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Rev. Anna Shaw will speak ia the Unitarian ohaich toniorrow night. Detroit getsniany of the new lawyers ! from tho U. of M. Thirty from last year's class settled there. Merchants havecomplained this week that coppers have been soiwceand small ehange making a hardship. "The Fencing Master, " which was booked at the opora hous i f or M arch Tth, has changed its date to Maroh 6th. The local spring election proruises to fee a warm one and it is suid the Board Of Works and Oouncil will line np for the finish. B. C. MeAlasler was this week appoiuted a nieinber of the finanoe committee by the High Court of Forestéis is session at Lausing. James O'Flarity was Tuesday sent to the Detroit house of oorreotion for ixty days by Jnstice Poad fur stealing a pair of shears from George Wahr. "Sliine" Walker stole some haras and phouldersat Zuern's rueat ïnarket Tuesday night. Next morning Jnstice Pond gave him 90 days in the Detroit house f oorrection. The Charitable Union will hold its aanual meeting at three o'clock, on Thursday afternoon, March 5th, at Harris hall. All interested are invited to be present. Commissiouer Wedemeyer anthorizes b to say that the nexfc teachers' examiBation for Washtenaw county will be lield at the oourt b ouse Thursday aad Triday, Maroh 26 and 27. It is stated that Miohaal Brenner will rent the Franklin Honse af ter the improveraents are completed, to O. F. Westfall, formerly one of the proprietors cf the Hawkins House at Ypsilanti. The Salvationists last night had a aptain at their barracks who had reently returned frora India. He told the orowd about the country and sang to them the wierd songs of the Hindus. Frank Chanelle, the man whom Marshal Peterson arrested for selling elothing by the lottery method, has paid oosts of the case and been allowed to depart, on oondition that he do no ■aore business here. Washington's Birthday brought a 10 pouud boy to Mr. and Mrs. Adam Maier, of Northfield. They forthwith named the youngster George Washington. Two children in Washtenaw onnty were named for the Father of his Country in honor of being born npon his birthday. The "Whiskers Club," of the senior law class, appeared at the Washington Birthday celebration with a bauner depioting Mr. Washington with whiskers. Somo other senior laws prooeeded to pull the banner down, thinking their too presumptuous brethren were casting glnrs on the father of his country. The Methodists are tbought to be kaving their eye on Rev. A. B. Störms, ef the Cass avenue churoh, Detroit, to ooupy their pulpit after Rev. O. M. Cobern le?ves for his Denver charge. Rev. Storms is a U. of M. gradúate, reoeiving a post gradúate degree in 1893. His parents reside in Lima townhip, where he was born. Several old print cartoons relating to the Tippecanoe campaign of 1840 adorned the window display at Ranall's art store this week. The ideas Of the cartoon in those days were rather erude but they seemed to have a pretty good conception of humor. Bnt the artoon, with everything else, has made Tast strides since the log cabin oampaign f hard eider. The looal Salvation Army captain expresses himself as desirous of having the American Ariny separate from the Bnglish Army. "Wedon'twant any Bnglishmen over here," he said. Ballington Booth, the leader who was reealled from Amerioa, was an Englishaaan, but had becorne quite thoroughly Americanized. It looks now as though the flght would result in a división of the armies. Fire Sunday morning did about $1,500 damage at the residence of Mrs. M. S. Oswald, 103 E. Huron street. The fire was first disooTiered by a student. Smoke was emanatiug from the floor beneath the steam pipes,. It was thought the fire had its origin in the attio and was oansed by mice and matches. The fire was confined to the ipper story, and did its most damage in the paititions and joist. McKee Rankin, an aotor of establiehed ability, will appear at tne opera house tomorrow evening in "A Naval Cadet," a oomedy drama of life at the Annapolis Naval Aademy. James T. Corbett, well known as the ex-champion pugilist of the world, also appears in the company and will fight a pounding bag. The oast is said to be a very eapable oue and the opera house will no doubt be orowded. A Whitmore Lake farmer named Wheeler allowed his team to stand on S. Main street without being tied. The horses proceeded to run away, and the wagon being heavily loaded with barrels of apples it' pro ved ponderous enongh to tip over Dr. John Kapp's baggy, turning it upside down anc breaking a wheel off, broke the right hind wheel off Cbas. Shetterly's buggy, scared Moore & Wetmore's horse infco running away, as it did another further on down by the postofflee. There was enough exoitement for a spring eleotion and Wheeler was running for office - the Courier office in front ol which he found his team without so mnoh as a hair of an apple's heac harmed. They were bald wioa ■■■■-. The Congregational cbarch congregation Wodnesday uight soted against having free seats. Ralph Miller, the machinist, is still after theX ray iu bis Main street laborat ry and is making sorae progress. It is likely that Deputy Game and Fisb Warden Bell, of Dexter, is to retire and Spencer Pearce, of tbat village, is reponed to be canvassing for tho place Charles Thompson, the colored boy aocused of steaïing the satohels of a oouple of drovers, has waived exatnination and Justice