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As civil service reform is extending its...

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As civil service reform is extending itself throughout the various branches of the government, the politicians who bope for office find fewer and fewer offices to be divided among tbe faithful party workers. If ,for instance the repnblioans sbonld elect their president this fall, when they come to distribnte the offices, the curses of the disappointed ones will be loud and long, íd fact worse than anything ever before heard on oooasions of this kind, for while the applieants will be more than usually nnmerous owing to the hard times, the places to fill will be less usual than before. There are a good many republicana in federal offloe to day, possibly as ruany republioans as democrats. The repnblicans cannot very well turn these republicans out, neither can tbey turn out a good many democrats who hole places ui der the civil service aot Nearly all tb. at is left for party distri bution are the postmasterships and the heads of departrnents, custom houses etc. It will be seen that there is no nearly enough left to go around and very little indeed for those whose ambitions would be content with smaller places. Henee the republicans will find, if they succeed this year, that they will have to do some tall work to win again two years from now. Just now the McKipley star is in the ascendency in repnblioan circles. If we are to have this tariff war all over again it is well to hava the apostle of the highest kind of protection at the head of the republioans. It will help to secure for them the purse strings of the monopolists and will admit the democratio arguments to reach the masses nnobscured by any subterfuges concerning reciprocity which is not in the Mo Kinley doctrine, but was interpolated by the wisdom of James G. Blaine, who vas not a belie verin the McKiuiey the McKnleyites will all kuow f McKinley's nominated. There is no doubt of the gveat syrupatby feit ty the citizens of ibis country with tbe Cubans, who have revolted 'rom Spauish oppression far greater :han that wbioh oaused our forefathers to shake off the rule of England. It is hard to conceive of a goverumeut more oppressive tbau that of Spaiu ovar its colonies, and one by one they aie dropping away f rom the Spanish rule. An extraordinary eiïort is being made to retain Cuba, which has been averitable gold mine to the Spanish treasury, pouring iuto it the millions rung from the hard taxed Cubans. Every lover of liberfcy hopes for the hastening of the day when Cuba may be f ree. Tbe republican politicians are still exercising their brains over plans to down Mayor Pingree in the gnbernatorial race. And although the mayor is a great figbter and the majority of the republicans of tbe state want to nomínate him, the chances for hisnomination are srnall, for the politicians don 't want him and his friends areliableto handle little of the federal patronage for whiob the republican mouths watering. The Spanish are exceedingly wroth against the Americaus because they are in sympathy with the Cubans, and have gone so far as to stone our oon sulates, an act which, however, the Spanish government tried to prevea and for which tbey have apologzerl But the Spanish government little un derstands our system of governmen , when they request the president to apologize for the utterances of the United States senate. The Italiaus have sulïered n over whelming defeat in Abyssinia with the loss of over 5,000 soldiers. It is not a easy tö obtain or retain oolonies as i was in the old days, as the Earopean nations are fast discovering. If we believed the reports sent outjby the Spanish in Cuba, the rebels wer getting badly routed every day, and ye only this week, the Cubans were with ín four miles of Havaua. We are having a vig mms foreign pol icy, and European diplomáis are made aware that America exists, "the land of the free and the home of the brave.'


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News