organized at Stockbridge and is known as the Stockbridge Brick and Lumber Company. C. D. DePuy, formerly of Chelsea, ia president of the concern. Robins have been seen at Chelsea. Cbelsea is an enterprising burg and the man does not live who oan discover a robiu earlier in the season than Jas. L. Gilbert of that place. Several weeks ago David Wixom, while in the employ of Chas. Begole, at Ypsilanti, stole Begole's trousers, jacket, shoes and watüb. Wixom was genteneed to five years at Jackson, bu! dow the law under which hü was sentenced has been repealed and it looks as if Wixom wonld soon be in a position to steal Begole's barn and house an( lot. While Robert Kelley and Thomas Cooper were cutting a tree on the farm of Patriok Kglley, south of town, their saw. came in contact with something that completely knocked the points off and upon investigstion discovered ahalf pint bottle which contained a piece o paper on which was written 1838 There was some writing but the saw mast have caught the paper and de stroyed the letcor. Query - Wbo conlc have done it?. - PiucKuey Dispatch. James McDonald lost an eye at Soutl Lyou about a eír igo wtiiio at wori as locomotive eugim er. The Brother hood of Locomotivo Engineers recentl; gave him $3.000 fr total disability fo his line of work in conseqneuce. Mo Donald does not live in South Lyon now but in Iowa. This ís wrang, for h should spend his money where he los his eye. Tfcere was a leap year party at, the Lhua towu ball last Friday night. E. A Hogers, of Dnndee, secured nll tle pnn in sight for hts Scotch Collie dogs, exhibiie;! at the Toledo liench show. Horac Bill, beíuje he was arrestad I for stealúig trom a Petoskey ulothiug atóte, as teacher of a Sunday school three miles south of Duudee. This fact U not supposed to shake auybody's faith iu the Ohristian religión. George W. Loughridge has seoured auother iatga bou'.drriu Superior townfiiip. It wiiighs 24 tous and had to be hrnkon to seoure it. One piece weigh ;ug five tous was bronght in Mouday and auotb?r piece oí seveu tons yesterday. - Ypuüauti Sentinel. Doxter citizens ha e complained to Sherifif Judson that tbey do not liko his deputy there, Thos. Bell. A meeting of cit.zeua was called, and while nobody present wonld make specifio oharges against him, a vote of those assernbled showed that they were dissatisfled. A yoaag man named Baudall, from Ypsüanti, who has been visitiug at the home of B. W. Waite, iu Scio, carne uear euding his life heie Sunday eveniag by auoidentally taking an overdose of medicine to relieve neuralgia pains. He beoame helpless on the way home froto ohuruh and was driveu to the home of F. S. Alley and a physioiau summoned. It was with the greatest difficulty that his life was saved. - Dextor Leader. Dr. Vaughn has aualyzed the water furaished by the Anu Arbor Water Works Go. and has discovered a coli germ in it. Now, if the Doctor will rise up and explain whether a coli germ is a monster swimmiug about ia the oiystal liquid or a roorsel such as woi'ld oaase waves of delight to chase eaoh other over the face of an epioure he will relieve an overworked imagination on the part of the public. - Chelsea Standard. '"■ We have before us a very fine, well doveloped potato whioh was dug by P. A. Wilson in his garden last Saturday. This patch was planted the first of last June, the family soort after moved to Ann Arbor and the potatoes were left fco grow as they pleased. It was late in November when they carne back and the potatoes were snpposed to be frozen and nothing more thought of them until by acoident they were last Satuiday found to be in a fine state of preservat ion . - Sal ine Observer. F. P. Eddy. residence Jackson, a traveling photographer, was arrested at Sfcockbiidge reoently and taken to Dexter on a oharge of taking a number of orders and when asked if he had a good pioture replying thafe he must answer iu the negative. In other words the piotures w.ere not forthcomiug. They were taken at Dexter and taken from Dexttjr. A deputy sheriff arrested Eddy at Stockbridge and Stookbridge people are nauch incensad that the offloer haudcufted Eddy. The pftotcgrapher explained matters at Dexter and was let go.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News