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Mexico And Mexicans

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Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beal arrived hornefrona Mexico Wednesday morning, very muoh pleased with their jonruey. Mr. Beal gives an interesting aoconut of the trip. He has a great adruiration for President Diaz. "He is really the greatest figuie in America today, " said Mr. Beal. "He took Mexico when it was bankrnpt and with insurrections daily oconrrerices, and has brought the country inte a good flnancial condition, and has so cowed the rebellions spirit that every cnt-tbroat is afraid of him. When he first became president - I think in 880 - an insurrection would gefc under good headway iu some secluded portion of the country, and would be well fauned into action before troops conld get to it. Now President Diaz has ruilroads rnnning into every nook and córner, and an insurrectíoa is quelled atonoe; soldiers being dispatched to the place of hostilities by rail. Wheu we were riding through the tmsettled portion of the country, we would fïnd a squad of inounted trojps about every three railes. All of the soldiers were loaded to the mnzzle witli carbines, kmves and great pistola. They all wore cartiidge belts and every one looked as savage as did ever Buffalo Bill. "President Diaz is nominally elected president, but the czar of Rússia is no mure a supreme ruler than is he. When he was first eleuted it was the law that there should be but one term of two years. After his term expired he had a friend eleoted. At the end of two years Diaz was again chosen, things having fallen into a bankrupt state again. He socured the passage of a law uiaking two ternas possible. Then afterwards he had a law passed which should nofc cut off his duration in office and he has been president ever since. When it comes time to eleot a president, Diaz simply annouuces to a few of his friends that a ballot will be taken at such a place. His friends yot9 without the general knowlege of the pople aud he is dttly declarad elestud. The newspaper party all oalled upon the president. He gave us an hour one day and we all went to his castlo and had aa audience through an interprete!. Diaz said he adtuired the United States, and hoped to inake his laúd a worthy sister to the country on the north. "The Mexieans asa rule don't like Amerioans, on acoount of the border battles and the f act that great Texas was wrested away from tbem. It doesn't cío to be out after dark much unless one is well protected. I think next to Russia, Mexico is the most in teresting conntry I ever traveled in. It is not so traTfersed by tourists that travelling has to be accompanied by the mendicant features that mar a trip abroad. Then, the people are more themselves than they are in oountries that ara being continnally visited by sightseers. They do not endeavor to rob one at every turn either. The next time I go to Mexico will be in the somrner time, for the table lauds are cool, and the air is so rarefied that there will be a difference of seven or eight degrees between snnshine and shade. The nights are arways cool." Mr. Beal brought home with him a Mexican poodle dog, one of those woolly canines that have to be photographed in order to teil the direction he is aimed for. "Dogs are greatly Jiked by the Mexieans and dog sellers congrégate cm the street and dispose of the canines to the highest bidder. A boy whose papa won't buy him a' bowwow down there has indeed good reason to kick."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News