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Killed Number 5,000

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Rome, March 5.- The iingdom of Italy i s in a condición of excitoment, grief and auger almos beyond descrlption. Words cannot adequatoly portray the situation, :or every dispatoh reoiivod f rom Massowah adds to the gravity of the disaster to the Italian rmj at Adowa, Abyssinia. When the flrt nws of General Baratierl'a defeat reached this oity report had it that . onlj (100 mm wero killed; i Tuesday aftarnoon the numbers ; ran up to 3,000 killed, with sixfcy pieces of artlllery oaptured, and Wednesday's dispatoho plaoe th number of Idalinns kiüad at ths battle of Adowa and in the long, harasslna ratreatwhlch foliowad at 6,0OU, and it 1 balloTed that not aven thesa flgure tall of tha f uil axtent of tha disaster. In thms reporta no raention is made of the wounded, and thera is good reason, bied on torios of recent Italian defents by the Abynsinians, to bailare those who feil trounded durlng the retreat of ovar flf ty miles mat a mora horrible fata than thosa who wera killed on ths spot. Rome City of Mourning. All fefces have baen indefinitely postponed, masaos for the ropose of the souls of the dead have b3en colebrated in every Catholic church in this city and crowds of weeping woinen and sorrowing men were in attendance. The receptions, etc, in celebration of coronation anniversary of the pope have been diapensed -with. Rome, in a word, is a city ot mourning and of sullen anger reaüy to break out into flerce, open reaontment. It was stated that in a number of places the pólice have been unable to cope with the populace and that the troops have been called upon to restore order. The soldiers, however, appear to have boen as helplesa aa the pólice and in sevcral places crowds have been fired upon. At Milan the troops, after vainly trying to disperso a mob which was making a demonstration against the government, were obliged to fire. One man was killed and several were wounded. This inoreasod the excitoment and report has it that the troops were stoned and had to clear the public square at the point of the boyonet.


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