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Pingy's Local Boom

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The Argus started out this week to secure a few opinions arnong Republican warhorses as to their choioe of gubernatorial timber in thia neok of the woods. There has been considerable Pingree sentiment f ormulated in the past few weeks and some of the Jlepublioan leaders are not reticent about aokuowledgiog their loyalty to the mayor's standard. Peter Lehman, depnty county treasurer, wears a Maocabee button. "What is that, a Pingree button?" was asked. "No, but I am going to wear one in a few days. You bet I!jn for Pingree f rom my shoes up. " Connty Clerk Dansingburg was not íd, bot his son, Depnty Connty Clerk Dansingburg, expressed himself ashaving a personal ohoice for O'Donuell, but confessed hehad strong Pingree leauings. Hethonght hisíather wonld be for Pingree, although ho had a warm plaoe for Ö'Donnell. His father believed Pingree conld be elected by the largest vote of auy man. W. K. Childs is a warm supporter of Ö'Donnell. "Mr. Ó'Donnell is the best equipped man for the position," said he. "He is worthy of Washtenaw's support and should receive it, for he ís from this oongressional district." "Whatabont Conant, isn't he from this district?" "Well, the Almighty never picked out Conant for governor." "Do you hear any silver talk or any Aitken sentiment expressed?" "Oh, yes, considerable." $ Pingree your second choioe?" "Well, I can't say I have a second choice. I'm for Ö'Donnell flrst, last and all the time." Hou. A. J. Sawyer said: "I was manager of Pingree's campaign two years ago in this connty, but this time I favor Mr. Conant's candidacy. He is from this legislativo, judicial and congressional district and we should be botiud to him by every tie of loyal support." "Do yon think Pingree's bolt in the Grand Rapids convention hurts his candidacy this year?" "No doubt about it. If Pingree had doue the thing the occasion required and said, 'yery well, "Mr. Rich is entitled to his second term', no power on earth could keep him from being tbe uuanimous choice of the whole state today." Greorge H. Pond said: "It is difflcult for a republican to make a choice from among so many worthy candidates. Messrs. Aitken, Ö'Donnell, Pingree, Conant, Wheeler are all good men and would make good governors It looks very much, however, as if Washtenaw county would send a solid Pingree delegation to the state nominaticg convention." Sheriff Judson was at the Ypsilanti Pingree love feast Sahirday night. "I would go on invitation to see any distinguished man," said he, ' and because I was there it was no sign that I had enlisted in his support. Personally I greatly admire Ö'Donnell, but it is like this: I like you or any one else and would like to support yon for a position, state or oounty. Now there is no need of my supportiug you all alone, provided there is no other support than mine. There must be a feeling elsewhere in support of you. Pingree well takes my views of things. Hs is anticorporation, anti-railroad, anti-McMillan. He has got the biggest personal following of any body in the state." Prosecuting Attorney Randall said that he would be satisfled with Aitken, Pingree or O'Donoell. "I am personally acquainted with Ö'Donnell, have met Aitken once, and never knew Pingree. I think Pingree could get more votes at election than any candidato. I like Aitken's silver views." Frank Jones is an out and onter for Aitken. "He and I were at the flrst state meeting of the Maocabees in Detroit 16 years ago, and ever sinoe we have been close friends. Pingree, I think, lost a hundred delegates by joining the Maccabees in Detroit the other night. Aitken will surprise them in convention and his running powers provided he should be nominated, do not want to be underrated by those who think Pingree is the only man who could make a great race." Connty School Commissioner Wedemeyer has been aronnd the connty a great deal in his official capacity. He says h at the farmers are all talking for Pingree and that he hears some expres si ons favorable to Ö'Donnell. Col. H. S. Dean looked up from his newspaper and smiled. "I shall not decide npon my personal choice for the Republican nomination until after the Democratie convention," said he. A prominent Main street business man who did not desire that his name be mentioued. aized up the situation as follows: "I think there are a numbei of business men who favor Col. Bliss. Of oonrse it is hardly right for ns to go nut of our own district, bnt I think Bliss would satisfy tho requirements of ;he position better than anyone else. We don't want Pingree. Ho'd play to ;he olass who want fco cut down the University expenses aud he woald be a menaee co the city's interests in that way." '# J. J. Goodyear: "Ihaven't any parsicnlar choice yet. I think the business men gonerally like Col. Bliss." . J. E. Baal said fchat be favored Mr. Oopant's candidaoy. "Monroe always sticks by us and it is for Washtenaw b ïeturn the compliment at this time. We took a straw ballot, on the Mexican trip. 'Col. Bliss rec?ived 16, votes the bighest number. Mr. O'Dounellreceived the next bighest uumber. Mr O'Donnell was in Chicago and saw the boys off aud they warmed to him cordially. Piugroe received one vote and A.itkeu three." Evart H. Soott said he was most strongly in favor of Mr. Conant. He didn't favor Pingree's candidaoy at all. Jnstice Andrew Gibson favored Pingree. He would like to see Pingree turned loosa at Lansing and see him raise Cain. J. Q. A. Sessions wanted to see a candidate who wouid come out squarely for a doublé standard of money. He said the reports from all quartersat, the Michigan club banquet were that the farmers favored Pingree. John W. Bennett favored Pingree, of oourse. L. J. Leisemer: "1 am for Piugree. Pingree will run any way and will be elected, deinoorat, republican or prohibition st. It's Pingree tbe people want and they are going to have him." Capt. C. E. Hiscock thonght it was a littiö early yet to Jxpress an opinión, but was sure he favored eifcher O'Donnell or Conant.


Ann Arbor Argus
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