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REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE. TATE OP MICHIGAN, OOÜNTY OT & Washtenaw, ss. In the inatterof theestate of James Sage, deceased. Notioe is hereby given that Id pursuanee ef au order granted to the uudersigned administrator of ïaid deneased, by the Hon, Judge of Probate for the Oounty of Wasbtenaw.on tbe tlurd dar day of February A D. 1806, there will b sold at public vi ndue tQ tlie highest bidder, at the late residenee oí deeeaned in the Townehip of Lodi, in the Couut of Washtenaw, lasaid State, on Tueada-í Ihe 24th day of March A. D 1S96, at TO o'ilock in the forenoon of that day (subjeot toall eBcurnbrances by mortgage orotuerwise eilstiag at the time of the death of Bald deee-wed) the foliowing described Real Estáte to-wit: The eautone half (H) of the north-east ouequarter '}4)on section nineteeu (19); and aleo the north-west one-quarter (Ü) of section twenty 20); uud also the north-east one-quarter (54) of th aouth-west one quarter (H)ot section twenty (20); ani) aleo the oorth threefourths {%) of tlie nrth-west one-quarter i!4) of tlie west one-q arter (!4iof eeciion twenty (2u); and also two aeree off frum the west side of ihe west one-half(',4)of the northeast one -quarter {%) of seetion tweoty (2U), township three (3) south range Uve (5) east, being m the Townahlp of Lodi, Washtenasr Oounty, State of Michigan; and also the south east one-quarter (}L) oí the north-west one-quarter 04) oí the n irth-west oue-quaner (Ü) and the north otv -half (y.) of 'he southeast one-quarter (M) of the onequarter (iJ and six acres lacking eight MinarO rods out of and f rom the north-east comer of (he eouth-west one quartor (í of the northwest one quarter (K) bHng twenty-elght [28) rods north and south and tweutv four i24J rods east and west all in section twenty-uine (2li) township thi'Ge i3) 6outh range lour (4) east, beiní In the Township of Freedom, Oounty of Washtenaw, State of Michigan. DatedFeb.ürd, 1896. MICHAEL SAGE, Administrator. Estáte of Julia Tuite. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw. as. Atixiinui ol the Probate Court ïor ihecountyof Wawhtonaw, holden at tha Probate office íd tl city ot' Aun Arbor. on Tlnirsday, the 13th dy of February, ín Ihe yeac one tbouaand eight huudred and ninety-six. rresent, J. Wülard Babbitt, Judge of Probata. lo the matter of the estáte ol Julia Tuite, deceased. On reading and flling the petition. duly verlft-d of C'atbarine Tuite, praying that a ccrtnra iostrume't uow on file in thll court, purpurting to be the last will aurt testament ofsaicf deceasei irny headmitted lo probate and that adminisirtion of mid estáte may be grantcd to Patrli'k Fitz Simons the executor, in said will nameJ or to sotue othvr ituitable lerson Thercupun it is ordered, that Monday, the 30th day , of March ni-xt. at ten oc)ock in the forenion, be auign'ed for the hearing of sid petitio, nd that the devisees, legatees, and hcirs al law of aaid decessed and all jthei pemounntereiied in iaid estáte, are required to appear at essioii of aaid (Jourt, tb'in tobe nolden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arhor, and show caupe, if auy there be, why theprayerof tbe ptitioaer should not be granted5; Aod it is furtber ordereii . tbi aaid petitiouer give aotioe to the persous istcreited iu Maid eatate ot the peniency olsaid petitiou, aud the beariag tliereof, bvcmisiug; a copy oi thu order to be publiehed ia tke Ann Akbok akoii, a newnpaper printed n4 drculated i aaid Couniy, thre iuicessiTe wk prulos to aaid ir of heariut J. WÍU.ARD BABBITT, IAtrucpy] Judge f ProhMe. Wmxiam G. Doty, Prabata Roi(cr Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY" ot Washtenaw, as. Notie is hereby given, tuat by au order of tha Probate Court foi tke County of Wmahtenaw. made ou tbe tliird day of February, A. 1) lSO, ix montha from that were allowed for creditora to preaent