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"The Faat Mail" will be presented April 4th. The Forty Club will dance at Granger's tonight. Wm. llenson, of Manchester, gets an inorease oí pension. Spring vacation in university and high school begns two weeks from tonight. Jimmie Blifcheman was bound over to the citrcuit court by Justice Pond Saturday. Rev. Fr. Fleming, of Dexter, occupied Rev. Fr. Kelly's pulpit Sunday evening. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fletcher, of 73 W. Third street, died Friday night. The question now before the house is: "Did Pingy make anything by coming to Ann Arbor?" The 20th annual convention of the Second district W. G. T. U. will be held at the Baptist ohurh,. April 14-16. Henry Humphrey, of Lansing, has been appointed reoeiver for Michigan for the G-ranite State Provident Association. Miss Lillie R. Bell died "Wednesday evening a her home, 17 N. State street, of oonsumption, age 23 years. The remains were taken to Ypsilanti for burial. Cornell university gets the $1,500 lathe offered by Lodge, Davis & Co. , of Cincinnati, for the engineering school receiving the most votes for popularity. Cornell received 87,000 votes, Michiean 47.000. The Michigan Central will sell round trip tickets to Saginaw at the time of the G. A. R. state encainpment for one and one-third fare. Tickets will be on sale Maroh 81, April 1 and 2, good to return April 8. A dispatch from Chicago states that Alberfc Dykeman Rich, for four years a student in the university, and the son of a well-known Chicago attorney, fell from a mast while off the coast of Brazil recently and was instantly killed. Don't forget to read carefully the half page advertisement on our last page. The Ann Arbor Organ corupany always has something to say in their adverdsements and they have a more than usually interesting announcement this week. Tuesday evening the Misses Burke entertained a large company at the family residence on North División street in honor of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Burke, who were recently married and who that day returned from their bridal trip. A musioale was rendered, after wuich dancing was indulged in and a general happy evening spent by all present. Catherine Germaine, who appeared here recently with "The Penoing Master," had some words with her manager at Lansing Wednesday evening and the muscular opera singer strook the tn.inager in the face. Then she said she would not go on with the opera and it was late in the evening before she could be induced to alter her deoision. Burglars Saturday night broke into the rear door of Eberbach's hardware store. The money drawer, which was open, was relieved of 72 cents and a revolver was taken. Ernest Ely was arrested on suspicion. Ely got into a dispute in a saloon and drew a revolver. It was thought the weapon was the one stolen and Ely was locked up. The Dexter Leader announces that the slogan cry of freedom has been sonitded in the village, and that on the ticket with McKinley and Pingree the name of a Dexter man for county office will be read. The Leader very disoreetly keeps mum a8 to who he is but says it is a olear case of the office seeking the man. Can it be that Bro. Thompson has designs? Mrs. A. M. Traver died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Barr, oi Saline, Wednesday morning, aged 84 years. Mrs. Traver formerly resided on the north side btit recently made her home with her son, Alvah H. Traver, of Jackson, with Mrs. Bafr and with another daughter, Mrs. Julia M. Orr. of Grand Rapids. The funeral services are to be held this morning in Salin village and the remains will be brought here to be interred by the side of hei husband in the Fifth ward cemetery An oíd fashioned "Deestrick and Singing SUule" wlil be givea in High School Hall Friday evening, April 3rd at 7 :45. Thia is given under the management of the Epworth League and they have secured the services of Prof. Leviticus Disraeli Wines as teacher. Many of our prominent business men will take part, which fact alone insures a good time and an evening well spent. The admission will be the small sum of one dime, and, if you want a reserved seat, it will be ten oents extra. Tickets and seats may be secured at Calkins' or Goodyear"1 s Pharmacy. When it was anounoed about a month ago that the nniversity had been left an endowment by Dr. Annie E. P. Marsh, of Greeley, Colo. , there were some who thought that the story sounded a little fishy. President Angell, however, has received a copy of the last will and testament of Mrs. Marsh and in it is the best substantiation the story oould have had. Aooording te it the sum of f 10,000 islefj the university with the provisión that Mr. Marsh shall have the use of the 'J-reeley res idenoe during his lifetime and that tht fund shall be known as the "Dr. Anni Eastman scholarship," Eastman beinj Mrs. Marsh's naaiden name and the on by whioh she was well known here Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leonard, a 11-lb. daughter. Frateruity