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Death Of Thomas Heeney

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Died, at his residence in Salem township, on Friday tne sixth day of March, 1896, Mr. Thomas Heeney, inthesixtyïfth year of his age. For more than six months previons to his death the very best medical skill had been exercised in his behalf. Eight physioians jad treated him but without avail, as ais disease was of a peculiar nature and very diffiouJt to lócate. In the rnorning following his death Dr. Dowey, of Plymonth, assisted by Dr. G-ranger, V. S. , of the same place, held a postmortem examination disclosing the fact that death was oansed by f atty degeneration of the heart with serious effusion in thoraoio abdominal eavities. Thornas Heeney was born in Irelönd, May 5, 1831. In the fall of 1852 he emigrated to New York state, where he remained abont two yoars during which time he was united in rnarriage to Miss Mary McDugal. They then settled in Kalamazoo, but only remained there one winter, while he was employed on the railroad. In tho spring of 1855 he first oame to Salem township, but only remainod one year when he again removed and began farming on what was then known as the Widow Allen farm, in Northfield township, where he remained for seventeen years. During tbis period his compauioa is Life was callad away from earth, Jeaving him with six srnall children, the youngest a boy three weeks old. Two years after this sad event he was again married to Miss Joan MoDonald, who in the prime of her lii'e enteied his homa not only tofullfil the dnty of wife, but to assnrne the added burden of caring for six motherlpss little ones. At this time Mr. Heeney did not O vu a foot of land. Sorne years aïter this auother removal was made to what was known as the G-reen fram, uow owned by Frank Ovenshire. This farin Mr. Heeney afterwanl pnrchased, also the 80 acres lying on the opposite aide of the road. Shortly after this the G-reen farru was exchauged for the 200 acres which now constituces the Heeney homestead. Seven thousand was the amonnt of indebtedness assnmed by Mr. Heeney, every dollar of which has been paid besides aiding f onr of his sons in procnring land of their own. His only cbild by his second wife is a son who has always remained at home, as have also the two younger boys of his first wife's children, and to vhom in oonnection with the faithful wife much of Mr. Heeney's success iu life is largely due. He was a consistant member of the Northfield Catholic chnrcli, true as a friend, accomodating as a neighbor and one who will be greatly missed in the coinrnnnity in whch he lived. The funeral services were held on Monday of this week. He is snrvived by a wife and seven children: Bernard, of Northfield; James, of Plymouth; and Flora, Rosa, Thomas, Anjus and John, of Salem. : A shadow has orossed the threshold, a family circle has been broken. The oords of iove and affection are parted asunder , the hand of affliotion bears heavily upon the sorrowing family, bnt through it all should be remembered that the darkest cloud oft a silver lining and that he who tempera the wind for the shorn lamb does not Willingly affliot the children of men. In loving remembrance these lines have been penned by one who ascribes himself, both neighbor and friend.