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County Convention Of The W. C. T. U.

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The thirteenth annual county convention of the W. C T. ü. occurred on the llth and 12th of March, at Hilan. Mrs. J. li. Liookwood, of Petersbnrgh, district president, opened the meeting with prayer, after which she appointed committees on credentials, resolutions, oourtesies andanditing. At the moraing session Wednesday, Mrs. Nellie Coohrane, of Dundee, gave an interesting paper upon "Onr Literature. " At the aftern ion session reports were re; d trom the nnion in the district, as folows: Az Uia, Mrs. Helen Galloway; Little Lake, Miss Jessie White; Carlton, Mrs. Abbie Bunoe; Milan, Mrs. LibbieOase; Dundee, Mrs. Vandeventer; Brie, Mrs. Ceeste Curran ; Landon, Mr. Haight Miss. Cora Waite, of Azaha, rendered a solo and a discussioD followed upon the topic, "Why Am I a White Ribboner?" Rev. J. P. Hutchinsou recited two poems and remarks were made upon "Narcotica, "Juvenile Work," "Literatnre and Press Work," "Soïentific Tenjperauce Instruetion," "Evaugelistiic and Sunday Obs?rvance. ' ' Tae question box was opened at tliis session and was oonducted by Mrs. J. D. Stannard, of Dexter. At the ovening session oocurred the Latbïup cuntest. The prize, a volume of Mrs. Lathrop's works. was awarded to Miss L. Smick, of Milan. Amoug the speakers at theevening session were Rev. H. F. Shier, Mrs. P. Kent, Mrs J. H. Lookwood and others. The following offlcers wdere elected : President, Mrs. Rawson, Lambertville; corresponding secretary, Mrs M. Van DeVeuter, of Dundee; recording secretary, Mrs. Vijla Bisenman, Lambertville; treasurer, Mrs. Julia B. Drew; delégate at large, . Mrs. Libbie Case, Milan. Mrs. E, L. Pardon, of Ann Arbor, gave a talk Thnrsday afternoon on "Mothers' Meetings." The evening session Thursday was held at the opera house. After duvotional exercises and singiug au address wasdeliveredby Mrs. E.Norine Law, of Detroit; Mrs. Palmer, of Nebraska.and Mrs. Nellie Cochran rendered solos. The convention was largely attended and a great amount of interest showu.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News