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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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I DISEASED ÜEN OJRED , ÍS TUnilCAHinpoí yoong men, nucidle aged men and oíd men can look bao aít - nUuüSrj.'O theirboyhooddays or eorly manhond with a siph of remerse. Bs 2 The ignorance of early youth, or Ínter on a misepent life as "one of the boys" has sown S theseedsforfntuiesuffering. SELF ABUSE is a terrible sin agninst nature and t will bring a rich harvesi Blooa and Private Di euses nap the very lil.e and vitahty I M of iho victim. üur NEW I1ETHOD TREA'l MENT will positively core all the follöwU Q ingdiseases: Mi VARICOCELE, EMISSSOMS, NERVOUS DEBiUTY, SYPHILIS, STRICTURE, GlEET, SEMINAL WEAK K NESS, PIMPLES, LO TMANHOOD, UNNATURAL K & DISCHARGES, KIDIMEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. & KU A DE Vfi II 0 NERVOUS and despondent; weakordebilitated; tiredmorn'ngS; no S fillL IUU í ambition - lifeless; memory poor; easily fatigued; excitable md irrim f table: eyes sunken, red and blarred; pimples on face; dream6 and night losses; restn U leBs; haggard looking; weak back, bone pains; hair loóse; nlcers; sore throat; vaneot IB cele: depositin urine and drains at. stool; difitruetful; wart of confidence; lack of ja IH energy and streneth-WE CAN CURE YOL) OR ASK NO PAY. S CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY-CONFIDENTíAL i K SNATCHED FROl THE GRAVE. &Tiaj&3&2! K i doctors and nerve tonics by the Bcore without benefit; emigsions and urainamcreased. i E I bei'ame a nervons wreek. A friend who had beon cured by Drs. Kennedy & Kergan CK g of a similar disease, advised me to try them. I did so andintwomonths-wasposiiiye t ly cured. This waa eight years ago. 1 am now married and have two healthy ciuldfi m ren."- C. W. LBWIS, üaginaw, g URDIOnnCI C PliDCn "Varicocele made life miserable. I was weak and s% I lAnluUÜCLC üUnCUi nervous, eyes sunken, baihtul in society, hair thin, ff En no ambition. The 'Golden Monitor' opened my eyes. The New Metr.od Treatment of f% S% Drs. Kennedy and Kergan cured me in a few weeks.- I. L. PETfiKSON, loma, fe EMICOinUO PIIDSm J. EMKBSON relates hi experience. "I lived on f? ö tlfSloölUriO UUntUi afarm. AtschooH learned an early habit. which 9 ■ weakened me physically. eeiually and mentally. Family doctors aaid 1 wr.s going fs into 'decline' (consumption.) 'iually 'The Golden Monitor,' edited hy Drs. Kc-auedy mr IK & Kergan, feil iuto my hands. 1 learned the TRÜTH and the CAUSE. Selff-abnso lï had sapped my Titality. 1 took the New Method Treatmeut and was eurea. Hy VBf friends think I was cured oí conscimption. I have sent them inany patiënte, all of E? IJ whom were cured. Their New Method Treatment suppliea vigor-, vitahty and HS manhood." tusa OVDUIIIC PI!3Cfi "This terrible blood disease was in my system for eight gj Oü uirnlLI'J UUilCU' years. Had takt nmercury for twiyear6i bot the disease m i returned. Eyes red, pimples and blotches on the skin, ul-ere in the month aud on Eï Dtoneue bone pains, falling out of hair, weakness, etc. My brother, wbo had betn 1 cnred of Gleet and Stricture by Drs. Kennedy and Kergan, recommendeil them. ■ RThey cared me in a Eew woeks, and 1 thank God 1 consuited them. No return of the O d.sease in six yers."- W. P. M., Jackson. lï 5 17 YEAHS ÍN DKTROIT, 200,000 CURfcD. NO RISK. , nrnrD1 Areyoa a victim.' Have you lost hope? Are yon contemplating b [e lltrUEl.l. marriage? Bas your biood Iseen diseased? Have you any weakness? j I" Our New Method Treatment will cure yon. What it has done for others it will do for mt vou CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated yon. write for an honest I opinión Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE.- "The lioldeo Monitor" ., Eli (illustrated), on Diseases ol Men.lnclose poPtage, 2 cents, öealed. H Ili l S-NO NAMES USEO WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PR12 S VATË Nomodif inesent C O. D. No ñames on boxes orenvel"" IH opes Fverytnlng confidential. Question list and cost of W% Hl Treatment FREE. g S nno vrMUrnVff EfCDPlU No.l48SHELBYST. R 9 DRSiKENNEDfaKtRuANi detroit,-mich. faePCfS_ gtaSÏ S&,$$%LllL&Lm iMUiSSCW


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