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Th aew Bethlehein church has deided to have free pews. Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Aprill are happy in tho arrival of a baby girl. James J. Quarry was married WedBesday niorning at Torouto, Ont. , to Miss Josephine Harrison. J. J. Goodyear ba,s purohased a lot from Mrs. M. Re8ves, ou Thompson street. Coneideration. $1,000. Rev Henry Tatlock, of St. Andrew's, ■will exchange pulpits Sunday with Rev. R. R. Claiborne, of St. Luke's chnrcb, Kalainazoo. Bisa Paulna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Hoohrein, of 61 W. Second fctreet, died Tuesday evening of wbooping cough. The Royal Hand Bell Ringers will ppear in the Y. M. C. A. conrse at the Presbyterian church, on Tbnrsay vening next. O. M. Martin has this week been removing his nndertaking rooms to his uew store juet completed at 19 S. Fourth avenue. The U. of M. commencment address will be delivered in June by Pres. C. K. Adams, of Wisconsin, formerly professor of hiscory here. The city marshal's report f orJauuary hows 15 arrests, 4 for drunkennesa, 2 erdinanoo violations, 6 larceny, 2 bnrglary, 1 cruelty to animáis. Snpt. Sipley's poor report for the Month of January showed that expenáitures were $109 less than for January last year and $40 less than for December. Prof. C. F. R. Bellows, formerly of Ypsilanti, now of Mt. Pleasant, has announced his candidaoy for the Repnblian nomination for superintendent of public instnetion. At a meeting of the board of public ■works Monday the resignation of Leonard Baisett was accepted and Inspector Chas. A. Ward was elected to i-uoceed him as street commissioner. Tbe Germán societies are making preparations to have a big Germán Day eelebration in August. They have appointed the necessary ootnmittees to inure the success of the undertaking. A meeting of the Mutual Fire Insurance companies of this state will be held in the court house in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesdáy and Wednesday, Feb. 11 and 12, at lOo'clocka. m. The Woman's Auxillary of the Y. M. C. A. will hold their regular mouthly business meeting in the Y. M. C. 'A. rooins Monday, February 10. at three p. "Rob Roy" was greeted by probably he largesfc audience of the season, at the opera house Monday night. The epera was well received, and tbe audince laughed itself nearly intcfhysterics at the antics of Richard Carroll. It would be much better if tb.8 street jailway company would keep their motorneers long enough to learn their "runs." Bef ore they really know them'they are given the "run" and sorae other fellow has got their "run." Next Sunday evening at the Unitarian church services will be held commemoratire of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. An address will be given by x-Congressman Allen and the music nd otber services will be appropriate to the occasion. The quarrel whichhas been going on between the fcwo contending fraternity factions over the Annual Ball has done more to hold the university to ridicule in the minds of the people throughout the state than any one thing that has econrred in years. A travelling man feil down the eleyator shaft at the Cook house early Wednesday morning, a distance of 15 feet. Remarkable enough he was uninjnred, but was heard to remark that he preferred taking the elevator with him when he takes another journey down a shaft. A postoffioe inspector visited the post office one day last week and announced before his departure that he thought it would be a very good scheme to have a oage put about the money order department. Accordingly J. E. Beal has let a contract to a Toledo flrm to build the cage required. Sunday was "gtound hog" day. The wood-chuck oould see his shadow here in the morning, while it is announced by tha Times man at Ypsilanti that there was no shadow business for him to do down there. Either the Ypsi newspaper man did not get np in time to see the sunlight or Ann Arbor is to have six months of stiff weather while Ypsi will have the same period of fair. The Song Journal for February contains a handsome cover picture of Prof. Alberto Jonas, of the school of music, together with a mazurka of the professor's composition. A write-up is also given the Ann Arbor Organ Co. The Song Journal is fast creeping up on its oomeptitors inthe musical field of .iournalism and it is bacoming known far and wide as a oomplete compendium of the month's events in musical matters. Minnie Maddern Fiske, after several years' retirement from the stage, has returned to her old love. She made a great reputation in comedy roles and now in her return she is essaying tragedy with equal suocess. She wears very handsome gowns and in "The Queen of Liars, " which she will put on at the opera house on Monday evening, she runs the gauntlet of the emotions, and moves her audienoes with a power eldom equalled. The Agricultural Works will start up in abont a week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Donegan, Wednesday evening, a daughter. The former Hamilton block will be ; known hereafter as tbe Henning block. Dr. .Termie Haghes has beeu eleoted physician of the looal hive of Lady Maccabees. The Chequamegons will play foi 'a masonic reception at Milan St. Valentiiib's night. Trayen Oheo, a Chinese student, has been elected vice president of the Adelphi literary society. A uew dynamo has been placed in the electric works. It has a oapacity of 2400 incandescent lights. Euler & Pipp have dissolved partnership