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A Strange Request

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The following is taken from üie col-' uuins of the Daiily News, Denver, Colo., of Feb. 25. The lady to wlwm it relates was a resident of Ana Arbor for m&ny years and wbjS well knowu to many of the older residents of the city: "In the dissecting room of the State Univeraity, Stout and Eighteenth ststj upon a woodtn slab, reclines a güawtly figure. To a person unaceustonied to gruesome sig'hts the spectacle revealed upon opening the Stout st. door of the institutíon will cause a shudder to run over the body. The mortal remains of i Mrs. Annie E. Marsh, late a physieian j and wife of Dr. Marsh, of Greeley, i lie stretched out full length upon a baard, white the head of the form is, sa wed in trwo ihorizontally, the upper' ñve inciheá of the skull shaped exactly libe a half gourd, reposing by the inanimaite form. "Aocording to the terms of a will, Mra Marsih bequeaithed her reniadns to 'the medical students of Denver to be utilized for scientifie pui-poses. The Statte University has just come into possession of the cadáver and the student will immediately begin the work of dissection. After a ttoorougli exarninaibion of the different parts of the body the skeleton will be cleaned under the direetion of Dr. Burnliam and the portions tttereof articulated. "The late Mrs. Marsh was a native' of Michigan. Her father occupded a prominent Fresbyterian pulpit and she was brought up aceording to the Presbyiterian form of belief. In younger days Mrs. Marsh, whose name at tliat time was Eastman, was educated as a teacher in the public schools of Michigan, and taughit in the different institutions for severa! terms. "Later she took up the study of medicine at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, University, and soon after graduated witii high honors in the homeopathie deIartmeiit. In the year 1879 Miss Eastman ame to Denver and at once began the practice of medicine. A year later slie met and married Dr. Marsh, the well known praotitioner of Greely. Soon after the wedding ceremony the pair took up their abode at Greely and praeticed together at tliat place up to within the last two weeks. About one year ago Mrs. Marsb exeented a will by the terms of wlwöh her prH)erty, wliich sihe had acoumulated wiiile in Colorado was bequeathed to the Ann Arbor Univeralty, with the exception of her residence aft Greeley. Her possesaions included lands in. Colorado, Fhoenix, Ariz., and in the East, besides considerable personal property and notes of great valué. The Michigan University, however, was the sole devisee, outside of her husband, of hier enfcire áltate. A very singular elause was inserted in the will. It prorided tbat aíter death, the remains were to be sent to the homeopathie departnient of the Ann Arbor University, for the purpose of enlig'htening the minds of the students of the human body. Soe expressly staited that her strange actiion in tlms disposing of her mortal remains was for the purpose of aiding science in her reseairohes. "Soon after signing the will, the idea of conveying the remains to Ann Arbor met with disfavor, owing to the disitanee and the expense attaohed1 to it. She therefore told her husiband, some time before her death that her body was to be sent to Denver for diisseotion and cremation instead of to MioMgian. If the Students of tfnis city could not utilize the remains for tüie advancemenit of science, she gave it as her express wish that her remains abouí9 be cremated. "A week ago last Thursday evening, wliiile in apparentúy god beaih, desiite the GO years wtoich had witened her locks, Mrs. Marsli received a stroke of paralysás which afterwards caused her deatti. On the evening named she had been sitting with a patieut giving advice, w(h.en she was noticed to suddenly act queerly. It had been her intention to remata up all night with the sufferer and she had oolleoted various bottlea of mediicine around her to admináster to the patiënt. About mid-' nigiht she suddenly opened her yalise! of bottles, and took therefrom threo viala Two of these she opened, inIvaled the eontents and then replaced them, uncorked, back in the valise. The tMrd, however, she uncorked and swallowed part of the eontents. "Immediately after siie reeled into an easy chair and land there until the patiënt summoned assistance. Dr Marsh responded to the cali and removed his atricken wife home. Mrs. Marsh lay in aü unconscious state. She failed to utter a sound and upon several occasions, it was thought, : life had departed from Tier. Her righrt side had been paralyzed by tlie stroke and death was looked for ait almost any moment. In one week life was pronounced exttnet and the grieved husiband sent word to Denver to Dr. Burniham, asking if the body could be uaed for scientific purposes in üús city. He sadd 'he deadred to carry out the wish of nis deceeaed wlfe to the letter. Dr. Burnham replied thai the remados If ent here oould be tak#a U the State University for examina.tion and could be put to very goud utility. Aceordingly Friday moruing last, Dr. Majöh arrived in the city upon 'his sorrowful errand and had the corpse sent to Hogers & Son for prepara i ion. Later in the day, under direction of Dr. Burnham. the body was eonveyed to the University In behalf of the I homeopathie department of the State University." Miss Anna E. V. Eastman first carne to Ann Arbor in the 50'a with her motlier, who was a widow, and! two sisters froui Massacimsetts. They bouglit the house whre Mattlin Clark now lives oh Washington st., and lived íhere until they left tOiecity in 1879. Miss Eastman graduated from the Iliffh School in 18S0 witli the flrSt class that was gi'aduated, there being 11 in the ctass. She then went to Detroit where sh taught fon eight years. She returned to Ann Arbor in 1868 and teiuglit In the High Sohool unibil 1877 when she entered the homeopathie department of the University, graiduating with Mgh bonors in 1879, when the family left tlxe city and went to Denver, Colo. Her subsequent Mfe has been already given in the above article.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News