Local Brevities

Today is tbefirstday of spring. Wow! There was a cocking mam Monday pight down near Ypsilanti, attended priuoipally by students. The Ann Arbor Agricultural Company has jast made a shipment of hay tedders to Franoe and Germany. The o'id town pump on the norfch side wiü be ienced in and the nsual congregating of loafers abont it in the snmmer time thus pnt an end to. An elocution sooial will be given by Albert C. Daue at the Stone school house, Wednesday, March 25ih. Program at 8:15. Admission 10 cents. Last Sunday ended tha second anniversary of the local Y. M. C. A. In the evuning proper anniversary exercises were held in the M. E. chnrch. Dr J. M. Thoburn, of Detroit, gave an eloquent address on "Dynamite Christianity." Ann Arbor had no St. Patrick's Day celebration this year. The nearest to it was a very graphio and interesting lecture by Eev. Fr. Kelley, Monday night npon "Henry Gratton." The St. Thomas' Banjo, Guitar and Mandolin Clubs furnished mtisio, in the way of a medley of Irish and American airs. Saturday the township boards of Cantón and VanBuren will hold a joint Bession to act on Contractor Geo. E. CnrrJe's petition for a street railway franchise. If the township boards act favorably the parties whom Mr. Currie represents will push the work of building the road through to Ann Arbor. - Frée Press. James Gauntlett, of Milán, charged John Whalfsy, a boy of the village, with stealing a dollar. Afterward Gauntlott found his own son had mislaid the money. Whaley's íather sued for $10,000 damages for slander. The oase was tried Tuesday in circuit coort, the jury at night, aíter four hours' deliberation, bringing in a verdiot of no canse of aotion. Considerable surprise was manifested Monday night when Charles Bullís and President Clark, of the board of works, handed in their resigcations as meinbers of that body. The resignatioug were accepted. No oanse was givenjfor the resignations, bnt in the case of Mr. Ballis it is said that he is about to lócate elsewhere. ,. The question of raising the city treasorer's salary will be submitted to the voters at the spring alection. At present the treasnrer receives $100 per year and incidentals amountiug to a total of $600. The daties oí a treasnrer nowmake it imperativo for him to be in his office ooustantly and daring five mpnths of the time ha must also have an assistant. Tables are sometimes turned. The case of Smitb vs. Hughes, was tried at this term of the circuit oourt. Smith brought suit against Hughes in Justice Pond's oonrt for $75. Tbe jury brought in a verdiot for $4 in favor of Hughes. appeaJed to the oircuit, not being satisflfd with the amount of the verdict, and the jury gave him a verdict of $14.45. Rev. L. T. Cole will be ordained to the priesthood in the Episcopal churoh at the services in St. Aandrews' church next Snnday morning. Among the olergymen to be present to assist in the services will be Rev. Rt. Thos. F. Davies, bishop of the diocese of Michigan, and Rev. W. O. Waters, reetor of Sr,. Andrew's church, Detroit, formerly of this city. The latter was the first asistant minister St. Andrew's had. The A. O. ü. W. banquet last Friday night ocourred at Light Guard hall. About 260 persons were in attendeance. Pasf. Grand Master Workman, Wm. Seyrnour, aoted as toa&tmaster. Hon. E. P. Allen was one of the speakers. He pointed out tbe faot that it took but ten cents away from each day's luxuries to provide for insurance and that the sums thus invested ware never feit. John P. Kirk was auother one of tha speakers and remarks were also made by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Joslyn, and Mrs. Kegoa and Rev. Father Kennedy. During a term of four months the following pupils in the Sutton school district have had no imperfect marks: Cora Heselscbwerdfc, Guy Waters, Georgië Heselschwerdt, Luella Meyer, Mary Downs, Henrietta Steffe, Julia Kapp, Leanora McBlroy, Nellie Sutton, Lraalla Waters, Marv Heselsohverdt. Allie Steffe, Cari Prochnow, Frank Kern, Ida Steffe, Leola Waters, Guy Waters.. The first fonr have had nn tarciy marks, aDd the last three have been present every day during the term. Friday evening of last week was a notable event in the Ann Arbor dramatic season. M'lle Rhea's appearance in "Nell Gwynn" was the cause of an ovation both to the aotress and Norman Haokett the ex-98 lit student, who is this year in her company. While "Nell Gwynn" is not a play outside of hackuey1 liues and old and well establ.shed stage principies of action, still it coutained sufficieut interest to meet a very cordial reception. As a curtain raiser M'lle Rhea's compauy, inclusive of Mr. Hackett, who took the leading part, presented "Into It and Oat. " Mr. Hackett was very clever and was called out bofore the curtaiu - or rather was to have beeo, but the kindly ourtain raiser gav him the whole stage, and from it the new a=piraut for histrionic bonors spoke very feeling wordf npon bis reception and his hopes for s bright future in his ohosen profession. Mr. Hackett was given a reception bj his fraternity, the Theta Delta Chi, and he was a'so the recipiënt of an iniormal reoeption upon the stage aftei the erening's