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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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K DISEASED MEN CÜRED 3 TUnilCAMRCof young men, middle aged men and old men can look back at H nUUOftlll-'O thoirboyhonddays or early manhood with a sigh of remoree. M 2 The ignorance of eariy youth, or later ou a misspent life as "one of the boys ha eown J 5 the Sdeds for futuro euffering. SELF ABUSE is a terrible ein against, nature and - will bringarich harvt-et. Blond und Private Ui eases sap the very hLe and vitaüty oí thp victira. Oor WK W HErHOI TREA1 M_M' will poaitively care all the followW Q ing diseases: M 5 VARiCOCELE, EMISSIONS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, SYPHILIS, STRICTURE, Gl EET, SEMINAL WEAK K NESS, PIMPLES, LO T MANHOOD, UNNATURAL ft 6 DISCHARGES, KSDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES K U IC " ADC VÍ1I3 5 NEIvVOUSanddespondent; weakor debilitated; tiredmornings: do 5 HHC I JU ! ambition- lifeless; memory poor; easily fatigued; excitable and irriu II table; eyes sunken, red and blurred; pimples on face; dreams and uight lossea; restn II less; haggard looking; wak back, bone pains; hair loóse; ujcere; eore tbroat; -vaneo&Í B cele; deposit ia urine and draina at stool; distrastfal: wnnt of conficlence; lack of Q K energy and etrength-WH CAN CURE YOU OR ASK O PAY. S CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY- CONFIDENTÍAL S Ú CÈltTHUCn CDD TUE PDSUC A Warnln? from tóf. Living. "At BL K oNAIÜncU rnUSfl Ilit UnAVt. IS I learned a bad habit. Triedfonr 8 M doctors and nerve tonii-s by the score without benefit; emissiors aud (rama íncreaaed. a ; ÍK I béfame a nervons wreok. A friend who had be( n cnred by Drs. Kennedy & Kergan J{ # of a similar disease, advísed me to try them. Idid soandintwomonthswasposniïefcf, IÍ ly cured. This was eight years ago. I am now married and have two healthy chixdff f ren."-C. W. LE A 18, Sagmaw, S ÏS UADinnOCiü PIlDCn "Varicocele made lif e miserable. I was weak and n. O BAnlÜUbtLt uUiiCUi nervoas, eyes eunken, bauhtul in society, thm, g, n no ambition. The 'Golden Monitor' opened my eyes. The New MeU.od Treatment of g-% M Drs. Kennedy and Eergan cored me in a few weeks.- I. L, PETEHSON, Iouia, R; fc F4ülC'CinftlC -IIDEn EMERSON relates hii experienco. "X lived on OS W LmloölUliO liUiitll. aftirm. At school I learned an earJy habit. which WJ L weakened me phyeically, seinally and mentally. Family doctors eaid _1 was going Im into 'decline' (consumption.") Finally 'Tbe tíohlen Monitor,' edited by Dre. hennedy ui M & Kergan, feil iDto my hands. I learaed the ÏRÜTH and the CAUSE. Self-abnse A] la had sapped my vitaüty. 1 took the New Method Treatmeut and was eured. My , fb friends think I was cured of consumption, I have sent them many patients, all of Er 5 whom were cared. Their New Method Treatmeut eupplies vigor, vitality and JJ IÍ manhopd." . fj' P" OVnUIIIO nilQCA "This terrible blood disease wae in my syetem for eigbc lOZ UirrllLli blink U years. Had taktn mercury for two years, but the disease JS Bretnrned. Eyes red, pimples and blotches on the skin, ulcera in the mouth ond on SJ; toneue, bone püins, falling out of hair, weakne6s, etc. My brother, who had besn Yi cured of (ileet and atricture by Drs. Kennedy and Kergan. recomraended them. ? I They cured me in a Eew weeks, and I thank God I consolted them. No return of the E I disease in six years."- W. P. M., Jackson. P 17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 2OO.OOO CURED. NO RISK. L DITAnCDI Areyon a viotimí Have you lost hope? Are yon contemplatins rg H titnUClIi marriage? Has yonr blood been diseasedr Have you any weBEnessi J F Onr New MethodTreatment will cnra yon. What it has done for others it will do for 6 von. CONSULTATIOM FREE. No matter who has tnated you, write for an honeet e B opinión Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE.-"The Golden Monitor" ? K (&'AMlutES-Ï!BoWvm?TlNbN8ENT. PRIS K VATE No medicine sent C. O. D. Nonames on boxes orenvel"f n ooes Everythlng conf identlal. Questlon Hst and cost of Q ai Treatment FRËE. g i DRS;KENNEDY&KERGAN, ndétrso!tS81


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