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p K. WILLIAMS, Attorae? at Lav and Pension Claim Attornc?, . MELAN. MICH. Conveyaneingr and Colleetions. MlGH I6AN (TENTRA " The Niágara Fallt Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Taking Effect Nov. H, 1895. GOING EAST. Detroit Night Ex... .5 40 a. m. Atlantic Express 1 30 " Grand Rapids Ex 11 05 Mail and Express 3 50 p. m. N. Y. & Boston Sp'l 5 00 Fast Ea6tern 10 12 GOINU WE3T. Gd. Rapids Fa't N'pa'r 2 53 a. m. Boston, N. X. & Oh 7 30 Mail & Express -.. 8 38 Nortta Shore Limited 9 25 Fast Western Ex... 2 00p.m. G. R. & Kal. Ex 5 55 Chicago Night Ex 10 28 Paoiilc Express 12 15 O.W. BTJGGLE8 H. W. HATBB, 6. F. T. Agent Chioago. Ag't Ann Arbor A. GRAND OFFER1 CDEE MME. A. RUPPERT'S rnËb face slëach -ñto, MME.A. RUPPERT j j S. says: '■lappreciiitethefact mwjL' Vmt. that there are many thouV$mfiXitsBtèRi sandsofladlesintboUnited ssfflfifiS&ïïï ügl Statesthatwouldliket jtry H ■aa!g myWorld-EenownedFAOS vJsjfSïi 'tSa. wn Bleach: but have beea Mier3] " PJ kept trom doing so oa aoB (. Jfy conntof priccwh1ehis52,00 iUk WéÜ Perbotüoor ;;bottlestakon JmïSJJV" jW tosetlier, 85.00. In order Sstltóñ1'" tÊ&ËbL that all of theso ïuay havo ímw t an opptirtunity, I win give N;x ' to every caller, absolutely _ -S free, a sample bottle, and M-y,-. d. 267ÍnordertosuppIylhoaeont - sf - of city, or in any partof the world.IwiUsend itsafely pnckedin plainwrapper all charges prepaid, tor 26 cents, silver or stamp." In every case of Treekle, pimpJea.moth, sallowness,bHu;kheads,acne,eczema,oiliness,roniih- neas, or any discoloratton or diseascof the skin, and wrinkles (not caused by facial expression) FACB BTjE ACH removes absolutely. It does not ■cover up, as cosmetics do, but is a cure. Address HAIIAHE A. KtPPEKT,(Deft.O.) No. 0 East I4th St., NEW YORK CITY' rCItiohentcr1 Ensllnh Diamond Brand. # YROYAL PILLS L'_ Orlfflnol and Only Genalnc A tk-TV safe, alwavs reliftble. ladies aslc XS 4j h Druggist for' Ci ir hestors KnylUh -"'XÖfHö ttFJiWgSA"1" Jtrand in SLcd aol Qoid mciullicW "fcv -üaboxc8. Hc-alcd wlrh blue ribbon. Tako NS' Ti ÍS iiHno fiefusc dajigi-rou.i V ['} - Aftionxatui imitatUms. Al Drugistd, oraend i. V) in Ptampa for particulnra, testimoniáis andl V JSÍ "Itclicf for IjUíIích," in letter, hr return - If Muil. 10,000 TüBtimoDiali. Name, Paper. ---ChIcïi ester 0nemiculCo,,31udlKmNUtti), Sold by all Local Uruggísta. 'hllutlu. .Ira. EISENBARTH LIVER PILLS Will stimulate a sluggish system into healthy acüon . MANN'S DRUG STORE, 39 S. Main Street. IE White Tokay The Best for all Purposes, MANN BROS., Druggists, 3e 3. Main St.1 ANN ARBOR


Ann Arbor Argus
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