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U. Of M. Students In "julius Caesar.'

U. Of M. Students In "julius Caesar.' image
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The presentation of "Julius Caesar" at the grand opera honse last Monday evening by the U. of M. students of elocution and oratory rrnder the direction of Prof. T. C. Trueblood, was a marked success for all who took any part in its prodcOjion. Sonie cmdities of a minor nature snch as are invarably apparent in the first performance of a pieoe by amateurs, were nnticeable, but on the whole it was a very meritorions performance. The audience was a oold.unsympatbetic one until the scène in the scoond act between Portia and Brntns, which was a fine piece of work. Then the audience "enthnsed" and the applanse was loud and oontinued, Miss Zera Thompson as Portia and J. H. Mays as Brntus being called before the onrtain and again applauded after it had been lowered. W. C Huil as Mare Antony, was easily the star of tbe eveniDg, the scène in the seuate where Autony denounces the mnrderers of Julius Caesar, and in the forum in the oration to the mob over the dead body of the Caesar, giving him ampie scope to display his oratorioal abilities. J. H. Mays as the noble Brutus and Frank P. Sadler as the wily, orafty uonspirator, Caius Cassius, J. H Quarles as Julins Caesar, F. X. Carmody as Casca and Miss Almeiine Orsboine as Calphurnia, showed mnoh dramatic ability. The Roman rabble was in good hands when it feil into those of the stndPnts who presented it, and' with O. H. Olsen and A. H. Hans as first and second citizens, made a great hit and mnch merriment. Half of tbe $200 that was cleared by the performance will go to aid in erecting the woman's building.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News