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j. LMinjpu my nngers very uaniy. The pain was intense. Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil bioughr, relief in tbree minutes. It Was almost magioal. I never saw anything like it." Amelia Swords, Saunrlersviile. O. All drugglsts guarantee Dr. Miles' pAn Fnxatoatop Headache. "One cent a dose." BUCKLEN'S ARN1VA SAL VE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruiaes, Sores, Ulsers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblaius,C'orns,and all Skin Eruprlons and positively cures Piles ,or no pay required. It is guaranteed to glve perfect satisfaction, or money retiimled. Price, 25 ecnts por box. For sale by The Eberbach Drug and Chemica! Co., Vnn Arbor, and Geo. J. Ilaussler, Manchester. N0.+ VV. WASHINGTON ST. öoüss, Sigm, Obnamekal and Fresco Paiktek, irilding, caleimining, glftzmg and paper naiifj ing. All work is done n the beat styte anc warrant ed to irie satisfaction Lkm PIASTER! LIME AND CEMENT. DRAirnii. LOUIS ROHDE, Main Office - 36 E. Huron Street. Yards- 50 West Huron Street. CAN I OHTATN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer and an bonest opinión, write to filUNN fcCO.,who have bad nearly flf ty years' experienee in the patent business. Communica tions sti-ictly confldenttal. A Hnmlbook of In forjnation concerning Patenta and bow to ob tain thera sent f ree. Also a catalogue of mechanica! and scientific books sent free. Patenta taken tbrough Munn & Co. reeelve Bpecial noticein the Scienliüc Americnn, and thus are brouehb widely beforethe public without cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, lasued weekly, eleKantlyillustrated.has by fartlio largest circulation of any seientific wort in the world. S3 a rear. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, íl50a year. Single copies, '25 cents. Kvery umber contains beautiful plates, in colora, and photoRraphs of new houses. with plans, enabling builders to show the Hatest desifrns and secure contracts. Artdress MUNN & CO„ New Youk, 3U1 Bhoadwat. Estáte of Thomas Stewart. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CÜUNT7 IO ofWahttnai,s. At a sesnion of tke prohat. Conrt lor the Oounty of Wnshtenaw .hoicen attht Probmte Officf in the City of Ann Arbor oc Tuesday, the lOlh day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety six. Present. J. Willard Unbbilt, Jud(reof Probitf In the matter of the estáte of Thomas Stewart, deeeased. Ou readine andflliDgthe petition, duly verifled of Samuel Stewart, prayiug tlint admini!tration of said estftto may he granted to liitasell, or some other suitable person. Thertupon it is orderwj, that KfoLday, th llth day of May next, at ten o'clock in the foranoon, be asöiirued for the liearintr of aaid petition, and that the hfirs at law of said deceased, and &11 other perooue mterosted in -ta;d estáte, are required tu appe&r at & sessiou of ï3 court thn to be holdtu at the Probate otice in the city of A-ian Arbor, and shnw cause, ií any there be, why toe prayer of the petitioner should Dot be granted: And ititfurtbei orderwl that Bftid petitioner give uotice to the pei sons intert-sted iu aid ette of tbe pondency cl aaid petition, and the hearing thereof, by causiüg acopy of thia order to be puhlishad iri the Ann Akbor Argos, a newspaper printed aad circulated in said county, three succesaive week? previous to said day of hearing . J. WII.LARD BABBITT, LA true copy.] Judg of Probat Wm. U. Doty, Probate Register Estáte of Elizabeth Ann McDonald. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY oJ VBhtenaw,8i. At a ?ttiun of the Probate Court for the County of Waihtenaw, kolden at tke Probate Office in the city f Ana Arbor, o Thu'sday, the ñth day f March, in tke year oue thousand eight hundred a&d binety-six. Present, J . Willaid babbitt, Judee of Probate. Ir the mMter of th estáte ( Elizabeth Ana McDonald, deceasd. Oq readinjr and filin the petition duly Teriöed oí Debo Axford McDonald praying that a ccrtin iustrument now on tile in this eourtii'-porting to be tho Iftt will anti testament of 'said dscraifsl may be admitted to probate and that admÍDistration ofsaid estáte may bgranted (o herlf an4 Johm N. Browulte tbe executors ia said will named or to someother tuitable person. Tbereupoa it ia ordar4, that llouday.tke ?Otk day of March, ins+ant, at tes o'elock ut tko forïoon be msigned for tbe hearing of said petition, and that tbt drviieM, legatets aad hei at Uw of said deceased. and all otber persoui interested ia laid itate ar required to appear at a session of tui-3 conrt, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city oí Ann Arbor, in said county, nd how cause, il any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be graned. And it U further ordered.that said pel i t ion er give notice to the persons ioterebted in said bstate of the pendency of said petition and the hearing there-'-f, by a cop of tilín ordertobe published in the Ann Afbob Akgus a newspaper printed and -ireulated in said county, three succeBsive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, [A truecopy.] Jndgeof Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register Notice to Creclltors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw , ee. Notice ís hereby ffxtin, that by an order of the Probate Court for tbe Countv of Waehtenaw. made on the Í5H1 dfly of Februarv A. D. 1896, six months trom that date were allowed for creditoïs to present their claims against the estute of Jacob Kern, lateof aaid countveceaiíedjand Lhat uil creditor ofsaid deceased aie required to present their flaima to said Probate Court, at ihe Probate Ottice in the tity of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or bt;f(ire tlie twerity-ftfth day of August next, and that eueh claiin wil! be henrd before said court, on the twenly-tifth day of May, and on the twenty-tiflhday of August uext, at ten o'clock in Uiti forenuoo of each ofsaid day. Dattd. Ann Arbor, Febrnary 25, A. D. !896. J. WILLAHD IJABBITT, Judffeof Probate.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News