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A lïemarlcable Cure. ' Mra. II. 13. Adams, 1600 Wabash ave., [Chicago, says: "I had a scrofuloua taiut of the blood from childbood, wliich howevei', retnained dormant. An ulceroams on tie side of the nose, having all t)ie appeaiauce of a most maligant cáncer. Tlie agony of rniud I suff.wd cannot be described as I contemplated the progresa of such a uialignant disease. Fiímlly I was induced to tr.y Koley'sSarsaparilla. Itappearedto neutralizo the poison in my blood. The growth of theitfopr ceased. The diseased tissues in the bottom and edges of the sore seemed t loosen and the natural lli sh to take its place. No part of the disease reEiains." A. E. Mummery, druggist, Aün Arbor. BUGKLEN'SJIBNKJA SAL VU. The Best Salve in the world for Guts, B;-uifws, Sores. Ulsfirs, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chappefl Hands, Chilttlains.Corns.and all Skin Eruprlons aud positirely cnrps Piles ,or no pay required. It is guiiranteed to jrlve perfeet satÍHÍaetlon. or moncy refunded. i'viep, 25 eeuts por box. Por sale by The Ebevbach Drug and Chemical Co., ynn Arbor, and Geo. J. Ilaussler, Manchester. When Baby was mok, we gare her CastorU. When. she was a Child, she cried for Castorfa. When she became Miss, she clung to Custorla. When slie had Chüdren, she gare them Castoria. Estáte of Thomas Stewart. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wa6Ïitenaw,sfl. At a session of the Probatt Court for the üounty of Washtenaw.hoiden at th Probate Office in tbe City of Ann Arbor. on Tuesday, the 10{h day of March, in the year one thousand tighr. hundred and Dinety six. Present. J. Wiflard nabbitt, Judfteof Trobatp In the matter of the estáte of Thomas Stewart, deceased . On readins andflling the petition, duly verifled of Samuel Sicmart, prayinpr ihat admitfistration in said estáte mny he granted to himseli, or 8OT"c ntlier guitabte person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, thf llthday of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoou, be astiened (or the hcarine of 8&id petition, and thal the heirs atlaw of said "deceawd, and al! other persona iutertísted in aaid estáte, are required to appear at a aession of eai") court thn to be holdiu at the Probate otticf in the city of un Arbor, and show cause, if any tlier6 be, why the prayerof the petitioner should Dot be granted : And it isfmrthei ordered that said petitioner give notice to the pei soes iotereeted in oaid eetateof the pendency al said petitioD, and the hearing thereof, bj oauaiug acopy of this order to be puhlished in the Ank Arbor Argos, a newspaper printed and circiüftted inanid county, three auccesaiTe weeks pravious to said day of neftring. J. WII.LARDBABBITT, [Atruecopy.] Judge of ProbatWa. U. Dotï. Probate Register Estáte of Elizabeth Ann McDonald. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ol Washtenaw,8s. Ataaessionof the Probnte Court for tae County of VVashtenaw, holden at the Probate Office iu the city of Ann Arbor, on Thusday, the 5th day of March, in the year one thousand eight liundred and uinety-six. Prestnt, J . Willaid habhitt, Judire of Probate. Ir thp matter of the estáte of Elizabeth Ann SIcDonald, deceasrd. On reacïinp: and filincr tbe petition duly verified oí Pebo Axforá McíJonald praying that a certain instrument Dow on tilem this court, puporting to bc 1h: la-t will and testament of -said deceased may beadmitted to probate and that admiuistraliou üfsaid fgtaie may be granled to herself and John N. ïirownlee the cxecutors in said will named or to someother snitable person. TherfupoD it ia ordered, that Mouday,the SOih day of March, insfact, Kt ten o'clock id tbo foreooon be assipned for the hearing of paid petisiun, and tbat the deviseea, legatef-s and heirs at law of said deceaeed, and all otbar persone interested in said estáte are required to appear at a session of sai3 conrt, then to bg holden at the Probate Office in tbe city oí Ann Arbor, in said county. ind showcnuse, if my there bo. why the prater of the petitioner shonid not ba graoed. And it iö further ordered.tbat said petitioner giT notie to the personi isterattei in said estáte of the pendency f ul petition aud tbe hearing there -f, by ca using copj ef thia order to b pnblished in the Anti Abbob Argus a oewspnpor printed and lireuUted in laidconnty. thres succeuiTC weeks preTious to id dy hetrinc J.WII.LARD BABBITT, [AtruècopT.] Jadgtof Probxt. W. (j. Dott. Probate Keiter Estáte of Charles Lockwood. