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John P. Kirk, of Ypsilanti, is a candidate for the democratie nornination for prosecntiBg attorney this fall. A "Pingree ;March" is being ciroulafed around the county, with a big pbrtrait of Ping ou the cover page. It is O. K.-ed by J W. W. ElectrJcity is a great thing and we are glad to flud out more about it, bnfc the Manchester Enterprise thinks fame and fortune await the man who will invent a coal hod that will uofc slobber. Ypsilanti is considfring the advisability of adopting standard time.. Sixty McKinley buttons have, been received at Ypsilanti and are being worn by all the postoffice candidafes for next term - sixty in number. There have leeu60 more orderod for a few who are bo wealthy that they desire topay three or four dollars more a sait for clothes. It is an uausual thing in the life oi physician to be called upon to attené four generations of the same family, yet that experience has fallen to the lo' of Dr E. Batwell, who was called upon, last Friday evening, to attend a child whose great grandparents he haé nnrsed. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. Ypsilanti has a recently organieec "kodak" club. When they begin te get after a man in solid phalanxes ke might as well give up and let them snap the button. Rev. Hicks, of WhitmoreLake,talke last Sabbath evening upon "The Fas Young Man. " When a fellow is tie3 hand and foot and is secorely chained whafc iu the name of goodness is the use of a minister pointing out a inora) by him. There may be a hint for young men ■who are ambitious for a railroad posi tion or promotion, in this incident Three young men came into headquar ters froin telegraph offices on the Mioh ■isran fWitiral to talm au examiaatioa for thé position of telegraph operator and ticket agent. They had put in . a year of hard work as students to win the prize of an office of fcheir own Whiie the examination was in progresa the superintendent of telegraph receivet an order from the división superintendent, D. 8. Sutherland, to discontinue a: once and dismiss the candidates. The división superintendent had learned the three young men had a bottle of whiskej with them on the train that brought them to Detroit. By this bit of indulgence they had blasted their long cherished hopes of advancement. - Saline Observer. Fred Lake, of Pinckney, has lost 18 horses by Bickness in 18 inonths. The Livingston Hearld very sensibly remarks: "Young men don't worry if you have no pedigree to brag of. Witb the right sort of woman for a wife, yon may become the father of the president of the United States and grandfather of a first-rate newspaper man. Whsn we get the laws of souiety and heredity into harmonious operation, we shall think more of the pedigree ahead of us than that behind us. What you can do for posterity ought to be more than what ancestry has done for you. But bear in ïnind that you can't get there behind a cigarette. " Doir Kdlier, of Grass Lake, has a Bible priuted in 1613. The binding is worm eaten, as are many of the leaves, and the corners of the former are protectpd by brass. Milan is so far sonth of Ann Arbor that the harbinger of spring, the robin, ■was there last week. Ed. Alchin's flfthieth birthday was celebrated at Milan Monday by his neighbors who took possession of the house and wouldn't give it back to him 'till they had had a great jubilee. Thn Wayne Review has made the discovery that la grippe is prevalent among cats in that village. Wayne has strnok good water with a 125 foot pipe and another iwell will be sunk. The village puts in water works this su mm er. James R. Hosie, of Wr.yne, is announoed as a candidate for the Repnblilcan oongressional nomination in the sixth district. Issac Morton and Lee Rose, living east of MildD, have been to blame for the great loss in poultry sustained in that section. They were arrested last week and the pin feutbers found on their chins. Tliey satd that in passing hen ooops the chiokeas would come out and insist on being load to tbe elaughter, and that tbey stole them jnst as a matter of oonvenience to the bens. Sqaire Doyle sai'1, it was worth $23.60 to oomplj with their reqnest. Mr. aud Mr. Sylvestor Nowkirk were ktiu by surprise one uiglst last week at their bnme in Dexter, ín houor uf i íieir ölst weddiug