performance. The Board of Kegents meet today. Delbert Goodspeed has opened up a shoe store at Marqnette. The Thomas Orchestra date has been ohanged from April 6th to April 7th. Air. Grossman retires from the flrm of Grossman & Schlenker, hardware merohants. The winter term of school in district No. 3, Pittsfield, Miss Florenoe Briggs as teacher, will close Maroh 20, Sam Burchfield's fatber has sent hiin a stuffed pelican from Texas. Sani displays the bird in his showjj wiudow. Mrs. Etta Russell, a gradúate of the Kindergarten departrnent of Alma college, Mich., bas opened a Kindergarten at 10 N. Thayer street. William H. Krapf celebrated his 26th birthday anniversary Monday by having 14 members of tbe Krapf family at supper at his home, 41 Detroit street. Complaint is made that the squirrels on the campus are being shot by unprinoipled persons. An example should be made of one or two of the nimrods. The jury in the will case of Sarah Goodrich, tried last week in the circuit eonrt, rettirned a verdict Friday night in favor of the contestant, Elizabeth Lam. Rev. Alexander Gee, one of the first white children born in this county, died at his home in Pontiac, last Friday. He was born in this city, May 10, 1828. The Michigan Schoolmasters' club will hold a session in this city March 27 and 28. A very interestina grana has beeu arranged for the two days' session. Who said anything about spring? Sbow na the man and we'll proceed to get down toe gnn, fill it with mucilage slugs and send hiin to the home of his step-fathers. The Sukey case oanie up in conrt Monday but.on aoconnt of the illness of the defendant, it was adjourned to next Monday. There is a posaibility of a settlement of the case in the meantime. In response to many urgent reqnests Prof. Stanley has consented to give a short recital on the organ in University hall every Thnrsday afterooon immediately at the close of vesper services afc 4 :30., A very important meeting of the Wnman's Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. is called for Monday, March 23rd, at three o'clock in the rooms of the assooiation. This is a special meeting and every member is urged to bo present. The democratie electora of Ann Arbor township will meet in caucus at the County Treasnrer's, in the (Jourt House," SatwaSy, Mrch 28, at 2 p. m. for the parpóse of nominating a township ticket. By order 'of committee. ■ - - The Prohitiition 'party of Washtenaw connty will fiold its oonveution at the Conrt House 'in the city of Aan Arbor, on Thnrsdayr March 28th, 1896, at one o'olnck na., local time, for the purpose of chosing eight deleagtes to attend the state convention be held at Lansing on April 15th and 16th. Rev. James K. Applebee will leoture in the Unity Club eonrse Monday evening upon "The Merchant of Venice." On Tuesday venintf he will speak upon "TheSonnets of Shakespeare, their Moral and Eeligious Usage. " Mr. Applebee is one of the most eloquent preaohers upon the platform and has a national reputation as a Shakespearean interpreter and soholar. Dexter had two tiokets at the village election, the Peoples' and Citizens'. Most of the people were Citizens and few of the oitizens were Peoples, and the former ticket was elected by large majorities. The new officers are: President, R. P. Copeland; olerk, John W. Barley ; treasnrer, Jay Keith ; trustees, Alfred Phelps, Daniel Qnish and Will Curlett ; assessor, B. C. Whitaker. A dootor, undertaker and tomb-stone maker held a conversation in front of a Dexter store the other night. "How's trade?" asked the maker of oemetery work. "Allcutnp," said the doctor. "How's yoars?" "Very grave." When it was the undertaker's turn he fcaid that the people weren't taking enougb of the doctor's medicine to help along his business much, and all three went to drown theirsorrow in some embalming fluid. ,. Mr. Loomis informa us that there are only 63 inmates in the county house, while the usual number bas been abont 80. That is a decrease of over 20 per cent, and the proportion has been pretty steadily maintained during the present , season. People who want to flnd an enconiaging symptom for business affairs may find it in this, and the fact stated will probably be a surprise to many who are disposed to insist that affairs are steadily growing worse. - Ypsilauti Sentinel. Gov. Rich and his military staff are expeoted to be bere April 8, when the Ann Arbor Light Infantry will celebraate the opening of their armory with a military reception and ball. There will be a company inspection by Gen Joseph Walsh and a presentation of medals. The receptio'i committee for the ccoasion comptises Ooi. Henry S. Dean, Col. John E. Tyrrell, Maj. H. Soule, Maj. Seymour Howell, Maj. Martin L. Belser, Capt. C. E. Hiscock, Edward M. Duffy, Samuel W. BeaWes, Capt. Boss Granger, Lieut. William F. Armstrong and Lieut. H. O. Walters. For the ball the patronesses are Mesdames A. J. Sawyer, J. E. Tyrrell, W. S. Babbitt, J. T. Jacobs, Seymour ■ Howéll, S. W. Beakes and Benben Kerripf and Misa Emma E. BoWr. Louis James wil! be seen in Ann Arbor in April iu Othello. John öeorge Maser, of Ann Arbor, j towuship, (iied Friday last of haart disease, aged 84 