Lodge No. 262, F. and A. M., will work the tliird degree tonightj Born to Mr. ánd Mrs. W. F. Lodholz, of the north side, a son, Saturday. James Hawks and Archie E. Hawks were admitfed to citizauship in opeu court this week. The date of the Thomas' Concert bas been changed from April 6th to Tuesday, April 7th. Fifty candidates wero initiated into the Ann Arbor Lodge, No. 27, A. O. U. W., last night. The board of works held a meeting Wednesday evening and elected John R. Miner president. "At Fort Bliss," a play dealing with the war, wil! be presented at the opera house Monday afternoon and evening. The heirs of the late Mrs. Chas. Gros8maa this week received a oheck for $1,000, that being the suni Mrs. Grossman was insuré"d in the United Friends. The Courier office has had a long distance telephone put in and the Times thinks this is perhaps evidenoe that the hèadquarters of the Republican maohine for Washtenaw is at that office. Rev. J. J. Lewis will lecture npon "The Passion Play at Oberainmergau" at nniversity ball Saturday evening, April 4. The proceeds will be for the bnefit of the woman's gymnasium. Admission 25 cents. I It ia stated that the seventh ward republicaus will nomínate H. P. Danforth for alderman. Aid. ButtetfleJd, it is said, desires Supervisor Soott's shoes, provided thac gentleman does not desire longer to wear them. "The New Methodism and Old Fashioned Methodism, which is the better" will be discussed by Dr. Cobern in the Methoaist church next Sunday morning. In the evening he will give his celebrated lecture on " Tohn Wesley the Methodist Apostle. " There are several notable attractions to appear at the opera house before the close of the season. Notable among them are Louis James, April 16; Sul Smith Russell, April 20; "A Trip to China Towü, " Apiil 23; Alexander Salvini, May 14. Every town has him yet be does not seem to have discovered himself. He is the man who brings the editor a oolumn roasfc on some one who goes out of town to bny goods, written on stationary which he took great pains to go abroad to get. - Couríer. At the meeting of the board of regeuts last Satarday, Col. Dean preseutèd a resolution to the end that no university"sopplies be pnrohased of the firm of Dean--& Co. The state law makes provisión that a state offioial shall not use his official positiou to further private interests. WashtenaW Lodge No. 9, I. O. O. ï will celébrate the fifty-first anoiversary of its installatioQ thiseveuing witb suitable exetoises and a banquet. A good program bas been prepared and all Odd Fellows and their frieuds are expeoted to be present. Admission will be by tickets, which eau be seoured from ïaembers of the order. A drawing for a Chas. Knight edition of Shakespeare took plaoe Wednesday evening. Tbe owner of the set was Robert Shannon, a printer who has been ill all winter. The holders of tickets in the raffle reprtisenied chiefly the newspaper offices. One huüdiec tickets were sold at $1 apiece. Chas Meyers, foreman of the Register, hele the lucky iiumber. The exhibition given by school dis trict No. 10, Lodi, was a grand succes and was well attended. The way in which the children spoke was credit to themselves and showed the carefu training they received from tbei teacher, Miss Sophia East. The music whioh was furnished by Messrs Clough and Berkley, was very fine. The peopl were veiy much pleased to see th school oommissioner, W. W.Wedemeyer, there, and he gave them a very interesting speech on the value of such en' tertainments. '' An amusing lictle political comedy ■ is playing in Detroit every dar now, and it will probably be "ou view," as the theatrical critica put it, nntil the republican gnbematorial convention. This comedy has only two characters for its presentation, the Free Press and James Everything Soripps. The result of their antics is very fnnny and all the inore funny, on account of the apparent seriousness of those in the comedy roles. Ma?or Pingree is the theme upon which all the situations turn, and in the dealing with his caudidacy weflndthe great trasnformation soene whieh canses all the merrmient, for the good Free Press bas taken to booming the mayor, and the Tribune, snpposedly republioan, is as bitter against him as the Free Press is favorable to him. The corresponden ts of the two papers have fallen into line with their respective papers' polioy and the result is that wherever Pingree goes he is roasted by the Tnbuue and flattered by the Free Press. If Pingree is nominated the Tribune will have to offer a reward for a hole email enough for it to crawl into The truthful, startling litle of a book about No-io bae. the ouly harml ss, guaranteea tobacco habit cure. If you want to quit and -an't use "No-to-bac." Braces up nicotimzed nérvea, elimínate nicotine poisons, makes weak men galn etrength, weight and vigor Positiye cure or mouey refundea. Sola oy H. J. Brown, druggist. Book at druirglst, or malled free. Addrese The Sterll g Eemedy Co., Chloatro office 46 ttandolph 8t. New York 10 Spruce St.