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Max O'rell's Lecture

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Max O'RelI, the French author, who has poked so mnoh fun at the Atuerican people ibe past tea years, and who is thu authr of "Jonathan and His Continent," "John Bull and Hislsland" and other gitirieal works of travel, was greeteü by a large audieuce in the 8. C. A. course Monday night. Th8 Frenchman was very interesting. Ha said wuen he told his good niother, in the little provinoial town where he was born and ehe had always lived, that he was going to America, she bade hini good-bye with deep solicitude, eonveying the impression that she never should bee hita again. Frenohmen never cared muoh to travel. They were contented with their nwn conntry, and oared httJe for others. He recited au amusing inoident vVhicb oocnrred at Madison, Wís. , where at charch service where they were disoassing the best nianuer in which to pass Sunday, a looal man said be had had the nmfortuue to have spent one Suuday in Paris. He described all the bad ieatures that he found. Max O'Rell followea him and asked where he had been that Suuday. Had he visited the Louvre and the art galleries, had he looked at the paintiugs, had he goue to chnrch services, in all the churchesbeginuing in the morning and lasting untii afternoou? Would this man please explain how he happened to get where he did that Suuday in Paris? Max O'Rell paid rnauy complimeDts to the American wmnen, said that they were paid the greatest homage by the scerner sex of any uation in tke world, iucluding the Fiench women, and that they were the brightest and best eduoated women of any nation. Men looked upon them more as their equals than they did anywhore else. He said that Amerioa had its typical women, but no typioal men. The inen, however, worked too hard, and there was too much of the rocket and stick in the business world. Men were feverish to be rich and when they had money were feverish for more. The Frenuhman always enjoyed himself, the American didn't take time to. The lecturer had charaoteristically French gestures, and O'Rell told muoh in a shrng of the shonlders or a turn of the hand. His description of a woman's bonnet in deaf and dumb show was so true to the original that the women were forced to acknowledge by long and hearty laughter that he knew exactly what he was talking about. His hits were mauy and frequent, and he was thoroughly appreciaed.even if some of his wit had the barb and he thrnst it home with a keen satire and a delicate cruelty.


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