and Mr. Pipp has established a carpenter shop ín the Ferguson block. D. Thompson, of Utica, N. Y., was in the city this week looking over the ptreet railway. He decided not to buy it. Mrs. Wildhelmina Birk died ofgiñeral debility, at her home, 124 S. Main street, yesterday morning, aged 73 years. One city oontractor says he knows of 23 houses for which figures are being made for their erection the ooming summer. Jennie Harriott, of Salino township, bas begnn divoice proceedings against ber husband üeorge Harriott. She charges desertion. Hon. Ben Bntterworth, of Washington, will deliver the annual address before the senior law class at university hall Washington 's birthday. Triplets wero born to Mr. and M rs. Patrick Lavey, of Dexter, this week - fine healthy seven and a half pound boys each of them, and three of them. The name of the new dean in the women's department of the nniversity has been erroneously stated in all the papers. The correct name is Eliza M. Mosher, M. D. The Michigan Central will revise its passenger rates in a small degree, to 3omply more strictly with the three cent ei rnile schedule. Exaot fare will be sharged and the odd pennies expected 'rom travellers. H. D. Pratt, of Pittsfield, state oil inspector under Gov. Luce, told the Earmerss' institnte at Lansing that he received $1,500 per year as insepctor lud that it was a great steal and not svorth $500 a year. Some thief is having a pionic at Eberbach's drug store for every time a iew thermometer is hnng out in front DÍ the establishment this light fingered gentleman takea it away. The third one was stolen Wednesday night. The oiij schools are crowded and it s announced that more toom must be bad in order to accomodate scholars. As it is now no new scholars can be 8cjomodated in the beginning grade at the opening of the second semester. It has been rumored that Prof. Sill is about to resign nis post in Korea, on account of poor health. We have good authority for the statement that Prof. Sill is.enjoying excellent health, but regret to say that Mrs. Sill is not so fortúnate in this respect. - Ypsilantian. Lindensohmitt & Apfel are enterprising clothiers and they have jnst shown that the world is going well with them by making a nuraber of improvements in their store. The walls have been given a fresh tint of kalsomine and the woodwork a new coat of paint. New shelving has been put in, and a children's department arranged. Our readers will nooice by glanoing at our legal column „that there is now an exoellent opportunity to parchase a fine large farm at an administrator's sale. It is the large farm of the late James Sage, comprising 312 acres in Lodi and 40 acres in Freedom. The sale takes place March 24, and wonld be purohasers of farms will do well to attend it. Charles Rose, who lives two and a half miles from the oity on theS. Ypsilanti road, was surprised by abont 50 of his friends from the city last Friday night. They brought lots of provisions and had a merry time ac oards and an orohestra furnished music, too, for dancing. Mr. Bose was going with the Elks to Detroit that night and the surprise was a bit forestalled by nis having to be told of the intentions of his friends. The Ann Arbor Demoorat speaks of Robert E. Frazer as being "proseouting attorney of Detroit." What's the matter with his being prosecuting attorney for the rest of Wayne countyi1 - Milan Leader. There is nothing the matter except the law which will not permit one man to be both judge and prosecutor. He is judge of the oirouit court, and hisjbrother, Allen, is the proseen ting attorney. By the way, they live in handsome new brick residences side by side, on Woodward avenue, out here on the North sid9. - Northside Gazette. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Stevens, 406 E. University ave., expeoted a visit soon from their son, John A., who is junior seoond engineer on the big ocean stearnship, St. Louis. But when the ship St. Paul ran agronnd the other day off the New Jersey coast the St. Louis which was being dismantelled in the dry doek was hurrriedly made ready to make the St. Panl's trip for the stearnships are companion ooean flyers. The St. Louis will not now go into dry doek until tbe St. Paul is again ready to wil. A party of young péeple from Ypsil -anti, Saline and Aun Arbor,were pleasantly eDtertained at the home of J. Nelsou Lewis, 106 E. Huron streef, last Friday uight in honor of Mrs. Lewis' brother, Bnrt Hammond, it beiiig h s 20th birthday. A joint meeting of the Y. W. ('. A. Board of Managers and the iimmce committee will be held at 8 p'clcci Friday evenlng at Mr.. Paiker's. Xo. 'Í4: E. Ann St. to eonsider the potsibility oí employing the general secretaiy another month. Tlie past four weeks have proved beyond a doubt tliat there is great need oi lier work. Though it is true that the Y. W. C. A. ''has money in the bank," it must be kept for the rent oí the coming year, as their plan is to pay down for their rooms. Henee this sum is not available for any other parpose, and they dare not assume a responsslbility unless they see a way of meeting it. Tt entertainment committee are a grand help in the finauces of the society but they have already assumed all the i esponsiullity that it is vie for them to undeitake. Henee the meeting of Friday evening is to be an important one. lï any friend oí the girls has a suggestion in regalé to the matter, they will be glad to receive it. Either write to them ar speak to Miss Hoyley at E. F. Mills' store.