years. Sarah E., wife of S. W. Merry, died at her home, 82 Gedd.es ave., Sunday morning, aged 61 years. The reinaius were taken to Chicago for iuternieut. The demoorats of York towuship will meet iu cauous at the town liall iu Mooreville, Saturday, Maich 28, to nomínate towuship offioers, aud nine delegates to connty convention. Mrs. Delina E. Buruett, of this city, died in Flint Wednesday moruiug, aged 74 years. She leaves two daughters and a son. The funeral will be from the family residenoe, 31 Lawrence street, this afternoon. Mayor Walker Wednesday afternoon appointed John R. Miner and Wm. H. Mclntyre to fill vanoauuies od the board of works.occasioned by the resignatious of Messrs. Clark and Bullis A special meeting of council was called for last night to confirm the appointments. Mrs. Sarah Lndwig, wife of August Ludwig. died at her home in Northiield Sunday, aged 27 year. Her six days old infant died tho day before and while it was being buried the mother passed away. The funeral services occurred Tuesday afternoon from the Northfield Germán church. It is understood that Mrs. Wellington White, formerly of Hawaii will spend Sunday, April 5th, in this city, and will speak in the Presbyterian church in the evening. Mrs. White has had a large and varied experience both at home and abroad, has a pleasing manner, and is a bright and interesting speaker. Miss Ellen Burnside, of Jackson, and James E. Bnrke were nuited in inarriage Wednesday evening at the home of Wm.F. McGee, 32 Kingsley street. Mr. and Mrs. Burke left on the evening train for Chicago and other western points. On their return they will take up their residence on the Burke farm oae and a half miles this side of Whitmore Lake. Justioe Gibsótl yesterday issued a warrant for the arrest of John Newman, a travelling man, for jumping a four days' board bill at the Arlington hotel. Newman evidently eudeavored to make his signamre so ineligible that should he leave ashedidhisname could not be deciphered. However a travelling man had seen and recognized him and his name was learned from him. The Epworth League evidently does not believe in dignity. They are planning an old fashioned district school to be given April 4th in jvhich all positions will be reversad. Men of sixty will again be boys of ten and young ladres of (?) years will becoine graudmothers. The entertainment; is under the direoitons of Prof. Wines, who is the father of all district school, he having taught the flrst one ever given. There is some talk of placiug the aeolian attachment upon the Columbian organ at the time of the May Festival. The sclieme is a very comrnendable one. Many who come here at that time desire very mnoh to htar the organ and no better idea of the volume and scope could be gained than by placing the attachment upon it. The Farrand & Votey Co. offers to put on the attachment without cost: and make it so that there will be no extra oharge of admission. The sad news was received here on Wednesday last from Chicago of the death there of Mrs. Caroline öott.widow of the late James B. Gott. Her amiable dispositiou and pleasant manners, her uniform kindness and gentle ways will long be rememebred by her many friends in tbis oity where she resided forrnany years. She leavefe two danghters, Clara and Louise, of Hyde Park; and one son.Bdward A. Gott, of Detroit. Mrs. Gott's neice, Mrs. Julia Pitkin, left for Chicago immediately after receiving the dispatcb. A moving standard drama, three aooomplished dramatic stars, and a wealth of new secnery, that may be seen at the Grand Opera House tonigbt. The play is Julius Caesar, the stars, Chas. B. Hanford,Elihu ft. Spencer and Nora O'Brien. The scenery of wbioh there are separate sets, was painted by Voegtlin, Slemmer, Moses. and Albert, and there are few as clever scenic artists. The supporting company is oomposed of really competent and tactful actors. So that most enjoyable of all performances - one of even excellence - is assured. The worth of the play itself is of snch oommon knowledge that reference is needless. Mr. Hanford will appear as Maro Antony. Mr. Spencer wil! reveal the nice quality of his art in Cassius. While Miss O'Brien will bring girlish grace, sprightliness and oharming personality and convinoing dramatic talent to the character of Portia. The bilí for tonight has been changed from Julius Caesar to The Merchant of Venice. The truthful, startling litle of a book about No-io bac, the only harinl ss, guaranteed tobacco habit cure. If you want to quit and oan't, use ''No-tobac." Braces upnicotinized nerve-i, elimínate ni;otiue polsons, makes weak men gain strength, weight and vigor. Positive cure or tooiiey refuuded. Sold by H. J. Brown, drugtst. Book at drufiKist, or raailed free. Address The Sterli g Iiemedy Co., Chicago oflice 45 KandolphSt. ; ïiew ïork 10 Spruce St. The annual meeting of the Farmer's Vigilance Assooiation of the towuships of Augusta, Ypsilanti, Pittsfield and York, will be held in the United Workman's hall, Union blook, Ypsilanti, Saturday, Maroh 14th, at one thirty sharp. J. C. Bemiss, F. A. Wilcoks, Seore tary. President Only pare Havana nsed as flller in Oormui's Koyal Rad Top Cigari