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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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E DISEASED MEN CURED f IS# TMOüQy1? yoncg men, muidlo ae;i me-i nhd olrt men can look back at jfe . ra 0 their bc5hod days or eariy manhoodwith a eish of remores. f nía 1G iguorance oí oarlj yuuth, or Ínter a misíint liJo ms "oüe oí the bojs" has sown P thosdeds for f ni are iffering. fcti,? ABUSE i i temblé sin afc-ainsi nature Riad w; will bringarich haoósí. Btood d Private üi eases sap the very lile and vitalíty jfl of :ho victim. NüW METHOi) TliEA'J KENT will positively cnxe al] the foilowH IH iiig diseasee: VARiCOCELE, EIViíSSSOMS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, Si : 'SYFILIS, STRICTURE.Gi EET, SEMINAL WEAK m ness, Pimples, lot mawhoüd, unnaturAl tí [BE DISCHARGES, KIDWEY AWD BLADDER DI3EASES, I I- flRP VnSI 9 NEÜVOÜS and despondent; weakor débil itated; tired morniugs: no [■H Ht, 1UU ■ anibition - hiélese; memory pooi ; easüy fatigned; excitable anti irri&e ID table: eyes eunkenj red and blurred; pimples on face; dreams and j;ight lossea; restS rij less; hagprard looking; wak back, bono pains; hair loóse; ulcers; eore thi-oat; varicosJPj BS cele; depo-itiu urine and drains at stool; diHtmuifol; want of confïdonco; lack of 1531 l energy and WE GAN CURB YOU OR ASK NO RAY. & CURES GUARAMTEED OR NO PAY-CONFIDEWTIAL S; Ui MfiTPyCn SRilSJI TUE rQlUv AWarninsrfrotnths Living. "At V IR 5 PI ft I Li n E IJ ! 0 U m int U ñ H 1 1 . lul learncd a bad habit. Tried fonr R1 li doctors and nerve tonics by the tcore without benefit; emissioDB ajid (;r8inöincrensed. K5 I berame a nervons wrsek. A friend who had besn cured by Drs. Kennedy & Keigan $35 H of a aimilar d'seaee, EdTised me to try them. I diiiBo and intwo montas was posiuveLj 0% ly cnred. This wan oight years ago. 1 am now murriad and have two healthy ehüdf4 fe ren."- C. W. LEWIbj, Saginaw, ■ tm SS UilDtPnnCSC P!IS)Cn "Varicocele made life miserable. I was weak and %j lg lnniuUliC(.L l'UliCU; nervons, eyeBsonken, bashfnl inaociety, hair thin, J1 tsgk no ambition. The Goldeh Monitor' opened my eyes. The New MetUod Treatment or v&) pf l)rs. Kennedy and Korgan cored me in a fsw weeks.- I. L. PJiTüKSON, lonia, fe CMiCCinMC rS3f3Cn EMERSON relates hi experience. "I lired on ï M C I n I O I U il O UUntU. afarm. At schooll loamwl au early habit. which S i weakened me physicaüy, sexnally and ment8ly. Famiiy doctois naid 1 was coiiig ( Duf into 'decliue' (consnmpüon.) i'inalJy 'ïhe trJ!en Kouitor,' edited by Pre. Kentiedy 5 B & Kergan, feil isto my hands. I learned the TEUTH and tlie CAÜgE. Self-abnse Ski Cj had sapped my vitality. I took tho New Meiiiod Treatmeut .ind wr.fl cured. My ïi S' friendsthink I was cured of consamntiou. I have sont them many patiënt, all of 1 gajl whom woro cnred. Their New lethod TreUment suppíiea vigor, vitality and r5] # manhood." SVDUfll'v' fÈf'Jlïl "Thii terrible blood diseaspwae in my syrtem for eight Jjg fillLI-i yliiatU" years. Had taken mercury for two years. but the diseesa OS. i retiirned. Eyea red, pimples and blotehss on the skin, alcers in themoathand 011 gg. n tongne, bone pains, failing out of hair. weakness, etc. Mr brothar, who had bein W cured of (jleet and Strictare by Drs. Kennedy and Kergan, recommt-nfied them. g M They cured me in a Eew weeks, and 1 thank God lconsuited them. No rafcurn of the & B d:seasein6ixy6-ra."- W. ]?. M., Jackson. ' - " 17 YBAtsS N DETROIT, 200,000 CURlíD. NO RiSK. ft öiTAnf R1 Arsyon n vicvirni' Haf you losr, hope? Aro yoa cont6np!íi.t.irjít b u ïlCrtf 6-0. maaTiage? Fas.yonr biood been diaeaosd? Have yon any weiikiuièsi1 Pi ï, Onr New Method Trsatmnnt will core yorc. What it has rïone ior 01 ;or8 it will do for ij V yon. CONSULTARON FEE. No matíwr who has tr-atwi yon. writ for an honest M'a S opinión Fito of Chars-e. Charges i-easonable. BOOKS FHEE.- "Tho dolden Monitor" ï5: ÍH (UInstrated), oaliif-ïases of Men.lnclose p.tage. 2 cents, öealed. S -NO NAWtá U8ED WITHOUT WRiTTÊN CONSENT. PRiïL. ir VATE. Nomadic Inesent C. O. D.. No ñames on boxes o' envelL ID opes. Ëverytnirig confitíentiai. Question har. and cost of 11 . gP Treatment F-?LE. fi?; Í nnc vcuurnvff ifLiPê No.i4SSHELBy st. gf Und!RtiilCil!lLiyMlj DETROIT, IJCH.


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