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Miss Carrie Forner.of Sharon, visited frieuds ïu the uity fhis weok. R. C. MoAlaRter ws in Lansiug this week, a delégate trova the o:n lodgc to the s(;tte meeting oí the Hiii Conrt of Fores'ters. John R. Miner was in Chicago chis week on business in conneotion witii the new telephone company, a praUy good symplom ttiat the oompany rneans business. Mr. William S. Lord, of Evauston, and Mrs. Edith Lord Blaney, of Riverside, 111., were in the city WedLesdiy night, ■being called east by the last of their grandmother, Mrs. Eliza S. Siuclair. Mrs. Hegeier, of La Salie, 111., who bas been visitiug her daughters, who are in college, returned home Monday. Miss Julia Rominger accompanied Mrs. Hegeier home to be her guest for a few "weeks. Mr. George Baur, of New York City, speat Sunday with his grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Diehl, of 19 Paokard street. Mr. aud Mrs. Garlinger, of Nashville, Mich., retnraed home the firsï of the week after a few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. H.Meach, of W. Williams. Miss Lu Rank, of Jackson, spent Su4day with Anna Wesoh, of W. Williams, street. ■ ,, Dr. J. ft. Taft, of Jackson, visited friends over Sauday in Ann Arbor. Dr. Fred N. Freer, of Elmira, Mich.' ■was a guest of Ann Arbor frieuds thíá ■week. Miss Flora Sterrett is visiting her parents at Decatnr. Miss Lizzie Fitzgerald is in New York and will bring home sorne new tnilliuery ideas. Miss Anna Gremel, of Grand Rapids, visited her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Allaby, this week. Mrs. Ed.L. Soyler is a deligate f rom the Woinan's Auxillary of the Y. M. C A. , to Y. M. C. A. state convention next week at Kalamazzoo. City Engiaoer G. F. Key spent Sunday in Detrait. Mrs. Chris. Haebick, of Chicago, is visiting friends in the city. Eugene K. Frneanff, of the Owosso Argus, spent Öunday with Ann Arbor friends. R. J. Tiok and W. O. Brigham, ,Tr., of Toledo, were guests Sunday of Robert Givinner. Geo. Baar, of New York city, spent Sunday with Ann Arbor teiatives. Sam Langsdorf was up from Detroit to spend Washington 's Birbfaday with his Ann Arbor friends. . i D. G. Goodspeed bas returned from a business wip fco Richinond, Ind., looking after fcia boot and shoe interests tiere. Profs. W. H. Dorrance, A. VV.Haidle, N. S. Hoff and L. P. Hall atèended a banquet at the Hotel St. Claïr, Detroit, Saburday night, aocompanying the establishment of a chapter cf the Delta Sigma Delta in the Detroit School of Medicine. Miss Susan B. Anthony, who is ou her way to California, wiil stop off in Ann Arbor over Satnrday and Sunday, and will be the guest of Mrs. Olivia B. Hall. Prof. and Mrs. James R. Angelí, of ehicago, are spending several months in Enrope. Mrs. S. G. Beakes and Mrs. S. W. Beakes were oalled to Detroit Wednesday by the serióos illness of Mrs. E. S. Sinclair. Miss Anna Muma has gone to Flint to spend two weeks with friends thers. City Clerk Mills was in Plint this week making arrangements for getting out his directory of that county. He had praotised the Aitken vocabnlary uátil it will beoome easy for him to get around over there with good grace. A. J. Sawyer and Evart H.Soott arrived home yesterday from their southern trip. Miss Kate Warner went to Howell yesterday t attend a wedding. April 6th is the date seleoted for the production of "Jnlins Caesar" under the anspices of the Oratorical Assooiaon. The play may be given a presentation in Chicago, Detroit and other cities. The Glee and Banjo Club are being oritioised for refusing to play "at the Washington's Birfchday celebration without a compensation. The boys should be pnblio spirited enough to assist in suoh a pnblio demonstation withont being hired. Last evening the local lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen initiated 170 new members, as large a number as a city of Ann Arbor's síes could ever claim. There are 30 or more applications from other people ■who have not yet been examined. This will bring the total number of members of the order in the city up to abont 300.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News