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Attacks The Mayor

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I Mayor Walker and the Board of ' lic Works have had a little tiff this ' week over the pnblioation of the Board's ', report. It will be renaembered that the aldermen voted to have the report ' printed. The mayor, however, vetoed '' the vote, filing his veto the 2Oth. He gave as his reasons for such veto, that Buch a pnblioatiou was not warranted i by the oity oharter. He considered, too, that the report was in no shape to be pnblished and presented to the lic, whioh knows nothing of the inside i workingj of the Board. The ïeport, the mayor olaimed, bad the appearauee of uuloading on to the Coimnnn Counoil the accnmnlations of a year's raismanagement. He does not approve of the unloading of charges against Counoil and their distribntion broadcast. He also ace uses the Board of advertising a brick company, aud in varions ways covering up their own faults with aoonsations against the Conncil. The Board "carne back" at the inayor with the following resolution, Sled Tuesday witb the city clerk : "it is hereby resolved that the mayor of the city of Ann Arbor haring flled a veto message vetoing the publication of the report of tlie board of public works, which had been passed bj a large majority vote of Uie common couneil and reasons given for said veto are in the opinión of this board unjust, rnisleading and untrue, -the mayor evidently seeking for specious reasons with whlcli to smirch this board, and forgetring that if he sueceeds in dragging down this board it would have a tendency to reflect upon the whole city government. Agadnst this apparently inalicious attack this board earnestly protests. "Therefore this board deerns it a duty to itoelf and the people to iuake some answer thereto. "The first reason giveo by the mayor is that 'such, publication is not w&rranted by the charter.' Tiie charter does provide expressly that the proeeedings of the couneil and board shall be published in a certain way, but it does not say that the annual report, which is obMgatory upon th board to make, cannot be published in other mamner. No thinking, fair minded persou who has exainined this question, but would Jiold tliat the couneil has an undoubted right to make publication of the reporte of the variöus boards of the city and distribute the same to tliO citizens, and we cannot but believe that the mayor would have agreed with a majority of the couneil as to the desirableness of infonning the' people of the year's work of the couneil by the board if it were not for maliciously disposed advisera "As to the report being in fehape to present to the couneil and the people and as to its being 'rnisleadiug' and 'haring the appearance of uuloading the accumulation of a year's mi&management,' Wils board is perfectly willing tó leave to the nnbiased and candlö judgment of the intelligent ciüzen. "We brand the statements of the mayor of 'mismanaigement' and 'attempting to iinload on the couneil' and that we have 'blocked Uie city attorney in isla efforts to open up stareets,' as the false malicious statements of advisers of the mayor. "This board cannot believe that the mayor, to whom the board has always been courteous and frank, would say these things of his own accord, but that they are the statements of malicious advisers of the mayor, who use b'im to vent their rneanness and wlio thus take advanfcage of the mayor. "We cominiseraite the misfortune of the mayor of falling into tliese evil minded men's hands. The board expresses its utter eontempt of these advisors of the mayor aad deerns it a great misfortune both to bis honor and to the city that he should have fallen into such unworüiy liands. "The mayoralty of ttíe city of Ann Aa-bor is an honorable office and should be held by a man aboye petty meanness, above making misleading statements, fair minded and above all one who would put liimself in rapport wïth good citizens who have the city's ínter est it heart and not wdth advisers v.ho are desirous of covering up their own incapacity by maligninjr those of Uie city offleers whom they caunot use to I the city"s detriment"


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News