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$10,000 For Women

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$1,000 for the One who Guesses Best. A year ago The Chicago Record offered 830,000 the purpose being to give cash prlzes to those In cash prizes to authors for the best " storles of readers of The Chicago Record who should be able mystery." The storiea were so called because it was to solve the mystery, or come nearest to a correct required that a mystery should run through the 3olution of it, in advance of the publicatlon of the entire story and be disclosed only in the last chapter, last chapter in the paper. Ttae anard of authors' prlzes has jast been made. Stories froni all parts of the English ■peaklng world to tbe nuinber of 816 were entered In tbe competttton. Twelve cash prizes were offered for the twelve best storles. Tbe first prlze mi 910,000, and was won foy Harry StUlwcll Edwudi, of Macou, Ga. Hls story Is entltled "Sons and Fathers." and its publication will begin in The Chicago Record an Interval of a week or more between the pnblicatlon on March 23, and continue in about 30 daily of the last installment contaiuing the explanation mentsuntil completed. "Sons and Fathers " isbeyond of the mystery and the immediately preceding chapter, all question the greal story of the year. There will be during which period the guesses will be received. To stlU further promote popular Interest In tbls remarkable story. THE CHICAGO RECORD offers $10,000 in 889 cash prlzes for the 889 gnesses whlch 8 huil come the nearest to belng trae and complete solutions of the mystery in the story. The $10,000 are divided as follows: To the reader from whom The Record receives the most complete and correct solution in all its details of the entire mystery of the story, as it shall be disclosed in the last chapter when published $1,000 For the second best solntlon 500 For tbe tbird best solutlon 300 For the fourth best solution 300 For tbe next 5 nearest best solntions, $100 each 500 u (1 io ' 50 " 50O ii ao " " " as " 500 so " ' ao " 1,000 " " 300 " " " 10 ' 3,000 i 500 " " 5 " .,, 2,500 ' In all 889 prizes, amounting to ■■ $10,000 Pnll partienlars as to the details of the conditions by The Chicago Record, and they will have complete eonlng the awarding of these prlzes will be published in The trol and final decisión, beyondany appeal. In all matters relstChicago Record. The principal rules are as follows : ing to this unique contest. 1. But one solution can be entered by a reader. It is lmAnd last, but not least, material whether the reader subscribes for the paper direct to Anln WJnmnn nni flirUn mnn frinnfl the office of publication, or wbether it is bougHt from the local IIT11V W 0ÏÏ1GI1 ÍHIQ lliriS ïïlftV uücSS, newBdealer. The contest íb open, under the specified condi"U1J U VUiUll UUU Ulllü WUJ UUUUDi tions, to all who read the paper. The Chicago Record is pre-eminently a family newspa2. The explanation of the mystery may be made in the per, and its daily installment of a bigh-grade serial story is a reader's own words, in the English language, and without any feature intended to specially commend it to the home circle. attempt at " fine writlng," simply giving as many of the facts To emphasize- and advertise- the fact that The Chicago that go to make a " complete and absolutely correct solution of Record is a newspaper peculiarly suitable for woman 's readthe entire mystery " as the reader may be able to discover. ing tbe further conditlon is made that the $10,000 in prizes shall 3. The $10.000 will be awarded, under the conditions anbe paid only for exptxmatians or nnesses sent in by viomim and nouüced, according to the best judgment of the judges appointed oirls. All may read, but only WOMEN and GIRLS may guess. Send I A SPECIAI. OFFER! To make it easy for all who are not now taking the paper to become I 0 CCntS acquainted wlth THE CHICAGO RECORD and lts great $10,000 prize story without committing themselves to a full term subacrlptioii In Qf)fJ ff et advance, the publighcr makel a special offer to mail THE RECORD to ,_ . - . any addres, post-pald, for 10 days, beginning with the flrgt chapter of llie ReCOrQ the story, POR 10 CENTS, In coin or postage stamps. . - The story begins March 23, and it is desirable that subscriptions should be I O DaVSm received as "far in advance of that date as possible, but all subscriptions on thls _____ „_JL___J special offer received up to April 1 will be fllled, but none after April 1. The Chicago Recobd is Chlcago's leading morning daily. The journaltets' class paper, published in New York, called In fact, wlth a single exception, it has the largest morning cirNeuispaperdom, says : ÖaW'deTa "There ,s no paper pubiished in America that sonearly It is Independent in politics and gives all polltical news with approaches the true Journalistie ideal as The Chicago Judicial impartiality, free from the talnt of partisanship. It is Record " SSSS VZZrZfÈvInnTm:-. v your snbsenption as tarly poniö. so that "I have cometo the firm conclusión, after a long test, and your name may be entered on the subscription list at once after e wide comparison with the Journals of many States and and the paper be sent you withontdelay and ín time for the countries, that The Chicago Record comes as near belng the opening chapters of the ReCobd'8 GREAT 10,000 PBIZE Ideal daily Joumal s we ars for some time Ukely to flnd on otvirv ArtflmM these mortal shores." STOKY. Address VÍCTOR F. LAWSON, Publisher The CHICAGO RECORD, 181 Madison St., Chicago, III. Two headt are beUer than on-bnt three or four are better still. Let all the family Join In the surch for the explaostton of tb mystery In " Sons and Tatbera," bat remsmber " only women and Ctrl may gnew "-nd win th M priies.


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