tbeic claima againal theeetatt ol Catberiuc Hansterlei, late "f nid cuunty,dceaaed, and that all creditors f said dtKseased are required to preneot theirclaima io Biid Probate 'Jourt, al ihe Probate Office in th city ot Adu Arbor, for ■ xamination and allowance, on er betore the t.bird day of AuguBt next, nnd that Buch claimi will beheard before said Court ou tbe fourth day of May, aud on the third day of August next at ten o'cloek in the forenoou ofeaeli of saiddaya. Dateó, Anu Arbor. Febraary 3', A. D. 1896. J. W1LLAKÜ liABBlT'l', Judge olP,obateMortgage Sale WHEREAS, DRFAULT HAS BKBN MADE in the payment of the money becured by a mortgage aated Sist day of March, in thé year A. L). 18W, executed by Michtiel Steffau ow8ki, ot the township of Bridgewater, Waahtenaw Gounty, Michigan, to Alón o Clark of Clinton, Lenawe Oounty, Michigan, whieh said mortgage was recorded In the oHluo ol Etegloter of De ds of the Oouuty of Washteimw, in Libero-i, of mortffiges. on page 71$, on the 4th day of April, -in tbe year A. i). 1 M, at 7: 15 p m. And, wtu-reas, the said oiortgaïjö bas been duly ass gned by the said Alónzo Clark to James Hogai, by assignment beainti: date the 27th duy ol April, in t::e year 18H2, and recorded in the office of tbe regis er of deeds of the said Couutj of Washtenaw, 'n the28tli day of April, In the yeai 1892 at 10 o'clock a. m. on IJhrr 11 of assignments of mor Rages on page 178 and said bavinig heen ajiain duly assigned by the said James Boffan to Alljert lirunslci. by assignment bearing date the llth day of Muy, in tito year I8H2 and recorded in the office of register of deeds of tbe said Oounty of Wushtenaw, on ' the I8th day of November in tbe year 1892 at 1 :Hn o'elock p. m , in Liber 11 of assignments of moi tgages otj page 278 and the same ia now owned by faun, tbe said Albert Brunski. And whereas, the umount claimed to be due oa said mongage at tbe date of this uotice Is the sumofTwo Huudred Forty-Six dollars and j Nine'y-one cents of principal and interest; and ' wiiich is the whole amount claimed to be unpaid on said mortgage. and no suitor proceedings having been instltuted at law to recover the debt now remaining oocured by said mortgage or any part tnereof whereby the power of sale coutained iu said mortsage has beCDm operiitivc. Now, therefore, no'tce is hereby glven, that by vir ue of the said power of sale, mui in pursuance of the iu such case made and providPd. the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the piciuiscs theretu des riued, t Public Auctlon, to the high est bidder, at tbe South front door of the Court house in the Cily of Ann Arbor. in said County of Washtenaw, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw is heldi on Friday the iStb day of March 1886, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon: Wbichsaid prtimises are described in said mortgaire as tollpws, towit: All that pieee or parcel of land sitúate ■ r b ing in the township of Bridgewater, Opupiy of Wasntenaw and state ' f Michigan known and described a follown towit: Cominencing in th middle of the hlghway in th quartor section line In section numberOiu) twonly iu township number lonr south, of range four east. twe ty-two tl) chainsand wentvtwo (22i links south from the qHiu'ter post ou north line of said S'-ction numlier(20) twenty, Ihenee south nlonir s;iil quarter section line sixteen rods and'six links to a stako, theooe north-oasterly twonty-three rods and four and oue-half links to astake henee north to center of nuil roid sixteen rods and six links, henee south-westerly ulong the center of mili road to the place of beginninL containing three (3) acres of land, be the sume more or 1698, Uiited December, llth, 18R5. ADBEKT BRTJNSKT G. R. Ghxespie, As8ignee. Attorney for Assignee, All druggists ffuar&ntee Dr. Hiles' Pain FtUiStostop Headache. "One cent a. dose."


Ann Arbor Argus
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