anniversary. I Anioug tbe gnests preseut was the taior wbo made the bridegrooxn's wedfiing coat, (íeorge.Page, a goce; oíd citi'SB oí the viliage. The ñrst deafch that has ocourred iu .he Dexter hive of Lady Macoabees was hat of Mrs Chas. Currier, of Webster ownKhip, who díed the 29th inst, aged 9 years. The Poduük Lyceum will tonigbt arcue the question : Resolved that it is setter to have loved aud lost than never o hava loved at all. A little personal experience is expected. A i-ather verdant yonth 'stopped into eweler's and after gazing at some fraiernity pius in thehowoase, said trnto .he pruprietor: "Them is mighty fiue jreast pins you've jgöfc thar. " "What cind of a pin would' yon like to look at?" Pointing to a Musonie pin, 'Pive dollars, eh? Yon have not got one with a saw on it, hev you? I'm ust outen my time, and as I'm goirig o set up a3 a carpen ter and jiner, I ihought I wou d like to have sorqethiug to wear so people would kuow wfaat waa I doin. Well, 111 take it, hough I'd líke one with a hand saw, jwfc I guess maybe that is plain enough. Tke compasa is to mark out your work and the square is to measuie it when marked out, any durned fool knows ;hat Q stands for gimlet. " - Grand L8dge Independent. Attorney Frank Jones, of Saline, adTrtised a mortgage foreclosure in a Germán paper and when the day of sale arrired A. J. Waters of this viliage, afcfarney for Joseph Riedel, filed a bilí of oomplaint and asked for an injauotion to restraiii tha sale, on the ground that it is unlawful to pablish legal notioes in papers printed in the german lauguage. Judge Kinnegranted a temporary injunction - Manchester Baterprise. Ypsilanti has a pugilist, Frank Kellar, who, since he has knocked out Dick Wilson of Chicago, is desirous of tackliag "Denver" Ed. Sinith. Sach a fight would be nothing in comparison to the one Pingree and Stfearns of Jthe Adriau Press will have when Pingy sees the Press editor's editorial in which he says "thngs, gamblers, bums, anariists, priee fighters, thieves and prostitates rally to his standard." Manchester had lint one ticket in the field this spring and so the people hadn't any excuse for voting. The can didates on the ticket could vote for themselves and that was all that was needed to insure their election. Tramps at Manchester have grown so bold lately that tbey have entered hoBses without the formality of knockiug, much to the nervons strain of the werneii. The women should buy six stooofcers and leave all the doors unlooked. Net Dntton is without doubt the champiou knight of the rod and line in tais vicinity. Thursday morning Net bad a "hankering" for a flsh dinner, aad huntiDg up his last year's "tackle" went down to the paper mili and in a snort time landed six or seven of the finest pickerel and bass, none of them weighing less than two pounds. It is said that he spits on his bait and that the fish are attracted by tha saliva like flies are to the bung hole of a beer keg. - Dunddee Reporter. Albert Johnson, a former residont of Dundee, committed suicide at Wyandotte reoently beoause he could not find work. The Chelsea Dramatic Co., will produoe "The Flowing Bowl" on the evening of St. Patrick's Day, with all the proper enibellishments and a picture of the bowl. tThe Manchester Enterprise kicks beoaaee the voters didn't get out to the oaaous the other night and nor that some of them are aronnd oomplaining of the tioket put up reads the riot act to them and tells them there was nobody to blame but themselves.' Milán has an organization of leapyear la'lies who are to have a party aud get een with the young men who give parties and invite out of town girlg. Dnndee's pickle faotory will buy no cuoumbers this season as the market is too du.ll in the pickle line. Mrs. John Gallagher, of Hadson, is Ontertainiug friends. Dexter is to have several nevr resideaoes the following sumruer. Rufps Phelpa, of Dexter, has leased the Herhdon house at Marshall, and will become a boniface about April 1. Dexter Salvationists have oponed up a barracks. Richard Kearns, a former Dexter boy, has given up a $2,000 position in Detroit to go into business with his brother, Dr. Wm. Kearns.of Pittsburg, Pa. . Tiaat's only a oriterion of the suooeeses ia life Dexter boys make. Dexter has orgaaized a banjo and guitar club and there is musio in the air.