Pond has bound him over to the circuit court. Geo. Kleiser, thu reader and impersonator, appeareiï in the Y. M. O. A.'s oourse at the Presbyterian church last uight to a highly pleasod audience. He is a young man of realized promise. News was recelived here yesterday announcing the death at 2 a. rn. of Mrs. Dexter, of Lima liownsbip. aged 79 years. She was mother of Mrs W. H. Whitmarsh, of this city. Mrs. Elizabeth A. McDonald, wife of Theodore F. McDonald, of 51 S. University avenue, died suddenly yesterday rnorning. She was 62 years of age and leaves three ohildren besides ier husband to mourn her loss. A surprise party was given Misses Daisy and Edith Polhemus at their home on Fountain street last Tuesday night. A large numberof friends were present and a very enjoyable time was iad by all present. It is claimed tbat the appointment of a reoeiver for the Ann Arbur & Ypsilanti roail was due to a threat from Chicago bondholdersthat if the interest on their bonds was notpaid.they would ile a bilí for receiver in the United States court. In Justice Pond's court the following drnnks were arraigned and sentenced during the past week : Friday, Adelbert Kimball, flned $2 and $4 60 oosts; Thos. Allyn, 5 days in jail ; John Sheehan, 4 days in jail; Frank Welsh, 6 days in jail ; Monday, Thos. Hughes, 2 days in jail. Wm. Fouchs, who has been up a ;ood many times on various charges, was arraigned before Justice Gibsou Thnrsday morning on a charge of larc'eny. Henry Collins aoouses Fouchs of borrowing a saw to cut ice and refutting to return it. The oase was adourned two weeks. The habeas corpus pi'oceedings for :he possession of the child Margaret Olancey, now in the custody of Mr. md Mrs. Sinin, of Kalamazoo, ware disinissod Wednesday by the supreme court. child will ïoinain with ;he Sinins, the court snstaining the deoision of the oircuit court in this paricular. The circuit oourt opens text Monday. The docket contains 94 oases, six more than the December term. The oases are distributed as follows: Criminal, 21 ; issues of fact, 43; issues of law, 1 ; chancery örst class, 11 ; ohancery second class, 4; ohancery fonrth olass, 19. There arevery few important oases and ;he term is likely to be a short one. The University School for Nurses ield its graduating exercises for the class of '96 at the University Hospital ast Friday evening. The following s a list of the gradnates who received diplomas: Miss Hope Turnbull, Bradt'ord, Ont. ; Miss Clara Odell, Allegan ; Miss Hattie Wright, Mason ; Miss Jennie Bell, Millersberg.Ky. ; Miss Haller, Ann Arbor; Miss Alice DeField, Norwich, Canada. A bit of political gossip whioh is going the rounds Í8 to the effect that the board of workswill make strenuons endeavors this spring to have oandidates favorable to them elected to the board of aldermen, with the intention of "hanging np" any noniination of Mayor Walker's for the public works board. Mr. Bullis' term expires this spring. In the case of such a situation he wonld hold on of conrse until bis' sucoessor oould qualify, which might mean all summer. The Woman's Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. gave a banquet Tnesday evening. The repast was furnished by the young men. Mrs. H. S. Dean had the honorable post of toastmistress. Mrs. W. M. Sturgeon responded to the toast, "WeWomen;" Mrs. E. L. Seyler, to "Elements of True Success;" Mrs. W. S. Perry, to "The New Building;" Mrs. J. H. Eaton, to "Our Neighbors" and Mrs. C. W. Wagner, to "Green Timber. " At the close sotne of the ladies were oalled on to respond to a few impromptu toasts. The Jones brothers, Messrs Woods and Thomas, Harry Moore, Sid Martin and Jas. E. Harkins assisted in the entertainment, whioh was htigely enjoyed by everybody. John O'Keefe, old and reapected citizen, died Monday morning at the family residenoe, oorner Lawrence and N. Thayer strets, from blood poisoning resulting from a cáncer in the wrist. Mr. O'Keefe was born in County Cork, Ireland, in 1828. He settled in Northfleld in 1851, coming directly there from Ireland. Ten years afterwards he carne to Ann Arbor to reside, building the family residence where he died. He worked in the Tolbert lumber yards for 25 years, retiring frotn active work aboat three years ago to enjoy the deelining years of a well spent life. The members of the family, besides the widow oonsisted of five daughters as follows: Mrs. Nicholas Krauser, of Ypsilanti ; Mrs. Alfred BrisboiB, Mrs. Walter Pollard and Mrs. John Dolan, of ChioagoJ and Mrs John M. Feiner, of this oity. Thejfuneraljooourred from Si. Thomas' ohnroh Tuesday moraing. The weather bureau says a cold wave is dne touight. Edward Dulïy has been ill abonr a week with la grippe. He is better today and ablo to sit np. He had a narrow escape froin pneninonia. Tho bnsiness rnen do not enthuse over the proposed uew motor line betsveen here and Detroit. It would take too ínuoh niouey to Detroit in trade. The following delegates iett yesterday to attenl the Y. M. C. A. Btatq couventiou at Kalarnazoo: G. G. Stiiuson, A. C. Sohairer, Wm. Goodyear, W. R. Phillips Wm. Bigg,s, Geo. H. Pond. C. M. Stovens, N. Stanger, C. W. Wuguer, G.Frauk Allraendinger, B. 3. Johusou, Frank Parker, Fred Wnerth, Ed. C. Krapf. The following ladies will also attend tbe oouvention and tlie state meeting of the VVouaen's Auxiliary: Mrs. Wta. Goodyear, Mrs. W. B. Phillips, Mrs. C. W. Wagner, Mrs. G. S. Stimson and Mrs. E. L. SeyIer.