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT of W.illleuaw.s. Atascsülon of tho Probate Court for the cuunty of Waihtenw, holde t. the probate office in tho city of Aun Arbar, on Tlarsdy, the tth dy of March. in th Ttar au thnd ftight bun'ired nd iaety-ix. Freitüt, J. TTiiltrd Bibbitt. Judf of Probita. Ïd the. matter of tb itit of Charlsa Loek wd, C. C. Lckwoud, tk guiidim of td ward, cobim tnto eourt and repr&ent, that ha U now preparad to reMdtr kli amuil account as lucb iruardian. fberaupon it ii ordered, that Tueidy, tb 3itk dty of March instant, at tn 'lock in the fore iio-D be assigued for eiaimnina and allowintr such account, and thH tb nit of kin of aid ward axd all etber peraons u teteated la said at&te, artfequlred to appar at a senftion of laid ourt. iba to be holden at tke roba'e Office, ia tha city of Ann Arbor, in sai'ï county, and nhow cause, if anr there be, wby tha s id accoant should not ba allnwed . And it it further ordered tbat aatd guardias gira notice to the periona intarested iusaid asíale, of thependacy of aaid ac count anti the hearings thereof". by cauaiiig a copjr of this order to be publihed is tb AN Akbok Arvicb, a newspaper printed and cireulattd in aid county, three ëuccesniTe week? prerioua t said day of hearing. J. W1LLARD BA1UITT, IArneopy.) }u6 of Probat. ffn.LunQ.DoTT, Probate EeeUter. Notlca to Credltor. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY of Washtenaw, u. Notie ia harfby Lran, that by an order of tbo Prshata Conrt for tke County of Waihtenew, mida os tli 25II1 %j of Fabrnar A. D. 1196, tx msaths trom tkat dat wora allowed fr credltan t praset thfir claims agaiuit tha mat of Jatob Icn, late of sld couatT,decead, an tkat al) eranitora of lald decaaud are required to prni tbeir rlisi to said Probitte ('ort-,at the frobala O(Bo ia tka city of Au Arbor, for axanliatia and allnwanao, o ar bsforc kka twenty-ñflh 4ay f August nai and tkat sack claima will ka atara befora n.i eourt, on the twenty-ifth aT ofMuy, aad on tka twnty-flfth day of August atit, at Ka e'rluck ia tn foranuoa of eaek of aaid daya. Datoá, 1 Artor.Ffbruaij 35, A.. D.1S96. J. WILLAUD ItABBITT, Judruef Probata. Estáte of Maltby Golston. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, 88. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, bolden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, oo Thursday, the 5th day of March, in the year orje thousand eight hundred and mnety-six. Present. J. Willard Babbitt, Judie of Probate. In the matter ot the eatate of Maltby Gelston, deceaed. Jnseph Mills Gelston and Henry 'Wisewell Gelston, oxecutors of the last will and testament of said deceased, come into court and represent that they are now prepared to render their flnal account ae such executors. Thcreupon 11 is ordered that Tuesday, the 3Hh day of March, instant, at ten o'clock in the forenooir, be aBsis?ned for examining and allowing such account, and that the devisees, legatecs and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons intereated in said state, are requiied to appear at a Btaion cf aaid court, than to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show osuse, ifany tbere be, why the aaid accouat ahonld iiot b allowd. And it ia furthai ordered, that laid exentors gire notlee to tka pennm intvreated íd said estáte of the pea d-no j of aaid account, and the hearing the roof , by causiag a upr of thiaotder to be yabliahed in kt As Aiaoi Asesa, a nawaaoper pnnted nncirculating ia ai conty, three autcessiTe waeka prariou to aaid daT ot hanring. J WILLAJID BABBITT. (Atrua e;?. ) Jwlara of Piebata . Wij.liím tt. LkiTT. Prokat Beguter.


Ann Arbor Argus
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