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It would require a big purse to buy f II...

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It would require a big purse to buy f II the new books as they are first pub lisbed in this country. Some idea of the great number of authors, and the mass of books thrown on the unoffending public may be obtained from the fgures. In the year 1895, there were 5,101 new books printed in this country, and 368 new editions of old bojks. Of these, 3,396 were the work of Amer. ican authors. Of course flction leads. Then 1,050 new novéis published in this country last year and 64 editions f old novéis. Only 287 of these novéis ■were by American writers. The next largest number of new works were law books, of which 480 new ones were published, 'only one of which was by a foreign author. There were only 141 new medical books given to the world, while religious and theological books Humbered 471. There were 185 historical works and 294 poetical works. The two leading republican candidates for the presicïential nomination are Gov. McKinley and Speaker Reed. They are both hustling hard for delegates. Reed is the brainier man of the two, but he is handicapped by the do-nothing congress. McKinley is handicapped by nis ultra high tariff Tiews as far as the masses are concerned, but his views would make him a better "fat frier" so far as the protected manufacturers are concerned. Allison, Cullom and Dayis are put forward as the western candidates. Allison and Davis will undoubtedly get the support of their states. Cul" lum may have to make a fight for Illinois with McKiuley. Gov. Morton is New York's candidate, at least until BossPlatt can make a good deal with the probable winner. Ilarrison has TOluntárily withdrawn from the race. It will be difflcult to predict who will lead the democratie hosts in next fall's campaign. Morrison, of Illinois, is just no w very prominently mentioned for the place, particularly as being free from the f ractional fights which have injured democratie supremacy. Whitney, of New York, has inany warm admirers. Gov. Matthews, of Indiana, is the candidate of his own state and is makirg friends outside. Olney, the secretary of state, lias been brought forward by his strong American ism. Our own Don M. Dickinson, would he permit, would receive strong support for the nomination. It is sevaral months yet before the convention, and from now on more political talk will be heard. There will be no city election this spring, ünly ward tickets will be run jn Ann Arbor and the independent Toter will be out in torce. It behooves the parties to put up their strongest men if they wish to elect them and the strongest men owe their city a term or two in city office. There is no money in it, little honor and much work, but still it is a duty which no good citizen, who has not served his time, should be free to sterink when when called upon to perfora it. The self seekers' should be sent to the war and the ward caucuses should careful ly draft their best men for the run. The council took a risky step, in the face of the opinión of the city attorney when they paid a portiou of the sewer bilis assigned by Colli ns, with the knowledge that other and prior as signments had been iiled with the city elerk for a larger amount than was due Collius. If the city loses money by the vote Monday, the city fathers wil not be made so popular as they evidently desired. Our own Platt, of Pittsüeld, lat state oil inspector under Luce, who i Out with the present republican admin istration, announces that the office fo which he received $1,500 a year is onl worth $500 a year. Yet we never hearc of Platt turning any money over to th eonscience f und. His repentence can not be accepted as sincere, until h makes restitution. The greatest known depth of wate in the South Atlantic Ocean is seven and three-fifth miles, at a point mie way between the island of Tresta d'Acunha and the niouth of the Ei de la Plata. The greatest known depth in the North Atlantic Ocean i south of the Bermuda Islands, wher the water reaches a depth of six and half miles. The wonderful euccess of the new bond issue is everywhere heralded by the press as the dawning of bette times. And yet as successful as thi ëond issue is, the governmont would have saved $375,000 every year for thirty years had thé republican congress passed the legislation asked for hy President Cleveland in his message to them. ____________ The present congress can very appropriately be labeled the do-nothing congress. It is republican in both branches and yet the two houses cannot agree npon legislation and about the only case of agreement was when they were both swept along in the stormy current of patriotism aroused by President Cleveland's Venezulan message. . Minister Uhl's office holding career las been brief, prosecuting attorey of Washtenaw oounty, mayor of Grand Rapids, assistant secretary of tate and now minister to Germany. 'his sbould furnish encouragement to ur prosecuting attorney's as to their uture career. Washtenaw county has furnished be government with one of the best mbassadors to Germany it has ever ad. Mr. O'Donnell's gubernatorial boom n Lenawee county is said to be far rom enjoying robust health. Ex-Postmaster W. L. Seaton went to Adrián ast week to see Charlie Redfield, the epnblican boss of that oounty, in reard to seonring the Lenawee oounty elegation for Mr. O'Donnell. It is reorted he fonnd Charlie ready to do jusiness ; but after hearing the Jaokson man's proposition, the delegates whioh ïedfield can swing were not offered to O'Donnell, or at least that is the word ïedfield sent to a friend in this city. -"olitioal phonographs are no different ;han those in hotels. They won't sing ;ill you drop your niokel in the slot. - Jackson Patriot. A Cook Book Free. "Table and kitchen" is the title of a new cook book published by the Price Baking Powder Company, Chioago. fust at this time it will be sent free if yon send a postal mentioning the Argu. This book has been tried by ourselves and is one of the best of its kind. Besides containing over 400 receipts for all kinds of pastry and home cooking there are many hints for tbe table aud citchen, showing bow to set a table, aow to euter the dining room, etc. ; a hundred and one hints in every brauoh of the cuhnary art. Oookery of the very finest and riohest aswell as of the most economioal aud home like, is proirded for. Eemember "Table and Kitchen" will be sent postage prepaid, to any lady sending her adiïress (name, town and state) plainly given. A copy in Germán or Scandinaviau willbe sent if desired. Postal card is as good as a letter. Address Price Baking Powder Co., Ghioago, 111.


Ann Arbor Argus
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