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An English Jail Chapel

An English Jail Chapel image
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Af tfT breakíast íiothiiig mncb bappeDS until tiu; -í;!ip?l honr. Now tbose prisoners who huve "gone sick" are visited by the snrgeon or bis as.istauf, aud if the casos are urgen t, aro sent across to tho infirruaiv at ouce. T'iere is no regular eell inspectionj tbe governor or bis deputy makfs no round; theie is no "taking of reporte," no adjndication of pains autl peusüries for ruisoonduct. Al! thisvnll stand over útil Monday ; even those awaiting punishrnent, nnless it in for Oütrageous acts of violeuce or dedance, turn out to go with their fellovv;; to ohapel. Abont 9 :30 tbe obapel bell rings for tbe first service, that of tbo Roman Catbolics, who in large prisonn are nsually "located" or lodged in ona part. of tbe prisou, near their owu cbapel. Tbe bell for the Church of England service fóllovffi at abont 10 a. m. Botb on rnarcbing to chapel and when seated within it tbo various classes and categories of prisoners are kept strictly separate froru eacb otber. Males and females approjich tbe chapel by different -roads, enter by different doors and occnpy different divisione, pews or places apart. Arcong tbe males, too, tbe convicted are kept from the nnconvicted and tbe debfors from both. The women are generally seated first, . bebind a screen or witbin a cnrtained off, railed in inclosnre. They are, of course, visible to the ebaplain, but to no one elso but tbeir own officers. Except for their treble voices heard in responses and hyrans, their presence at the service would be nnknown. Now and agaiD, however, an attempt to signal or commnnicate has been tried by individuáis of opposite sexes; wheu a dry cotigh, persistently repeated, in tbe female pew flnds an answer in another part of tbe chapel, it affords a shrewd suspicion that friends are trying to nse some code made up outside before imprisonment. One otber class is unbappily to be found at times in the jail chapel - a very distinct class, bnt seldom containing more tban one representativa. This is sornetimes a "condemned" man in prison - one oa whom the extreme penalty has been passed, and who, by tbe usual custonj, is allowed "three clear Sundays" before tbe awful sentence is accomplisbed. A condemned convict, although he is never left alone, being associated day and night ■with two wardens as gnardiaus, is never permitted to


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