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4th Prize Contest

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1 (si Prlze. Klmb&l! Písso, "Sfyls 3." $ 8S9 80 j % 2d Prize. Bicycte, for man or wm 75 88 5 3d Pííís. Casi) JtSSS I 10 Gash Prizes, each $25 250 80 i % 10 Cash Prizes, eaeh $10 ._ 10080 i I JOJasli Prizes, eacb $2 .... 128 88 g W 83 Prizes $1,195 80 V Jj The first prize will be Rlveri to the perso-n wlto cwnstrnots the longeat sentenee In good English contuining; lio letter of the tptaabet inore than three ö tiüies. Itiisnotnecetssary to usa e very letter f the alphabt. The other prizes will V go i? regular order to those competitors vrhose seufcences are next in length. J Every coinpetitor whoso seutence reaches forty-t.wo letters wil! recei ve a paper # covered volume contaiaing twelYO of Wükio Collius' novéis whether he wins a prize m Ik orcot. Tbis con test closes April 15, 181)6. The prize winners will be announcedone K weck lat&r and t -e winuing sentences published. Tn case two or more prize-winv 0 nin? sentencos are of t.e same lenprth preference will be given to the best one. ) Each competitor mu=t construct liis own sentence, and nu person will be aliowea tn enter this coiitest more thiin once. 3entences.' anaotbecon-ectedor substitutea 0 after tliey are recoived. Eesidents oí Omaha aro not permltted to compet, dlreotly or indirectly. # % RULES FOR Tfc?E SE?ITEKCE--(No Others FurnishetU) The length oL a sentejiea ;; to 'oe measured by the number of letters lt contalnSj X hut no iettor can be usud or eounted more than three times. io word except -a r 0 or "I" can be used more tliau once. The seutence must consist of complete words. m i Slens li"ures, abbreviations orootitractiona, etc., must not be used. The pronoun f "V' aod the article "a" will be accepted as complete words. Proper nouns cannot é) boused. Each contestant must indícate by figures at the end of hls sentenoe how m á ma'Tyhis rínvirkably'liheral offer Is made by the Wbekly Wobld-Heiuíd, of whlch J Q thedistlnguishudex-congiessmau, V WILLiAM J. BRYAN, is Editor, O and it is requlred that each compntin? sentence be enclosed wlth one dollar tot # A vear'a subsoriptlon. The Wbekly Wukld-Hbbald is issued in semi-weekly sec K tions and henee is nearly as nqöd as a daily . It is the western champiou oï fre J # siiver Cüinage and the leading fainiiy newspaper oï NebraskaÍ AUdre6S' Weeklü World-fterald, Omatia, Neö. 5


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