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Some of our farmers are marketing their beaDS for eighty oents per bnshel, whïle earlier in the f all they sold for'. one dollar a bnshel. Will Storey will sell his stook and farming implements at publio anction Tuesday, Maroh 10, at 10 a. m., on the Wm. Stevens' farm near Birkett. Business oalled T. Birkett f rom home a few days last week. Messrs. Sutzer and Butler were Pinckney visitors Saturday. Miss Maggie McGninness closes '"a very snccessfnl and satisfactory six months' term' of school in district No. 3, Dexter township, today and has been engaged to teach the spring and snmmer terms. Miss MoGuinness is a gradúate of the Dexter schools. Mr. Green's t'amily entertained friends for a part of the week. Quish Sr. Olsaver are putting a new plate glass front in their hardware store that makes a good improvement. Torn James is also having a large g!ass in his hardware store. Dexter will then have two as goód hardware stores as the connty affords. Thomas Daley and family were oalled to Pinckney to attend the funeral of Mrs. Daley's rno'her, Mrs. McDonald, who was buried Monday. Mrs. W. Stevens eujoyed a visit from Mrs. O. Moore the firet of the week. Some from here attended the Boston Rival Concert in Pinckney Monday iiight and enjoyed it very much. Mr. Stanton and family, of Ingham oounty, were here to atteud the funeral of his mother. Mr. Wheeler and wife have" been entertaining friends for a short time. Miss Hincley spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents in Anderson. Business oalled James Lyman to Pinokney Saturday Johu Harria and wife, of Pinokney, called on thair frjends the last of the week. Mr. Culy and daughter, of Hamburg, were in town one day reoently. Mrs. Irwin, of Hudson, has returned from her Jackson sojourn. Mr. Tones made his Putnam friends a visit last week. Miss Hattie Campbell, a highly esteemed lady living near Pinckney, died very suddenly at her home last Wednesday. She leaves a large number of friends to mourn her loss. Mr. Schoen was out of town on business the first of the week. Quite a n amber of the young people enjoyed a dance at the opera house Tuesday night. Frank Meyers and family, of Pinckney, were on our streets Saturday. T. Dwyer, of Ypsilanti, is spending a few weeks with his friends in and around this village. Mr. Daley visited relativos in Hamburg last Sabbath. Mrs. John Sohieferstein, of Chelsea, forinerly a resident of this village, had thfl roisfortnne to fall on the sidew)k at Chalsea and break her wrist boue oue day lust week. A göod inany farmers in this vioinity will chauge hands in the spring. Mr. Hairnuger, of Chelsea, made us a pieasant cali Satmday last. Mr. Sticklo, of Putnam, was in this plaoe on business the last of the week. Mr. Hammnud. of Bay City, was here on hnsiness Wednesday. E. C. Barney, of Ann Arbor, was in towa last Wednesday. G. Andreas spent Tuesday with frieuds af. Whittuore Lake. Miss Hattie Spiegelbpjg, of Ohelsea, visurd her many Dexter friends reoeutly. Mr. Farley, of Hamburg, was on our streets Thursday. Mr. Carltou has been spending the week in this vicinity. Mr. Qninn and sou were entertained by Dex-ter friends Thursday of last week. Mr. Kleinsbnrg, living on the M. S. Cook farm west of this village, had an auction Wednesday, selling his farming tools. Burt Hooker, of Pettysville, made his fiiends a short visit. It is reported that Mr. Andrea, of Dexter towuship, has rented the James farm near this village. Salvation Army in town this week. Mrs. Carralin died at her home in Webster after a short illuess Saturday. The funeral services were held on Monday. The deceased was but twenty years oíd and lea ves a large oirole of friends to mourn her sad departure.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News